I like Splatoon

I like Splatoon

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I want to be an Octoling

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why would you want that

Are inklings lolis?

More like Splapoon.

>chromatic abberation
>not shadman

Same. Tell me what lewds of Marina to draw.

Attached: OffTheHook2.jpg (1029x1200, 214K)

Squid Sisters best

Japs love chromatic abberation for some reason.
Pearl dominating Marina.

Where can I find good Ink/Octoling /u/ stuff?

>Pearl dominatrix

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Why wouldn't you want that?

I wanna be a squid.

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that sounds gay and strange

>thick squid milf
I'm conflicted

Why the two kneecaps?

So do I.

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Well in that case, I hate it

Why do squids come in nigger variety?

armpit sex


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Marina licking Pearl's asshole. Pearl did not know it was coming.

Don't be.

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I would like to splat these toons if you catch my drift.

>suddenly. Sup Forums is full of pedophiles
What happened?

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>there are people that didn't play the first game
fuck you fake faggots

You mean Octaroon


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Sorry I didn't make the mistake you did of buying a Wii U. I'll be enjoying the superior sequel to Splatoon and a port of every good game on that brick.

I want to "splat" this squid milf!


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>suddenly Sup Forums is full of moralfags.

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Pearl is best squib

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>implying splat1 wasn't a good enough reason for wii u
>implying i played anything but mk splatoon and smash
>didn't experience the shitfest that was miiverse and has to settle with twitterfaggots in his plaza
good job faggot

Higher-res from a tumblr .raw, with jpg compression removed by waifu2x.

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Same as previous.

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I love squid kid cunny

you're in luck

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Why wasn't Marina wearing the hypno goggles like the other octolings?

>majority of thread have been adult squids / ridiculously large cow tit squids
sasuga, newfriend.

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What does sausage have to do with anything?

>those cute, blushing toes
I do believe I'm coming down with a case of the vapours.

The world needs more thick, ridiculously large cow tit squids

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large tits are gross

You're gross.


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who doesn't? this is slowly becoming my favourite franchse


Haha look guys a newfag!

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I want Marina to talk dirty to me in squid ebonics.

post more octo lolis

Marina's dressed like Tupac right?

Wouldn't that make her....a Tupactopus?

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Meh, gigantic pillow tits

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I absolutely love the game and I never played it. I even have a few amiibos. Reminds me of good old SEGA games for some reason. I could afford a Switch but I don't want to buy a console for one (or two because Odyssey seems great) game and all my friends are on different platforms.

I want to lewd this cat!

You son of a bitch.


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>get a squid waifu
But Marina is an octopus

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>tfw my commission was in the same batch as these

I honestly can;t believe they pulled that.

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I really hope Smash isn't just Splatoon 1 stuff, I'd kill for a Salmon Run alt

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>you and Marina will never be real together

Why live


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>salmonoids are assist trophies
you monster

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