What a just outright bad game. How can they get away with have skeletons as the only enemy. What is this? It's so so bad.
Sea of Thieves
It's a Rare game in 2018, why would it be anything but dog shit?
But there are sharks and a kraken, and you get to play with your friends!
I've been in the alpha since last March. I think the game is pretty fun with friends
I'd like to play it a bit before I bash it
I WANT a fucking PIRATE game nigge
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post? I'm just going to say it CONTINUES to feel great to own an Xbox One X. Games already bigger than Fortnite and PUBG, Rare has literally saved gaming.
4K 60FPS
Enjoy your skelies I guess. Just seems like they could have had something else besides just them.
It's ok bro, I'm in the same boat as you, I bought a PS4. WHY DID WE FUCK UP SO BADLY!?!
Please Microsoft, you let it be released on PC, please please please give us a port!
The most fun I had in the game was sneaking onto an enemy ship with two of my friends unnoticed while we were all carrying explosive barrels. Then we hid under the deck for a while and set off the barrels while playing the ISIS theme song over the mic. What makes Sea of Thieves fun for me is the interactions you can have with other crews
Wait what the fuck, people still play Runescape?
You sound like the type of person who downloaded VR chat and played as Knuckles. 15 year old edgy kid.
People on twitch don't watch for the games but the people who stream them.
>swim for 10 minutes following a ship
>they dock at an outpost
>sneak on board while they're buying stuff or what not
>pull the galleon's anchor
>hear their mics
>"He-hello, I'm taking your ship."
>"oh ok"
>drive their ship into rocks
>hear enemy crew laughing about it
I know it's a lame story, but it was so cute how the enemy crew mirrored my attitude.
Almost any game can be fun with friends
I get that my story seems edgy, but you have to take my word for it that it was funnier when it happened. My point is it's a great greentext story game.
theres also snakes to kill
they dont do much but its not just skeles
Not as much as sea of thieves which is built on that
woah, microsoft pays streamers, who woulda known?
Play an actual game instead
How did they not see the huge mermaid flare behind them?
Wrong thread, retard
>game "exclusive" that was hyped at E3 has high initial twitch viewer count because people want to see if it's worth a shit
>expecting it to maintain that number for even a week
but I want to play a comfy pirate sim, not a pvp-focused game