PSN throttling your download speeds

>PSN throttling your download speeds

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Damn, didn't know Sarah Andersen made an anime

Hang on, i've seen this thread before

>ywn fuck Mitty
why live


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Yakuza 6 is a shit game


Found the CrapGamer zealot.
Get raped, and your entire family throats' get slashed!

Don't bully Mitty

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Did the girl in the OP die?

Does the PSN fuck itself consistently if you aren't a PS+ member? Just got mine a month ago. The wireless is worthless and hard wired it still won't sign me in because it can't connect to the PSN. Game downloads are a joke, still trying to download nhl18 and Gundam VS a month later.

>be mitty for rest of your life
>watch the arm breaking ep again
You have to pick one

It blows my mind how many people claim to have this problem

I just got done downloading 90GB over PSN earlier today and it took less than three hours.

making the same post for almost 2 years straight

she became immortal but can still feel pain

She becomes almost unkillable

>3 hours for 90 GB

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I still remain pleased as hell that the author specifically stated Nanachi's sex to be unknown/up to you. Gives the team a Girl/Boy/Narehate balance.
I still imagine Nanachi as a boy anyways for those hot MMF bisex threesomes that are actually just some sort of spore fever dream and they all have nocturnal emissions instead

It seems like there is nothing you can do if you get this problem too what a shame

Mitty had some big tittys

how old were they supposed to be again?

That's always been the meme, that people can't connect to PSN/can't get shit for download apeeds, but I've never encountered any problems with PSN and my speeds are never noticeably slower than my PC download speeds.

Maybe most Playstation owners are just internet-retarded?

So she's unkillable but in constant pain?
Because she looks to be in a lot of pain in that picture.

Are you directly connected?
Believe it or not, most people aren't directly connecting their fucking console.

>The US throttling Sony's internet speeds
>Works fine in EU
I am pretty content with my 10mbps speeds on Sonys servers.
Now they won't have to hide that they are throttling Sony's internet with net neutrality gone out the window.

what the fuck am I reading

I'll need brain bleach for this

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Most of the people having problems are on wireless. The wi-fi adapter is notoriously shitty on the PS4. Have even tested this myself on my PS4.

About thirteen

>that final sentence

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>be mitty for the rest of your life
>rest of your life

Why are mitty and bondrewd ALREADY being brought back? The whole narehate village thing could have been a super interesting storyline on it's own but now I'm just starting to lose hope in the writing of this manga

>10mbps speeds

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I like how no one on Sup Forums was dumb enough to seriously respond to this b8. It really shows how we've grown.

Oh hey its the Made In Abyss thread.

If you want games similar to Made in Abyss, check out Cave Story or Etrian Odyssey. Mega Man Legends is a bit of a stretch, but is actually similar in a few ways too.

You anime-only fags have no idea, the ride has just begun

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Etrian Odyssey barely has a story and what the fuck is up with that manga?

Its not the same Mitty and we've always known Bondrewd could go to layer 6. If you didn't see this Mitty shit coming from a place that revolves around what you value most after all the foreshadowing, you must have been speedreading.

Plus its nice to see Nanachi being stupid and putting the party at risk.

>Etrian Odyssey barely has a story
It actually does, you need to hit layer 3 (or 4 or 5 depending on the game) to trigger it.

EO1 is the most similar to MiA, while EO2 has a villain who is essentially Bondrewd.

And nothing is up with the manga, its just a good story.

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Oh fuck she didn’t actually die? Jesus Christ

She did. But way back when, she was taken on a trip to layer 6, and one of the sages wanted her so badly that he traded part of his body to create "a perfect copy", so he claims, so he could eat her forever.

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You backed it, right?

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That one is not the "real" one though.

Exactly. The real Mitty is dead. This is just some copy made out of the Village's power. And it was a copy of blob Mitty, so it likely barely can even think. It still feels pain though.

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Pledged 5000 yen.

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What are you going to have him sketch?

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> Nanachi running towards Mitty at the last second in ep 13

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>3 hours

How horrifying

What does this even mean?

>MFW those eyes

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>Nintendo wanting to charge for their online service

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>Backer #22
I'll probably request Domika in a wedding dress, because I'm sure she looked beautiful on the day she married Zipher.

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fug can't wait for next chapter this month


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Its gonna be good.

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You're too sweet user. Good choice.

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I just want the both of them to be happy together.

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>Interesting body horror anime thing
>It's kemoshota shit
I can get past the kemono but not the shota, which is a shame given the premise is interesting

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Stalker is literally the same premise of some huge death funtime zone and insane treasure hunters getting massacred by beast and anomalies to find relics.

if it makes you uncomfortable then you're getting the full, intended experience

but not for the right reasons

I've never played Stalker beyond 10 minutes but if its anything like what I've heard, I can definitely see the comparisons.

I want more games about groups of people risking their lives and sanity for treasure in a horribly threatening alien landscape.

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what the fucks her problem?

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What the fuck are you talking about, MIA? Don't be such a stupid prude about it, its important that the characters are young. Thematically, having a one way journey occurring with characters on the cusp of puberty is really quite fitting.

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FE Revelations alternate ending


Made in Abyss is really cute.

Fun fact - the artist also did work on a game called Elebits, really similar style.

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The wii game?

I don't get this meme.
Just make a Made in Abyss thread on Sup Forums.

i want to smell nanachi


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>Inside the pants: Smells totally good
MiA writer isnt even trying to hide he's a pedo anymore is he?

Did the crossdressing made who is force stripped not enough of a clue?

I watched MiB because of this shitposter op
It was fucking sad I hate you

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don't know why i put the wrong maid.

>Did the crossdressing made who is force stripped not enough of a clue?
Can we get that translated into english?

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Sorry you don't speak the language.

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Years without a good dicking.

God, I just want Ozen to give me a good dicking

it's a shame nanachi fucking dies in the manga

>it makes sense that they're kids becuase that makes it more depressing

there's nothing wrong with having kid protagonists

the problem is the kids are always nearly naked or wearing really revealing clothes that you would never see a real child wear (in before some incredibly cherry picked picture of a kid from a pageant or something.)

I'm all for dark and disturbing stories but Made in Abyss is just depression porn for pedos.

Watch the anime, read the manga. It really is worth your time. Also don't worry, it's not just loli suffering, there are many other things that are great about Made in Abyss. If you want to avoid the most of the loli guro suffering I recommend starting with the anime as it has not adapted enough of the manga to reach the worst of the suffering. Plus it has amazing music.

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How old is Nanachi?

The manga has good music?

about thirteen.

Yes that is obviously what I am trying to say. Can't you read?

Let's just say that the mangaka does a poor job of hiding that he's a pedo

>Reading the manga while listening to a playlist of the anime OST
>Forces Beyond Control anytime Bonedaddy shows up

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Few songs have made me as viscerally uncomfortable as this one

>see Capcom sale on ps store
>it's only for NA

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That description is false.

Belafu gave up most of his body for a exact COPY of Mitty, the actual one is dead.

Bondrewd only visited the village once and showed them Mitty, but he didn't give her away no matter how much Belafu offered.

yeah, Daft Punk is a great artist.

>>Reading the manga while listening to a playlist of the anime OST
Fucking top tier.

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>Comcast will give a whopping 25mbp/s download for 40$
>Verizon will give 100/100 mbps download for 40$ but FiOS isn't available where I live

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lol my dude my dog chewed my lan cable and i have been using wifi ever since, no fucking difference my guy

>I recommend starting with the anime as it has not adapted enough of the manga to reach the worst of the suffering.
I downloaded the manga after I watched it but... I don't know if I can take any more.

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Hurry up user, #1 dad is waiting for you

All of them were smiling and alive when I last left them.
I just want it to stay that way for a little longer.

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>pay $60 for services Steam gives out for free
>Steam always gives max download speeds
the absolute state of consolefags