They actually are like this in the games or this is just a meme?
They actually are like this in the games or this is just a meme?
Yeah pretty much.
Just keep in mind there isn't much interaction with most of them.
Most of them have less than half a dozen lines of dialogue, so no, not really.
Stop posting non-canon Link
most zeldas have very little characterization. minish cap, spirit tracks, wind waker, botw, and ss are the only exceptions I can think of.
What little dialogue they have in the rest of the games is pretty much just plot exposition.
>dialog bubbles don't just say HEH HAH HYAAAH
Why is Skyward Sword best
why a link to the past got blonde hair but her sprite has orange hair tho
TP Zelda is best Zelda.
Half meme, half game.
Why is Spirit Tracks Zelda a pervert?
>Zelda demands heroic seed
TP Zelda is a lot of things, "Vile" is not one of them.
Have this picture because fuck you, that's why.
>no way fag
>that pic
'Bout time they made Zelda look like a *real* woman.
Just kidding. Best princess reporting in.
Artist? There's porn of it?
I'm being serious. It's fucking white fat chicks with a million buck by daddy who make this shit, and I'm really fucking tired of seeing this, it's so fucking insolent.
It's a mockery of brown people around the world.
I don't think Zelda has an actual characterization on any of the games
Wind Waker/Toon games give her a lot of personality and botw gives her some
you know how sometimes you rush really hard and put in a lot of effort to make something funny? this isn't one of those times.
does anyone have the taco one?
why is this meme always made by non-native english speakers
obviously you're just not minoritying properly, uncle tom
>huge noses
>blocky heads
>fat lips
>slant eyes
>dark unidentifiable mixed race skin
tumblr needs to stop this
>no vitiligo
non-inclusive shitlord
Why are his nails blue
hehe she has a dick
because when the m/c is unconfirmed sexuality, dykes on tumblr say theyre gay
when theyre canonically gay, dykes on tumblr say theyre fat and trans
when theyre canonically straight, dykes on tumblr say theyre bi/trans/gay
It's a meme, that's a corruption of a meme. This was the original image, itself a meme of "character responds in different ways to being told "I love you"". The artist is a fan of every single Zelda, so he instead of using one character, used a different Zelda for each type of response that he felt suited them best. He also has an admitted bias to Skyward Sword (at the time of the image being made, anyway).
Later, people would mistranslate the colored boxes (which state what type of response the girl was giving) with the source game they were from, and without knowing the original meme just took this at face value with "haha WW is a tsundere, TP is a ICE BITCH" etc. And then the millions of unfunny permutations, bad jokes, and awful unfitting edits (like your image) were made.
It's really quite sad.
There may be a skeleton inside you, but You're also inside the skeleton
Fucking hell dude, the combination of the take this, the image as an insult, the filename and the image itself made me laught for the first time in months, thanks
Stop hating fun
You are welcome.
Some of them are loosely based on their characters, but mostly memes
What would Breath of the Wild Zelda say?
I think it adds to the charm of that one
it's kind of irking
tounge tongue
but oh well
English is retarded anyway so who cares
a lot of people
This format works so much better with twilight princess at the end. Typically hers feels like the punchline to the whole joke so having two more after hers really deflates it.
I have an ice-cold bitch, dominatrix, but subtly loving fetish and it's ruining my life. I don't want to be with the people who want to be with me and I'm immediately attracted to people who act cold to me why am i like this?
TP Zelda is the best Zelda though.
Are these atrocious pieces of fan art done by one demon or is it a group?
Can we get the govt to declare them a terrorist group?
I do agree with that. The Futa one actually handles it well; all three of the bottom ones are golden, but otherwise the TP princess should be at the end
recite this poem by heart, then we talk
the animated series link is the best
>I don't want to be with the people who want to be with me and I'm immediately attracted to people who act cold to me
I get the feeling some people are like this.
most zeldas are just 'gentle wise princess'
the ones who are clearly more:
wind waker: sassy tomboy pirate
spirit tracks: humorously self-aware girly girl
skyward sword: girl-next-door in love
98% of them are memes and don’t really connect to any of the games. Each frame has a unique personality to a response and TP Zelda is supposed to be the punchline.
So how long until Tumblr works their magic on the Gerudo?
I could go for another game with a buddy Zelda system.
More meme than ga,e though.
Also, ST Zelda was self aware in her game. Kind of refreshing.
>already giant thicc as fuck brown women with gigantic noses
The only thing they could do is remove their constant disabling man-thirst
Or give them penises
Or give them penises
that's why i love the cel-shaded zelda games they are very Shrek-ish in how they seem to mock the usual format of the games. it helps make up for their short length. They also always try something new despite without going full Skyrim.
Reminder the ganon one exists.
this is the meme we need
Are those supposed to be Gerudo?
They're supposed to be mutts.
Actually it's Mipha and Sidon re-imagined as humans, and judging by Mipha's hijab they think muslim suits Zora as an ethnicity.
Well they could claim they are racist somehow.
I have no idea what your point is at all. What you wrote makes no sense.
Marin > literally everything else in the Zelda universe
Why is there a pegleg shiek?
One of my favourites.
How'd it feel when you saw her again?
Not me, those were all they made ever since OoT and I'm glad they're dead.
>was expecting her victory sequence in HW to be her disappearing because she's not real
Moldorm was one of the few fun bosses. It served the same purpose as Father Gascoigne in Bloodborne: to push your shit in until you learned how you should approach combat in that game.
A genuine shame that no other boss was as challenging in LTTP.
filthy eops, now im sad
Fuckin' lord Sonyfags dunno what they're missing.