Buy a PS4 Pro

>buy a PS4 Pro
>it still fucking runs at like 25 fps
I can't take it anymore.

Attached: file.png (750x375, 471K)

Nah it runs at 30 but it has framepacing issues.

It dips hard in boss fights and certain areas.

Just wait for Playstation 5 Remaster.

>buy a PS4 Pro

yeah but it only dips for a second.



fucking this

Attached: tfw the movie is actually funny.jpg (250x234, 10K)

This game wasn't designed with the Pro in mind and stopped getting updates before the Pro came out. Dark Souls III did get a patch that makes it run at an unlocked higher framerate but that's arguably worse than locked 30 fps. Dark Souls II SotFS on PS4 however runs at a pretty consistent 60 fps with slight drops on regular PS4.

>buying consoles at all

>"Just wait to buy the $100 standard remaster edition which unlocks the ability to preorder Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the Second Flame for $60+tip"

>Dark Souls II SotFS on PS4 however runs at a pretty consistent 60 fps
I should hope so, it's a last-gen game.

>buying a ps4 at all
Your games just get ported to pc where they run at 60 fps 1080p

Bloodborne will never be on PC.

Guess i will just play one of the 3 souls games instead. Its not worth the purchase. Monsnter hunter would make it worth it but its shitty port is on the way and i will just get thar

Turn on boost mode you fucking amateur

>Nah it runs at 30 but it has framepacing issues.
Then it doesn't run at 30.

Sadly, I can see Sony doing this. It makes me question if the PS5 will have bc at all.

It only increases the load times by about a second. I really thought that it would get some sort of update.

then kill yourself faggot. no one cares.

>my friend buys a PS4 Pro to play MHW better
>the graphics look a bit better and load times are shorter, but performance otherwise is even worse.
Dodged a bullet cause I was thinking of getting one eventually.

Attached: 1414310076209.jpg (600x400, 46K)

Why does this make you so mad? You seem to care.

>That feel when MHW discussions died really quick after the game released.
It was meh, wasn't it?

Where have you been? There are a thousand MHW threads on Sup Forums every day.

>Where have you been?
Apparently being blind as fuck then.

nah m8, don't get that far