Do you want the next Battlefield to be set in the Gulf War?
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Do you want the next Battlefield to be set in the Gulf War?
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I want it to be World War 2 so I can play as a cute resistance fighter and kill some bad Italofascists!
>Desert Combat
My nigga. DC, Forgotten Hope, Pirates and Galactic Conquest was the shit.
Plenty of other great mods too.
It's going to be set in WW2 because console kids
I didn't, but I do now.
It'll be a World War 2 Battle Royale with Minecraft elements to secure the valuable 3-13 year old market.
I want knifing to actual work and go back to one hit not fuck retarded stab QuickTime events.
Every game side bf2 sf has been so utterly fucking awful, i sadly don't think i will ever but another battlefield game again
I want it to be a period game where every few maps are from a different era of war.
Yes that would mean certain guns and vehicles are locked to specific maps but it would be great.
Gulf war
maybe even the american revolution
>desert combat
>el alamein
what a magical time it was
At least that would justify the gun bloat Nu-Battlefield has.
>you will never see the whole team riding the wings of an ac130 again
I want one set in the Yugoslavian wars
Cold War gone hot, nigger
this please
i wouldn't mind Desert Storm as a setting, it's sufficiently in the past now that some of the technology is outdated and "retro"
but i'd give my left nut for a red storm rising type battlefield game. gameplay wise i could see it being as chaotic and epic as BF1 but with the aesthetic of operation flashpoint.
>ywn play a cold war gone hot mid 80's battlefield, charging across the fulda gap in an apc as soviet hinds take potshots at you
I think Korean War/Cold War or 2143 would be pretty fun and "unique" these days. However I really, really want and suspect it's going to be WW2 simply because of how amazing that setting is going to look.
I want to play as an SS Officer
Next is WW2 and then another "cold war gone hot" after that. This was all leaked months ago.
The latter could have desertish maps, given the proxy wars fought in the cold war.
to bad its modern DICE and they can't find their way out of a breadbox. Luckily the second title should be DICE LA...who've been charged with fixing DICE swedens mistakes for the past 3 BF games. Doing a decent...ish job at it. But the base concept is flawed, so they can't exactly do much about it.
>join game
>automatically put on Republican Guard team
>get killed by artillery, tanks, and A-10s over and over
>when they get close enough to shoot at they just run us over with bulldozers
>other team wins
>only one person on their team died because he tripped on a pile of bodies
I miss playing Battlefield 2 online.
I still play FH2.
Pirates for BF2 is pretty cool and I'd still play it if someone would host a server. But no one does.
There are BFV mods for that.
just want a game about modern warfare in middle east circa 2000, it's comfy shit, you can't make bad vidya about it
You can still play it online.
Too much civilian killing it would never be made