Also, at the end of the event "I'd like to launch a new IP again, but I have not done it yet...
>Also, at the end of the event "I'd like to launch a new IP again, but I have not done it yet .... I'd like to realize remastering of " killer 7 "in the near future . Because I support you, "I promised visitors.
He is listening

Attached: ps2_killer_7-110214.jpg (640x905, 80K)

Well he remastered silver case so it's not too crazy to expect killer 7

RIght now 25th Ward is the only thing I'm looking forward going back to from my day job. I absolutely love that universe

>tfw you fell for the suda meme and wasted hours of your life reading the trash that is the kill the past series

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I legitimately feel bad for people who enjoy this garbage. It's insane that anyone can think it's good.

I really really want to play Killer 7 on anything other than an emulator

is it that bad? I'm playing through it right now

yes but everybody willl tell you it is actually good

what's so bad about it?

>nonsensical stories that don't even attempt to have cohesive themes or logic behind them while also failing to have any symbolic meaning whatsoever
>shitty characters that have one quirk apiece and repeat it ad nauseam
>horrible and/or unneeded gameplay

the art and music are acceptable enough but everything involving the writing in this series is a bad joke

>all the characters are pretty much the same
>overuse of swear words and threats to kill ruin the atmosphere they are going for
>absolutely retarded flow of conversation between characters
>plot is the fun kind of retarded but it either doesn't get explained or gets explained in such a convoluted and out of order way it's impossible to understand
>99% of the series feels like it was being made up while it was being written

it's not awful
but it's definitely Suda's weakest work

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>t. brainlets who need things spoonfed to them

I can understand Silver Case and FSR being a bit confusing but 25th Ward is easy as fuck to get

explain why Shiroyabu suddenly became Hitman, how he became an obvserver and why the fuck he was never brought back again

The only thing I need spoonfed to me is some fucking lidocaine so my throat stops hurting from the sheer amount of derisive laughter that Suda's shitty writing evokes.

You absolute fucking retard, thinking there's a single redeemable thing about his trash stories. It's not about there being a lack of understanding, it's about recognizing that something is shit.

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After killing the NotKiller7 his Kamui gets awakened, Death-filing is talked about in one of the Placebo chapters beforehand. He becomes an observer because Kumijikawa(?) was one and he absorbs him into his conscious, ala Emir.

heres your (You) now stop being so angry

I guess I got it then, but the entirety of the series feels like nothing importaint is happening at all
It just feels like events keep happening without them fitting into a big picture
The fact that the characters are so poorly written makes me feel even less connected, and in the end things like the 25th ward getting destroyed only make me react with a "oh okay"

Honestly, that's mostly just the Correctness chapter you're complaining about. Tsuki and Osato, fuck even the rest of the RA Bureau were pretty well-written, as was Tokio. Problem with Kill the Past is that its TOO big picture and you won't get jack shit unless you consider the whole thing as one story, including Moonlight Syndrome. You also probably didn't care that the 25th Ward blew up because everyone who lived in it was an asshole, which was the point.

>Tsuki and Osato, fuck even the rest of the RA Bureau were pretty well-written, as was Tokio

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Not only would I love a remaster but I'd like if Suda made another game in the same vein as Killer 7. I don't like how he has been pigeon holed into a Japanese Tarantino with so wacky comedy violence ever since No More Heroes. I really like No More Heroes, but I also think it's the last good game his studio has put out. I hope Suda 51 isn't a one hit wonder because I hope he still has more.

I mean, they were consistent and engaging. What else do you want them to do?

killer7 and nmh are about the same in popularity, and they're both still pretty niche, best thing about suda is that he does what he wants without really caring about what sells

>Tsuki and Osato, fuck even the rest of the RA Bureau were pretty well-written
They were good enough, but the rest of the series was full of characters that were not engaging, and when the writing doesn't make the events themselves engaging then what is the point?

Thats up to taste i guess, I enjoy the ambiguity of events with the vague pay offs because then after i finish i can still keep trying to figure out the mystery after, effectively giving a VN replay value outside of branching paths, specially if you do get immersed in the world and realize its supposed to be a deconstruction (excuse the buzzword) of reality itself.

Attached: suda51's creative writing process in action.gif (240x160, 1.75M)

a correction, his Kamui didnt awaken because he wasnt a shelter kid, he just got infected with criminal power by the other hitmen