I like Splatoon
I like Splatoon
I want to be an Octoling
why would you want that
Are inklings lolis?
More like Splapoon.
>chromatic abberation
>not shadman
Same. Tell me what lewds of Marina to draw.
Squid Sisters best
Japs love chromatic abberation for some reason.
Pearl dominating Marina.
Where can I find good Ink/Octoling /u/ stuff?
>Pearl dominatrix
Why wouldn't you want that?
I wanna be a squid.
that sounds gay and strange
>thick squid milf
I'm conflicted
Why the two kneecaps?
So do I.
Well in that case, I hate it
Why do squids come in nigger variety?
armpit sex
Marina licking Pearl's asshole. Pearl did not know it was coming.
Don't be.
I would like to splat these toons if you catch my drift.
>suddenly. Sup Forums is full of pedophiles
What happened?
>there are people that didn't play the first game
fuck you fake faggots
You mean Octaroon
Sorry I didn't make the mistake you did of buying a Wii U. I'll be enjoying the superior sequel to Splatoon and a port of every good game on that brick.
I want to "splat" this squid milf!
>suddenly Sup Forums is full of moralfags.
Pearl is best squib
>implying splat1 wasn't a good enough reason for wii u
>implying i played anything but mk splatoon and smash
>didn't experience the shitfest that was miiverse and has to settle with twitterfaggots in his plaza
good job faggot
Higher-res from a tumblr .raw, with jpg compression removed by waifu2x.
Same as previous.
I love squid kid cunny
you're in luck
Why wasn't Marina wearing the hypno goggles like the other octolings?
>majority of thread have been adult squids / ridiculously large cow tit squids
sasuga, newfriend.
What does sausage have to do with anything?
>those cute, blushing toes
I do believe I'm coming down with a case of the vapours.
The world needs more thick, ridiculously large cow tit squids
large tits are gross
You're gross.
who doesn't? this is slowly becoming my favourite franchse
Haha look guys a newfag!
I want Marina to talk dirty to me in squid ebonics.
post more octo lolis
Marina's dressed like Tupac right?
Wouldn't that make her....a Tupactopus?
Meh, gigantic pillow tits
I absolutely love the game and I never played it. I even have a few amiibos. Reminds me of good old SEGA games for some reason. I could afford a Switch but I don't want to buy a console for one (or two because Odyssey seems great) game and all my friends are on different platforms.
I want to lewd this cat!
You son of a bitch.
>get a squid waifu
But Marina is an octopus
>tfw my commission was in the same batch as these
I honestly can;t believe they pulled that.
I really hope Smash isn't just Splatoon 1 stuff, I'd kill for a Salmon Run alt
>you and Marina will never be real together
Why live
>salmonoids are assist trophies
you monster