Scanning for Siege threads

Scanning for Siege threads

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Lion needs buffs

>Plant bomb
>Step into objective
>Activate tracking

anyone else flashbang their teammates at the start of attacking rounds? shit is fun

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Like all old skool pre-source CS matches ?

I sure love people spending half of the round in drones or trying to push from the same side only to rush in at the last 10 seconds

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here's an edited one user

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>start a thread about a specific video game
>spoiler the title
Why does this happen so often? Is it just one person?

The memes and spoilers filter the normies, shitposters, and faggots.

Sum up your favorite op in ten words or less and let others guess the name.

You can tell if there is traps always

When did you start playing?
When did you stop playing?

>hostage is KIA

Man, fuck drones.

Daily pandemic reminder to use balcony shortcut (window to the left right after you exit checkpoint) when you are escorting that doctor. Right after that jammin door part. Then rush right up the stairs to another balcony and hold ground there.



People still do it in CSGO to this day user.

*carries ur team*

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you didnt post tachanka though

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>trying to play some casuals with a friend
>third game in a row a three man stack attempts a vote to kick in the beginning of a match then TKs you when it doesn't work
They all deserve to be gassed.

This actually looks alright for shadman standards

Help me out senpai

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almost like the report button and votekick functionality just induces way more toxicity than there would be if they didnt exist

>Playing Pulse

>this image triggers r6 soyge spammers


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probably because you've posted it 3 times in this thread

>mad because he cant shit up the game anymore memepouting like Le NIGGERJEWFAGGOT FTW! U SUK KYS LOLOL XD

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>Make Blitz 2 speed so they can run into your knife faster

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why is vigil so fucking worthless

beanposters are so full of impotent rage

He won't be after the necessary buff against Lion.

haven't played the new ops yet, how are they turning out? On paper they look busted

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He’s just for Ela mains who are too afraid to be called out as Ela mains.
He makes fuck all sense as a Defender. Just change his kit and shuffle him over to Attack.
Speaking of; Lion makes no fucking sense as an Attacker. Just swap these two numbnuts and call it a day.

Holy shit, I haven't reported because I don't give a fuck, but you must be pretty mad to keep posting that here spouting reddit reddit reddit.

>Lion makes no fucking sense as an Attacker
>Literally makes roamers shit themselves
>No sense

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They’re both pointless, for the most part. Lion is only good against shitters, Finka has zero recoil. They’re underwhelming, to say the least.

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based redditbro! pickle rick!!!

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Turns out the wall hacks can fuck your team over since you'll only see the moving enemies and walk right into one who stayed still

I just want to have a siege thread, that's all
people are bitching about lion, but in reality I don't really think he's that good, his counter is dont fucking move, finka, however, seems OP as shit
>20 shield
>faster ADS
>faster reload
>concussion is less effective
>less recoil
actually fucking busted

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the seethe continues

rainbow six siege is essential /hillaryvotercore/

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i wanna fuck ela


it's fun to be a raging faggot
but it's 10x as fun to bait raging faggots into getting banned from a children's game
stay salty, soyboy.

>Sit in a corner for two seconds and pick off rushers who think that nobody is around the corner because there’s no wallhack
I love how Ubby has written themselves into a hole just constantly trying to counterbalance Cav when the counter is to infiltrate as a unit, or at least pairs.
Lion would at least be an original counter-rush, versus the usual trap faggotry.

>i enjoy being a passive aggressive bitch

THIS is what no father figure looks like. abolish the welfare state.

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It’s like Dokky but better. Rook fiddles about, team picks off the shitter that goes for him.

>complete area denial for 30 seconds
>third best shotgun in the game
>pocket sniper smg sidearm
>fucks over anyone huffing finka's paint
why don't you play smoke

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What elo do people actually do this?
>drone out a couple rooms
>use Lion gadget
>know you're safe and sound for entry
>save other two uses for when you're pushing and know where defenders are

See, you are mad already. You make it so easy, cuck.

>See, you are mad already. You make it so easy, cuck.

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Awww did you say nigger won two manee times wittle user?

please, mate, we just want to have a siege thread

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Nobody is forcing you to post here. Since you clearly dislike the game go fuck off to another thread.

God I wish you could plant smoke bombs and then activate them all at the same time

go back to drawing smut, campi
no seriously do it I want to see those white masks go somewhere

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>i need a safe space to discuss my reddit nugame

state of the left

Thanks famalam.

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Most more Siege pictures and who you think are the best ops

Lesion and smoke are the best defenders and you know I'm right

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Why are you so assmad you can't call people niggers and faggots anymore?

Out real was disappointing but I'm pleased with Lion and how balanced he feels. When I'm defending against him it never really makes a difference since you just don't move or dance around a jammer. Attacking with him is great if your team works together. Scanning just after a fuze charge starts to deploy or a breaching charge goes off is great.

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stop fucking giving him (you)s


Outbreak was disappointing. Fuck my keyboard.

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attacker: pic related he's just my go to when I don't know what the fuck to do

def: smoke, no questrion

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>he deleted it again


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Only if used right. Putting them at doorways is fucking stupid and they’re easier to spot than Krapkan denials.
Lacing the inside of the secure area to fuck over the rush, or sprinkling them in random places not considered chokes is fun though.
The best defender is a guy with stereophones and 3D audio.

Making a web of traps and watching the enemy slowly bleed their way into the objective is great. Combined with his smg which is a laser gun with decent damage while silenced and you can singlehandedly stop a rush.

Full Release
A few days before Chimera

It's too much, I can't take it anymore. I thought it was bad at Op Health but Blood Orchid proved me wrong. I thought it was bad at BO but White Noise proved me wrong. I thought it was bad at WN but all the information about Chimera proved me wrong.

At least I got Christmas Kapkan and Frost's Pro League Set before both of them became unavailable. Haven't played since a week before Chimera but still.

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do you spawn peek, Sup Forums?

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I'm always a stairway man with Lesion GU mines. That and hallways, no reason to do doorways becasue by that time they're already at the doorway and what the fuck was the point? GU mines are great for knowing where the enemy team is

so these are full-on Ubisoft marketing threads? "epic memes" are just dumped by PR and bots?
pretty fucking sad

No, it's boring.

No, I'm usually the one who picks a necessary anchor and holds near the obj. I let all you crazy peekers go nuts but I will make sure we win the defense.

>playing blitz
>the previous round my ash TK'd me
>just as she's about to enter a room, use my shield flash bang on her
>she goes into a room fully blind
>she dies
i fucking hate ubisoft but fuck I love this game sometimes

No, but I enjoy shootouts with peakers.

>Having a favorite
I have like three.
>Information and communication equals victory
>Nobody is getting in here unless I say so
>I ruin every defense ever
Beta, and probably wont unless they buff Glaz or Fuze again.

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>Stop having fun
>Any game I don't like is shilling
>Sup Forums isn't for talking about video games it's for 'funposting'
Pick whichever you'd like

Siege has a small-ish but dedicated community, but not so small that it doesn't leak.

The game has had an active fanbase for a good while, why is it so surprising that people are talking about but are relaxed about the manner in which they do because this isn't super serial business. Sometimes we talk about specific detailed mechanics, other times we are just shitposting for fun and making memes. We can do both, Sup Forums is more than one person and a bunch of shill bots.

does anything in this thread read like a real Sup Forums thread to you? if you've been here for longer than a couple of months, the answer is obvious.

these are scheduled template marketing threads and im replying to the marketers whose job it is to maintain them with this post.

funny how that "soyjak report toxic behavior" image was deleted 7 times with no ban or even warning of the poster. are you given thread deletion powers as part of your marketing package?

kill yourselves.

>small-ish community
Dude they were getting around 2.3 million players a day across all platforms 8 months ago

Because every time I try to use his smokes people either don't even take damage or shoot me through it.

Siege threads on Sup Forums are just what a handful of people do when they can't be bothered to post in the /vg/ thread. Fucklance Pear is even in the thread, though it's not the only example you could come up with in this, or any, Sup Forums Siege thread.

>if you've been here for longer than a couple of months, the answer is obvious.
Fuck off faget
>funny how that "soyjak report toxic behavior" image was deleted 7 times with no ban or even warning of the poster.
>He's so green he doesn't know jannies can't ban

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>does anything in this thread read like a real Sup Forums thread to you?
Yes, they pop up from time to time, normally in the the form of far more obscure shit. Try browsing threads that aren't just the same Sup Forumsbait and consolewars once in a while, you might see it.
Small here anyway.

>uh oh we've been outed
gas yourself marketer kike

It reads more like the general which is no surprise. Go look at the r6g and tell me that isn't true. I can't speak for anyone else but I'm not a fucking shill, I'm just an anonymous who enjoys the game and has fun. Which is a concept you can't seem to stand and that makes me pity you. Go play a game and enjoy yourself, go talk about a topic you like. You only live once user.

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>im not a shill i just like this awesome Ubisoft game

my sides, you have the same bots to spam conversation chains as we saw in the Guild Wars 2 general, don't you?

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Whatever man, I'm done engaging with you. I hope you find some joy in your seemingly miserable life.

there is nobody more miserable than a marketer on a failing job

Are you ban evading or are the mods really this shit at their jobs? You're obviously the same faggot who makes those "stop banning me from games!" threads intentionally shitting up an unrelated thread.