I hope you get it Sup Forums, if you pirate it, it's ok but these games really deserve your money.

Attached: ni-no-kuni-ii-gold.jpg (1280x545, 366K)

Yup, I'm getting it.

Amazing? No. The best game released this month? Yes.

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I was interested until I found out that it’s unbelieveably brain dead easy and there isn’t even a hard mode

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Same, hope there's some PC mods to make it harder in the future.

Words that strike fear into the hearts of mortal men:

>too easy for game journalists

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God fucking no please. This game becomes absolutely unplayable after the half way point and the combat is outright broken late game.

>That fucking DOUJIN that came out today

>That part when he wears a princess dress

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You must not be lying to me, you motherfucker.

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I will wait to play it and judge it

Level 5 hasn't made a good game since Dragon Quest 8.

Pirating until they add a hard mode.

I got it for free during the Bamco stream

>That spoiler
Jesus that's not good

why port this to PC when the first one isn't

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>Let's see if 3 cocks can fit inside you!!!
>N-no! You'll break meeeeeeeeeee!!

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It's a running meme to refer to an imaginary hentai scene that revolves around this game. The reality is we'd probably see yaoi doujin that is comprised of poorly drawn sketches.

Could you please be a gay pedophile in a different thread?

Ni No Kuni one was filled with artificial difficulty. It's just scaling damage and defense.

Can I skip the first game and just play this?


Just emulate it nerd

Sure, the first games entire plot revolves around hopelessness and disappointment.

At this point it's worrisome if it's even playable by them.

Atelier Sophie was great due to the ease of gameplay. It just means you can get more done.

>The part where Roland annihilates his poor little boypussy.

So tell me why I should be interested in this game when the only selling point of this series is Ghibli and they're not involved anymore?

I fucking love JRPGs but for some reason this game looks so unappealing to me. The fact that is braindead easy doesn't help.

Ghibli's involvement was an absolute meme. The graphics were ugly and there wasn't anything spectacular about the first game.

>the platinum can be gotten real easy

Day One purchase for me then.

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>why port this to PC when the first one isn't
Similar situation to Nier, the second game is almost completely unrelated and playing the first game is not required for the story. Also because porting PS3 games is a nightmare.

Dat OST will be amazing


>make a little girl
>call it a boy
well that's a shame

is this better than ffxv, I'm too lazy to play both

I'm definitely getting it but sadly it likely won't be until the summer. Hopefully it sells well until then, I do feel a bit of guilt since I want to support a project like this, with so much passion behind it.

They say the same thing about every Kirby game and I have fun with those. I have a feeling there will be some postgame shit anyways if you want a tough super boss or something. I really doubt journalists have cleared it completely.

Like, look at this asshole. How do you know about the game being unplayable at the halfway point?

>I really doubt journalists have cleared it completely.
If the game is more than 20 hours in general most reviewers don't finish it.

There is no way that cute blondie is a boy. That has to be a reverse trap.

it's 30

Both are great games

gonna pirate since I did not like the first one if the combat and story have not improved I will not spend money on this title

Looks like a white Loran Cehack

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A shame really user, I hope you eventually buy it


why is it a numbered sequel then? it triggers my OCD.

>>these games really deserve your money.

>Want to support developers what make quality games

>Can barely support myself


Attached: feh.png (299x161, 5K)

Preordered it since 2016, honestly forgot I did until Amazon reminded me

Can i get this if i didnt play 1

How do you waste money you need on a gachashit game

>positive numbers
You're alright nigga.

Yeah you can. What in the world would stop you?

will I miss any important plot points

first game sucked, quit viraling this pretty looking bullshit. it should be a movie instead

Practically the only important similarity is that they both involve a person from the real world getting transported into the fantasy world. Isekai style.

Seems we have very different definitions of amazing looks because that is generic as fuck

no you MUST play 1 and suffer

>Thought this was going to be a 7/10 poor man's pokemonz
>it's a 9/10 ARPG with city building

Did a 180 tbqhwy Sup Forumsampais

Final Fantasy
Shin Megami Tensei
Dragon Quest 4 through 11

Do I need to have played the 1st game? Or are they kind of unrelated.


how much is it going to be exactly

What the fuck? Is this a real trailer? That was awful. It looks like some kind of engine demo except it's not impressive at all.

Also I'll only get this game if the twist is that Evan's a girl.

There's a 2 in the title for a reason.

Do I need to play the first game?


aight worth it then

he is not even human or real .

fuck off.

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I really do need to see his butt get ravaged. Like, really, really need it.

>see trailer thinking blonde girl is cute
>find out it's a boy

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those environments look very sterile.

It was really hard but I managed to buy it this month.

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>40 GBs
Is the physical PC version an actual installation disc or just a code?

Should I play the first one?

>PS3 tier graffix

Cancelling my pre-order

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Sure. It ain't perfect, but it's a good comfy time

Graphics look great. It's nice to see something that isn't full realism for a change although the trees look optimized for PS2.