Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a New Vegas Thread

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a New Vegas Thread

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>Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a New Vegas Thread
No... No it doesn't. KYS


>there are people that unironically join any faction except independent

Legion is BASED, independent is gay

Mouth breathing retard detected.

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>Calling something else gay

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Fucking a muscular warrior is manly, not gay

Yes muh muscular manly men with skirts, they are erotic gods

Legion is BASED

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Did you see that?!

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Skirts are just practical, I don't know who came up with pants but its a retarded idea.
You are more mobile on skirts, and your penis gets more fresh air

Yeah it does



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>tfw not one remaster for ps4

I would even take 3.

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Didn't get a response yesterday so I'll ask again. Does anyone use a mod for throwing weapons? Is skirmisher any good?

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i'll bump you Q

name ONE way the NCR is worse than any other modern day government, lolbertarian.

is this accurate?

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swap NCR and legion

What are your favorite mods of any type for new Vegas? I think I've exhausted vanilla content.

>World goes to shit in a nuclear armageddon
>People go back to the same form of government that destroyed the world to begin with
In the Fallout universe, that just seems like a bad idea. But I'm not that guy. House is the true answer because with his tech and knowledge he can get humanity off the dead rock Earth had become after the nuclear war. Also, he's Howard fucking Hughes. If I could live another man's life Hughes would be at the top of my list with Teddy Roosevelt.

>start a new game
>make my character
>walk outside Doc Mitchell's house
>become impatient and start mowing down everyone in Goodsprings

every single time. Why???

>Legion is BASED

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I'm a big fan of the uhhh, Better Headshots mod or something like that. Might not be the actual name but it's pretty self-explanatory.

I install that, play to the point I get Boone's beret, a rifle, and max rank legion infamy, then I just RP as an ex-1st Recon sniper who's gone off the survivalist deep end and squat naked (except for the beret) in the middle of the desert eating gecko steaks and shooting everything that looks at me funny. Which mostly consists of Legion assassin squads.

bug fixes and wearable legate lanius armor

Not really at all

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Mad science, I turn everyone I kill into my lobotomite minion and turn enemies into goo with my plasma cannon, its like a tesla cannon but it shoots out exploding plasma instead.

*blocks your path*

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NCR is centrist. Everything else is correct. I don't know who'd fit in the upper left. Followers of the Apocalypse sound like commies (up to quoting Hegel and talking of sharing communes) but act closer to bottom left.

Forced prison labour

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he said "worse than", not "identical to".

You have to swap NCR and Legion. And Yes Man could fill any position depending on the player.

does anyone think that the plot of new vegas might be a jacob's ladder scenario?

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Is NCR as corrupt as people like to make them look? In one quest mod the NCR are on an extermination mission murdering everyone that's infected with this disease rather than trying to find a cure or something. In another quest mod the NCR hires the most notorious villain to murder an entire town full of retired outlaws that are now trying to live an honest life just because of the resources there are to mine there and they even try to kill you after using you.

>Is NCR as corrupt as people like to make them look?
Play Fallout 2 and you'll find out. Or listen to literally anything any NCR citizen or soldier says in New Vegas
>quest mod
Not credible at all

The NCR are easy to justify corruption with, while not necessarily inherently corrupt, the NCR government has the classic issue of one hand not knowing what the other is doing, so it's very easy to say that some senator or general went rogue and is operating under official consent without upholding their core values. Though NCR does have a history of shady business. IIRC they secretly hired mercenaries to harass vault city in order to press them into joining the republic for safety.

>hired mercenaries to harass vault city
Didn't they do the same shit to Jacobstown in NV?

I'd play the first 2 but I'm a poorfag currently broke and I don't know anything about pirating. I've listened to what everyone has to say about NCR in NV and it seems like just the people with political power are corrupt while the military is incompetent unable to keep its own territory safe. I'm just saying that some people seem to like painting them as villains like the Legion but more mustache twirling evil than psycho crazy evil.

House is a Caesar-tier authoritarian, he just isn't as interested in expanding his territory as Caesar or the NCR.

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>it seems like just the people with political power are corrupt while the military is incompetent unable to keep its own territory safe
a big part of the military being incompetent is that when the politicians say jump they have to say how high, and politicians aren't exactly renowned for their strategic know-how
even if the military brass don't necessarily agree on what course of action to take, they're pretty united in the current course being the wrong one

Why don't the politicians let the military handle things themselves? They know they'll keep working in the interests of the NCR so they should let the professionals do their work. Its like as if some business man became boss of some auto shop and kept telling everyone how to fix the cars despite them doing things their way for years which has kept them in business and then starts to wonder why his business starts to fail.

The biggest problem with NCR in the Mojave is nepotism. When Kimball left the army to become Preisdent, he promoted his friend Lee Oliver into his place as General. Kimball and Oliver both want to win the Mojave and take Hoover Dam as a military victory to make a point and win all the glory.

They have the Veteran Rangers, who should be taking the fight to the Legion across the river, hunting for something in Baja. The Heavy Troopers, who could also be doing things, are in California guarding brahmin ranches. The situation in the Mojave has gotten so out of hand because General Oliver is deliberately mismanaging his troops so he can have a meatgrinder at Hoover Dam to one up Chief Hanlon.

The only thing the Senate is apparently able to do to curtail all this is limit the amount of soldiers Kimball can have, so he can't march the entire NCR Army into the Mojave as he probably wants to.

>be bigshot NCR VIP
>get to use the monorail to avoid being raped on the way to Vegas
>this is the sight that greets you when you get there

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Is this bait?

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>Why don't the politicians let the military handle things themselves?
I have to include the top brass in this since so few of them are actually anywhere near the conflict zone. some of them doubtless are thinking big picture and aren't aware of just how bad the situation on the ground is (new troops not even getting armour is one of the things that jumps out as particularly egregious)
others are probably ex-army pollies or armchair strategists who think they know better in general than those in the field, this would be exacerbated by misinformation both deliberate and accidental, and the decentralised nature of most of the legion's deployment leading to them appearing weaker on paper than they are.
this can all be seen most vividly in Kimball and Oliver, who don't seem to have any concept of how their campaign in the region is hanging by a thread, and treat an NCR victory as a foregone conclusion. shit, look at Gen. Oliver's attitude and extrapolate that to the rest of the NCR high command. if there's a mitigating influence anywhere in their government, we never see it.

>They know they'll keep working in the interests of the NCR
the fear is that the interests of the NCR may not be the interests of the political class. on a pragmatic level there's always a desire amongst statesmen to control the military as tightly as possible and keep them far from the seat of power, so they don't foment rebellion and can't be turned against them as easily. there's a Game of Thrones quote about the only power that matters being the power to kill, as those lacking that power will always be subject to those that have it, and it's not incorrect. a big part of not allowing the military self-determination is to reinforce their status as subservient to the government.

>sucker punching a man from behind
literal nigger tier

I was on board with NCR until I got to Colonel Moore. Turbo cunt thinks she can just start barking orders at me to kill a bunch of people and call her "Ma'am"...

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Why are women allowed to have position of power, especially in a post apocalyptic world? The Legion may be a bunch of savage edgelords that like to butt fuck each other but the only thing they're right about is that women are inferior to men and are only good for breeding more humans to keep our species alive.

Because it's been 200 years since the bombs and 90 years of NCR. California is back in a place where having rigid gender divisions is no longer necessary.

ED-E and Boone are the only good companions

>letting the game play itself

Its kind of like real life dude, its a cliche now that military people hate politicians for starting wars and then not letting them do what they have to to win them

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How does a mailman take down House and kicks both the NCR and Legion's asses out of the Mojave?

Play the game and find out

Imagine being a mailman in a world where giant lizards, giant wasps, snake dogs, mutants, and various raiders are all running around.

You're not exactly the fucking FedEx guy.


a whole lotta guns

nothing stops the mail

I want to use a NV clothing mod with Fallout 3. How do I convert the esm for use?

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You can skip the shooting tutorial if you talk to Sunny after she gives you the rifle. If you wanna murder everyone, then maybe consider joining the Powder Gangers - you get the option to help them fuck up the town.

>NCR taxes the shit out of everything
>Caesar's legion has no taxes but is fascist

>skip the shooting tutorial
I don't think he gets that far

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>play Sim City in peace while ripping off poor people

I'm on my first playthrough and am struggling to decide which faction to side with, but this image single-handedly has made me choose Mr. House.

Mouth breathing actually gets more air into your lungs. It technically is healthier.

>completely bypassing your body's first line of defence to airborne bacteria

i think i did that by copying the mod files from nv to 3's data folder, then edited it with fo3edit, corrected the mod's dependencies not to rely on new vegas files but fo3 instead and saved it. then in game got the clothes with console since i didn't feel like figuring out how to place the items into the world.

Do you remember how you did it with FO3edit? Or better yet is there a tutorial somewhere?

i opened that mod and fallout3.esm. it may require some of nv's files present to load, so move those temporarily to load it. once it's loaded, i expanded the mod in question, went to file header and edited master file entries not to link to any of nv's files, but instead to fallout3.esm and saved. then closed and reopened the program to commit a save and reload all, made sure new vegas files no longer load and moved them back to nv folder.

it may need a few extra edits. right click the mod name, check for errors and find any link errors. those need to be corrected, otherwise the game will crash. best way was to open the same mod in nv and check what was present in the error messages, then find comparable things (or just add whatever in case of effects) in f3 and replace the errors with those, such as the "effects" in object effect, as new vegas has more of those than 3.

it was mostly trial and error since i was completely new to that and just learned how to use it along the way.

>it may require some of nv's files present to load
Damn, I don't have NV. Would that preclude me from being able to to do it do you think?

if it can't load the dependencies, it won't load at all, so yeah it probably will stop you. at the very least you'll need falloutNV.esm to load.

Have people actually chosen to run away instead of killing Marko?

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I was afraid you were going to say something like that. When I was checking the metadata on loot it warned me that without the esm I wouldn't be able to do anything. Couldn't even finish the background loader. And obviously the only way to get that is to get the entire game. Alright, thanks anyway.

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who was in the wrong here?

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>raider gear
>raider haircut
The only reason you'd help her is because she's a woman

Does anyone ever let Glanton go AGAIN, rather than just vatsing him as soon as the room loads?

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>start HH
>kill whitelegs
>cross bridge
>follows-chalk doesn't appear
>kill cliff whiteleg
>can't progress
Good game

I just finished up HH and this story got to me

are there more of these?

he was a naive fool and she was a conniving thief. the wasteland would be better without either of them.

The bitch obviously, you can get her to admit that she's done wrong and even scare her into giving up the caps.

>Guy knows secret to immortality, space travel, robotics and AI, and has no incentive for selfishness
>Kill him and join the dudes wearing football pads and fox skin

The bitch will quite literally shoot you in the back should you mention the special caps

>not having Terrifying Presence

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