are Sup Forums going to play?
Bless Online early access starting May
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I just have one question, well two, is there world pvp? and is there a perma stealth class?
World pvp is yes. Perma stealth? Idk vut that sounds like cancer
So I can get to max level during EA, and then once they open the flood gates go back to the lowbie areas and grief all the plebeians so they never level?
Looks generic as fuck
Nah. I'm waiting for that one with isometric view. Forgot the name.
Hopefully it won't be ten safe zones per location kind of shit like in tera.
Just to clarify i'm not the op and also Bless' "early steam access" is actually the full release so there will be no wipe.
Lost ARK, you'll wait till 2020 probably, maybe more for the english release if you don't want to deal with gook runes.
just play this game while waiting
Did they fix anything from their eastern releases?
Just buy and play? Subscriptions?
this game is literally WoW but korean. very outdated combat.
>early access
Buy and play
They'll find some way to make it p2w.
b2p with microtransactions, devs promised no pay2win, but how many devs have said that before....
All of them.
For some piece of shit that failed as f2p? Fuck that noise if true.
>this image
Anyone have the "THIS CAN BE YOU" comic?
Where da gameplay at
Obviously not
Thank you
It was never f2p
New Gear Upgrading System
-Allows you to upgrade your gear up to +15
-Depending on your Upgrade Level your Items appearance changes
-Weapons and Shields can be Evolved 3 times for extra stats
New Skill System
-Skills now must be upgraded with Skill Points
-9th Skillslot has been added
-You can skill some class-depending stats
Updated Combat System
-New fighting BGM
-Combat is much faster now
-Faster skill channeling time
-Skill cooldowns have been removed or lowered
-Updated hit sound and visual effects
-You can choose 1 profession you want to “master”
-If you want to master Blacksmith for example the items have higher quality and better stats
-The crafting UI has been reworked
-You have real professions now you have to learn and level. Blacksmith for Gear, Goldsmith for accessories and runes, Alchemist for Potions and Cook for Bufffood.
-You now need recipes to learn how to craft specific items
-Recipes can be bought at a NPC or be dropped from bosses
-Gathering must be leveled as well
It's another BDO
is early access only for preorders? or is it open beta kinda early access
It looks boring
Is this the game with the lolis you can put on your arm as an emote?
Looks like a less fun Tera, and all the gold bots in what I assume was early access is a bad sign
>another korean mmo
Don't people ever learn?
>this shilling
not gonna play your shitty game. your trailer was terrible.
It's probably gonna be mediocre like every MMO, looking at the video yeah seems pretty mediocre. I'll check it out for a min but probably not much longer.
Graphics are nice though,
Korean MMOs are only ever good for the rampant sexualization of female characters and the ERP that comes with it. I refuse to believe that anyone out there could honestly think this is going to be "the next big MMO", especially when as someone already mentioned above, this game has flopped in every country it's already been released in.
Is there a loli race? This is important.
>he decides a game's worth by its trailer alone
lol fucking moron
time to start a new comfy MMO and drop it after 2-3 months
post waifus
I don’t understand why people can’t put a little panache in their magic. You see the same old boring fireball spell in every game.
yes but it's furry
>corean p2w
>low latency required combat
>servers no where near my country
miss me with that gay shit
wtf is up with your images?
They all come up super scrambled with random colors.
To people curious about the p2w element. It doesn't seem so bad or all that apparent so far. For example bless online has a pet system where pets give players buffs. The higher the quality/rarity out of 5 tiers the better the buffs but the only buffs pets give are increase xp/points kill in pvp and increase xp per kill and gold drop in pve.
Pets can be upgraded into higher tiers via breaking down other pets with a certain chance of succeeding. Your pet wont be destroyed if you fail just the pet that you sacrificed. The main reason for upgrading isnt the buffs but the skills. Pets can have a max of up to 2 skills at epic quality and its rng as to which ones they get. There are only 5 skills ingame for pets and pets cannot take part in combat. How does this match up to BDO?
There's a human skin patch for it.
>Bless os releasing before AI:R
I hate it I hate it
AI:R has tab targetting in a fantasy steam punk world. I want it...
>To people curious about the p2w element. It doesn't seem so bad or all that apparent so far
>doesn't seem so bad
Nigger they are literally giving you boosts in the game to increase money, experience, items, and rewards.
I don't understand why anyone is excited for AI:R, it looks so bad... like the content you do and the animations are so stiff, it's like I'm seeing AION with low budget mini games.
That was a proper bad trailer though
Im comparing it to other mmos and its really not that bad, certainly not the worst ive seen especially considering since you could randomly go out and tame any mob to get a skill you find good for you.
Yeah, AI:R is just alarm bells all around.
that trailer is fucking awful
Most people aren't particularly creative.
>tfw the only still half decent MMO's (not counting private servers) are WoW and FFXIV
Fuck this genre. No one wants to take risks making an MMO anymore, and Korean MMO's are all pretty much cookie cutter p2w shit.
So does bless have dungeons or like real content? Will it just be BDO 2
Korean MMOs are super fucking samey. That looks like a slower, less fantastical Tera (a 7 year old game).
It will probably be more like BDO 0.5 but with furries.
I can I play right now? Or is it not in English yet?
are you living in a cave?
I want to die
I even started playing Tera because ffxiv, pso2, bns and bdo are all terrible. I need to let go of mmos once and for all
MMOs are giant fucking gambles. They're a bad business proposition. Overhead is high, content development burden is high, genre innovation is extremely low.
Every fucking MMO is the same. Grinding shit monsters, requiring teams to clear dungeons, PvP, fantasy settings with prerequisite beast race, midget race, elves, and tits out.
if its $20 i might play it but anything more and they can fuck right off
The thing that made me drop MMOs is when I realized they do not respect your time. Most of what you do in an MMO is not mechanically interesting, so your mind just tunes out. Most of the tasks are of the worst fetch quest shit you'd find in single player games. They are designed to be timesinks first and foremost, not to be good games.
Holy shit this is sleep inducing not even 2-3 minutes in.
This is literally the first I'm hearing of it. The only MMOs I play are WoW and Guild Wars 2, besides the OP is saying that it's not even in early access on steam yet, it's not a dump question to ask if it's playable elsewhere. I'm sure I can download it right now, but I'll have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get it in English won't I?
Yup. They don't respect your time, and if they do they just aren't rewarding.
>Quit BnS
>See that they have a limited time costume on the cash shop
>I can either scrape up the gold to buy it or I just let go
Give me the quick rundown, why would someone play this over something more popular like WoW or FFXIV?
What differentiates it from other Asian grindfests like BDO?
Wow, that's almost identical to BDO.
no shit, how else are they going to milk a subscription or annoy you sufficiently to make you spend money on the microtransactions which alleviate some of the timesinkyness.
The whole goal of MMO games, and pseudo MMO games like say warframe is to turn it into a hobby that you habitiually do so you stop paying attention to how much money you throw at it.
no its not, BDO pets had one god damn purpose, and that was to pick up loot, and you needed as many as possible because you kill shit so fast that you have a lot of loot to pick up, and you cant maintain kill speed if you have to do it yourself so you need 4+ pets doing it for you at all times, and you only upgrade the pets so they pick up loot faster, the buffs they provide are minor and secondary.
Drop it. You're getting pulled back by a digital costume, something that won't improve your experience with the game.
Are races 100% cosmetic? or do they have any perks?
Kinda sucks that they lock some classes behind race tho.
I've heard that Black Desert is actually alright?
That's why I said almost identical faggot. The way you upgrade pets sounds really similar and they gave you buffs to exp gains. I hated that shit.
Ok, but that still doesn't answer my question. Bless looks practically the same as other Korean MMOs. What makes it play differently, if at all?
Is this the one with furry lion race? Will furfags bucks be enough to carry it?
it's absolute garbage, there's nothing to do but grind and get pked, afk to make mone with your client minimized, login everyday for your monthly reward, or spend your energy gathering shit like once a week on every character.
Oh also relic runs, google some videos, that's pretty much end game.
I honestly really liked the dungeons of BNS but it just has such bad optimization it pisses me off, and no one is fucking openly social. Ugh
BDO is is the size of an ocean but deep like a puddlr. It has all of these life skills, economy things to fiddle with, combat skills to tinker. All for what? Nothing but to grind for NO reward unless you're into pvp and want to have fun after 1 billion gold spent
The only reason why Tera is alive are elin players so maybe?
>Korean MMO
No thanks.
MS2 is gonna get announced in april
>looks practicall the same
Well it actually doesn't look the same, if you pay attention to the quality of the environment and models, this game has a 16m usd budget, it's one of the most expensive korean titles to flop.
The major selling point is that is new, looks pretty and has pvp, that's mostly it (there's also some coolish thing about skill progression but there isn't that much info online), if you disect ever little part of the game you'll just come back saying X game did it before or something, but whatever game you mention we probabl played it to death already or discarded it because it was too grindy/expensive/shallow, so this one will be just another failing hype train but we'll enjoy the ride since there's no other fucking mmo on the horizon worth trying.
All the other upcoming mmos are Kickstarter garbage that are struggling to stay alive and are going to release unfinished alphas as soft launch just to get more money to fund their trainwrecks. Or Korean localizations of games that already failed over there for whatever reason like this one, doesn't mean we won't try them since there isn't much shit in the genre being released anyway.
Is there Bikini armor?
If yes, will it be common or easy to come by at lower levels to max level?
I didn't answer your question because I've never played Bless, I was asking why you thought Black Desert isn't as good as WoW or FFXIV or Guild Wars, no need to answer now those because those other anons did. From the looks of Bless, everything seems to be alright except the combat. If they have a trial I'll likely give it a go, but it doesn't look like something you'd want to sink much time into. Then again, I haven't played it yet.
play Tera or ESO you plebs
why play this shit if the perfect MMO in the form of Lineage 2 Legacy exists?
>randomly scan around video
>they die
>can use cash shop bucks to instantly revive, even in boss fights.
Well, that confirms this is garbage.
So there isn't a difference but I should play Bless because it's there and it's new. Not the most compelling sales pitch to be honest.
Read my original post again. I said WoW and FF were more "popular." Not necessarily better.
This "trailer" didn't sell me the game at all. Why should I bother with it? What unique features does this game have over other MMOs of past?
Even gameplay videos tells me isn't anything remotely special.
That's what I've been asking but so far no one's given any real answer. I don't think this game even has actual shills. Just MMO addicts looking for their next fix.
Weren't they allegedly giving this game the ARR treatment? It still doesn't look promising. Whoever manages these decisions deserves everything that comes to them.
>sales pitch
We're not marketers, we're mmo players, we play what we can get.
Expecting every game to be "the next best thing" is what ruined this genre, every game just ships with a stupid gimmick that barely changes anything, has a very small amount of content, and releases before it's meant to be released with a lack of quality control.
People are just used to the "Y online" formula and bite everytime there's a bunch of kickstarter projects that can bait you with their promises if that's your thing. Pantheon, Ashes of Creation, Crowfall, Chronicles of Elyria, and a few more I can't remember.
>Lineage II Legacy
Elaborate please. I never played Lineage II in any form but heard good things about it. Is there really some official Classic style server of it, and if so when did it release?
Exactly. It looks horribly generic. With basically zero new or even remotely interesting concepts. Just really bland, boring classes and races.
>We're not marketers, we're mmo players, we play what we can get.
Wew lad. How long at the table did you guys take to come up with that zinger?
Did someone get a promotion for this one?
>boring races
the cat women are ultra boner inducing, I'd understand if that's not your thing but I don't know what you wanted, some elephant race or some slime girl with 8 arms and 12 breasts?
I'm just being honest, what "big feature" do you need? and which mmo do you currently play? and I'll tell you why it sucks, or how it didn't innovate in any way.
I'm actually playing project Gorgon right now, Bless is like the only game from here till who knows when, so it's not like I'm going to discard it just because it doesn't feature flying bikes that shoot rockets in a mario kart mmo or something crazy like you want.
I'm an MMO player too but unlike you I have standards for games beyond "merely existing." Bless doesn't even need a gimmick. Does it do Dungeons better than its competition? Is the World more fun explore? Is PvP above average? Seriously the only thing I know about the game so far is that you can make k-pop idols and their furry/small/knife-eared counterparts.
>slime girl with 8 arms and 12 breasts