We talk about Japanese video games, not about Eastern video games...

We talk about Japanese video games, not about Eastern video games, because Japan produces 90% of the video games in the Eastern market.
Yet we talk about Western video games, instead of American video games, despite the fact that America produces 90% of the video games in the Western market.
Why is this allowed?

Attached: Hurting your waifu.webm (720x480, 2.73M)

Where are you getting these figures from?

cause american games are trash

is that the shogi anime with the lolis?

It looks fun.

why is Ginko allowed?

Attached: HorribleSubs_Ryuuou_no_Oshigoto_08_720p.mkv_snapshot_13.24_2018.02.26_12.59.41.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Ginko is trash

That's because the only type of games, non-Japanese asian devs do is either MMOs or mobile games, and those games already have dedicated general threads on /vg/.

Mean while western games regardless of origin make a variety of genres that appeals to a broader scope of people. Slavs make military autism games. Frenchies make gay artsy games. Merikkans make future school shooter simulator games. Canadians make SJW games. Germans make farming and trucker games, etc.

genuinely curious why SKorea is predominately PC oriented but makes nothing but shit-tier MMOs.

Ginko a best

Ginko fucks for free

Ginko best girl

Ginko only fucks me

Because koreans plays nothing but shit-tier MMOs. And Starcraft.

You couldn't be any more wrong. The most popular games in Korea are LoL, PUBG and Overwatch

I hear there is a law that prevents them from making non-online games. Their only notable non-MMO game was Magna Carta for the PS2. Same artist as the guy who did Blade and Soul.

user american games are literally dominating the market right now.

>America produces 90% of the video games in the Western market.
source: my ass

Yes, and? Do you think that makes them good games?


Some bullshit laws that fuck them over from making videogames.

Because America is the cultural and political leader of the West as a single entity, whilst the East has a giant rift between countries like Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea who are politically Western, and the Chinese lead block of China, Mongolia and Best Korea and most of Indo-China is a state of quandry between them. Thus it makes sense to talk of Western media, but Eastern needs to be delineated by country.

Also his waifu is Ai not that old hag.

>even fucking Sup Forums hates Ginko with a passion
Yeah, she loses hard to both Ais, maybe even Keika now, but she's still cute af.

Attached: just_a_little_but.jpg (439x550, 165K)

My rankings are
Ginko > Keika > power gap > Girl in the bath place > shark toothed yandere > both Ais > everyone else
Sup Forums threads for this show suck ass because mostly waifuwars even though all of the girls are top tier.

You are wrong. A lot of EA / Ubisoft games are Europe-based, and those are 2 of the 3(4?) major 3rd party publishers. Beyond that quite a bit of indies and AA's are EU-based (CDProjektRED, KingdomCome devs, a lot of F2P game devs, etc)

On the eastern front Korea/China make a lot of games, but they just so happen to be MMOs or mobile trash so they go mostly unnoticed beyond people who follow those genres. Also keep in mind that 2 of the 3 platform holders are japanese (Nintendo and Sony), considering the Xbox brand is pretty much irrelevant by now and will only be more irrelevant with time, and that MS barely makes any 1st party games and the rare ones that aren't cancelled are shit anyway it's only normal that most people don't talk much about the only western platform holder in the world, or the fact that it is an American company.

Japan produces 80% of all games that are good, currently and pretty much of all time, with the only exception being the mid-late 90's and early 2000's where western developers were mostly competent and not yet dead (western AA industry is pretty much gone) or too big and too greedy, absorved/killed by the big publishers.

Attached: cool beans.gif (400x225, 2.61M)

it needs to be said, Ginko is worse girl

it needs to be said, Ginko is best girl

America is only the 2nd largest video game market though.

China is the largest.

because the rest of the western world does the same shit. Ubisoft is French or maybe Leaf based and they're infamous for being greedy cunts

Nobody genuinely likes ginko, and why would you? she is a terrible character

Sony is no longer a Japanese company.

>despite the fact that America produces 90% of the video games in the Western market.
Is that what Amerimutts actually believe?