ITT: video game puzzles that were so difficult they nearly brought you to tears.
ITT: video game puzzles that were so difficult they nearly brought you to tears
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>skyrim is so easy it tells you where everything is
>Wait a minute, that card...
That one gave me PTSD. Honestly I can't fucking do it so I just quit the game and never came back to it. Worst waste of $10 ever. Gods.
This is what happens when you listen to playtesters too much, you can tell the initial idea was to make a neat little puzzle but they kept dumbing it down after each braindead playtester got stuck but they didn't want to outright remove the puzzles, it ends up like that cartoon gag where the villain's hideout is pointed by several huge flashing arrows and no one notices anyway.
When i was a kid a God of War 2 endgame puzzle fucked me up
>be me 7 years ago
>have a shitty computer
>literally can't see any of the symbols
>have to look up a walkthrough to even understand I'm supposed to match stuff
Let's be honest, Bethesda is SHIT at puzzles. You always end up backtracking 30 times over the same spot until you realize what you need to do
I'm not surprised playtesters were running around without a fucking clue what to do.
In the last guardian there was a section where you fell down into some water and you had to command Trico to lower his tail on a little wooden platform.
I was crying not because of the difficulty, but for other reasons.
A lot of people make fun of this "puzzle", but it's literally something you do within the first 3 minutes of the game. Somebody gave the paper to you in the opening cutscene and it allows you to enter the gates of Columbia. It's a plot device, not a puzzle.
11 year old me was able to figure this out without needing help. There's an in-game journal that gives you a fairly obvious clue to rotate the claw in your inventory. Nobody should have had any difficulty with this.
It's mostly the fact that B:I was deemed as intelligent by its fans and this puzzle was an easy place for Sup Forums to poke fun at
>11 yo
While we are on the subject of God of War. Just finished it yesterday and the fucking scythe pillars in hades were so goddamn bad that I wanted to punch whoever designed them.
This is so hard.
First time I played Skyrim this quest was bugged and the animals on the door would not rotate. So I went around for an hour looking for a missed switch only to reload and the door to work again. I figured it out right after that since I had noticed the shit on the claw.
Fuck you Bethesda
The only reason I knew how to do this was because they showed the exact puzzle during the game's presentation at E3 or something
Name a a good puzzle in any TES. Go ahead Ill wait.
These stupid puzzles arent exclusive to Skyrim alone.
only reason I knew how to do this was because they showed it in the gameplay videos before release. how did they expect people to know you can examine objects in your inventory?
I actually had no idea you could look at the item in the menu. I spent an hour looking at the walls for clues before just randomly spamming combinations until it worked. I went through this for the entire game until the civil war quest line where it had two of the same answers on the lock
Go away, Ken
internet makes everything easy
I knew I could look at items but because up this point the game had been super hand holds I assumed they would have continued to have helpful arrows to tell me what to do. Seriously it’s the one quest in the game that doesn’t explicitly tell you what to do or give you arrows. It’s just random and jarring because you’re used to not thinking.
>that one where the correct images are literally right above the rotating stones
I didnt have internet and barevely understood english
This fucking game was torture and i loved it
>when the correct images to the rotating stone puzzle can't be seen from the point at which you rotate the stones
isnt this part just a cutscene?
i dont think you even have to do anything
I love rick and morty too!
I can only think of that meme dwemer cube. What else.
I can't remember a single puzzle in Morrowind though. Atronach riddles only. Those were ok.
the puzzle in morrowind is figuring out why anyone would want to play such a shitty game in the first place
Yup, that one's a head-scratcher.
I'm giving (you) this (you) because it took me a while to figure out how to examine items in the menu as well.
the chateu puzzle from Uncharted 3 was objectively hard
What game?
I actually had no clue what I was doing here. Although I was considerably younger when I played it. Seven years ago? I was like 14.
You walk up to it yourself and you have to ring the bells yourself.
I know you're being a meme loving fuck, but Stephen's Sausage Roll was legitimately ridiculous and broke my mind at time.
Its obviously set-up as a puzzle, if they wanted it to just be cutscene they should have just given Booker a key instead of patronizing the player.
use google you fag
>Snowy Valley
Wow, so hard. Asheron's Call. It's also shut down.
The symbols on the claw are visible by default without any rotating needed
Cheers user.
I was 23 and I had to look it up
It came out of nowhere as well, the first two games had no challenging puzzles.
I see. You are a stupid faggot.
Any level of interaction is more interesting than a cutscene. Even something really basic. Also, what kind of retard thinks games should have instant casual filters? It's OK for the beginning of a game to be easy.
I thought it was made fun of because colombias suppose to be some secret paradise and the key to enter is literally ringing 3 bells.
I finished the game, went through most of the dungeons that had this puzzle without knowing the claw had the answer, I brute forced every single one, it wasn't until years later someone told me about it.
Thank you for your patronage.
You are like a baby. Watch this.
I wish I didn't look up the solution, there's so much to do without the dragonborn powers.
i googled this
In Grimrock 2 there are few cypher puzzles but the hardest one are still the association ones. I was stuck at rock paper scissors for some time because my mind juat didn't make the connection.
I looked around for a minute or two, but since there are so few combinations I just decided to brute Force it instead of actually bothering to try. What's the fucking point of a puzzle if you're just gonna put the answer of the damn key anyway. Just have the claw open the door.
At least it's not a multi-floor maze.
The whole Mantras part of La-Mulana, no question.
I need a mother fucking hint. I've been sitting here for hours.
>teleport maze puzzles in a dungeon crawler
>Open console
>Click door
lol puzzles
i don;t even remember if i solved it by myself or if i looked it up
>tfw used to have so much trouble with these as a kid
>get the PS3 re-release years later
>earn 'You Got The Touch' (don't get hit while climbing the pillars) first try
I honestly don't even know how, I think I just mashed X to keep jumping up and did it in one go.
>the art of simple observation or autistic determination
h..hey guys i heard you like zelda games
so we made a zelda game with actual riddles lololol
that was one of the scariest parts in the game.
Do it in dream world. When you screen transition you regain your dash. Abuse it to go up high.
this really fucked me up.
I just brute forced this, since it wasn't made clear that you can rotate the 3D model of items in the inventory, so I didn't see it on the claw. Later I incidentally found it and solved the other doors as intended.
When I saw this I legit paused for a moment and wondered if I am missing something. Maybe there is some 2deep4me thing going on, because it can't be what it looks like. This caused me legitimate deep trauma in my optimism and love for video games.
There was the wall with an answer additional to the key you get
silent hill 3 hard mode. While technically not requiring knowledge of the plays, the shakespeare puzzle was well done.
I remember the many threads on Sup Forums about the bridge puzzle in Dragon Age: Origins, full of retards who can't grasp it and big brained niggas mocking them.
I can't even remember what the puzzle was exactly, only that it took me all of 3 minutes to complete, and that I had much fun mocking brainlets.
Wow! You must be Einstein by now?
Yngol Barrow has a good puzzle. It's one of these , but there is no second set of pillars that gives you the answer, so you actually have to figure it out on your own with environmental clues.
>he wasn't a bitter old man when skyrim came out
Haha, look at this baby and laugh!
I hate Skyrim so fucking much, and this picture is what I use to show people why.
Oh shit ok I got it. I didn't think of doing it there. Nice hint.
What are you on about? The dude who had the claw's diary said the answer is in the claw's palm or something. The game tells you to look at the item.
Hold my soy
>he assumes people aren't retarded
>2011 was 7 years ago
>yfw putting in S H I T twice
Honestly, Sup Forums loves to shit on Skyrim for this, but i distinctly remember the threads around the time Skyrim came out for the first time.
People legit had to look up a guide to figure this out.
Not difficult just a bunch of trial and error, fucking hated this shit, I didn't have a guide or internet, took me so long
The fuck is this? Vertical tetris?
No, you arrange the blocks so that they all fit together with no gaps. There is an extra layer of complexity to the puzzle because some of the pieces are rotated initially, and you must rotate them to the correct direction for them to fit using another mechanism in the same room.
Anyone who unironically says "gods" instead of God is at the front of the line on DOTR
To this day I am convinced that is the entire reason they put that puzzle in that game.
Fable was bad retroactively, but man were these games amazing back then.
I have black and white TV back than and manage beat it almost to the end
This and the one where you need to use a book as a guide were the only good and inventive puzzles in Skyrim.
I was stuck in the grave puzzle and dropped the game, then picked it up almost 2 years later, now it's one of the best games I've ever played.
This is what I did too desu
The one puzzle with the sounds, it was in the first one I think.