This game looks ABAP. Who /hyped/ here to play it in a month?

This game looks ABAP. Who /hyped/ here to play it in a month?

Attached: god-of-war.jpg (1200x630, 333K)

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I unironically cant wait. I love hack and slash and gow franchise. Im still replaying hd collection to see how much new game will be evolved. Sucks that it cant be properly discussed here, because nu-Sup Forums is shit stained soyboy and wojak board

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no! let me out I need my Sony Experience tm

>implying you like gears of war

Attached: smug asian pilote.jpg (441x408, 10K)

have you seen the gameplay videos my man

Can you please shut the GOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS

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the fucking boy is sooo annoying i literally just have seen the leaked footage of 1, ONE battle and the idiot boys "Fatttthhhhhhhhhhherrrrr" is already so fucking annoying and constant that it proves to me the idiots creating this idiot game dont play their own shit at all.

The fuck is ABAP

>ONE battle and the idiot boys "Kraaaaaaaatoooooos"

Fuck off newfag

ass, big ass poo

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fucking lol at the end where the wifes kid glides backwards because he needs to be in a certain spot for the animation



FFuther FAhter FATHer be carefully Father you know you are a Fathöer FAAATHEWR!!!!!!

So fucking idiotic.

He's jumping off the monster


>complains about nu-Sup Forums while using buzzwords
please please please neck yourself

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This triggers Nintensoys

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How else can I describe those retards?
Yes and as I said I like hacky nd slashy. Its Itsunos fault for not making dmcv



>Kratos Kratos Kratos be careful Kratos you know you are a stepfather KRATOS!!!

Attached: 1521487621025.webm (1422x800, 2.47M)

>black "blood"
>no gore

this is your exclusive lol

I have seen the animations be janky but he ddn't glitch out there.
In case you haven't realized, there is a stun meter and when kratos punches an enemy it fills then the boy uses his electric arrows to stun the enemy, which you can then do a finishing move on.

That's pretty cool I'm gonna be honest. Still probably not gonna buy it though.

Why does fatherhood trigger nintensoy manchildren so much?

nothing that you said contradicts me

It's actual blood you retard. Not like some toddler stuck with E-rated games would kmow

Because of none of them will ever get close enough to a woman to actually plant their seed, friendo.

swtich + pc master race

>yo soy sony

I can't see this combat lasting 35 hours.

Instead of pretending to have a son in a videogame.

Advanced Business Application Programming.

>Not just the icons for R1 and R2 above the monster's head
>Gotta have a fucking tip fade in and fade out on the side

Other than that it's ok.
A bit too long for a simple execution, but ok.

you ain't BALLIN

It looks like a faster version of dark souls, depending on how many weapons there are it might last longer than that. God of War games have been rather short so far though.

i will buy it if i get enough money for a ps4 pro.

Nintendo makes games to play with your family.
Sony makes parenting simulators.

>not soy race

ABAP nigga, ABAP!

They make games for kids you dumb toddler. Not for manchildren pretending they have kids to play games with.

cant spell sony without soy

We discuss games we like through memes. The game is popular here, you just don't really understand Sup Forums culture.

it looks nothing like dark souls you cunts are fucking retarded stop memeing this shitty meme

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Looks not bad but it's not God of War.

NintendoGaf now hates visceral action adventure games because it's made by Sony.

Spice up the enemy diversity a bit, lose the wife's son, and add in a few more weapons and it could be a decent action game.

And RE4 was not an RE game?

Daily reminder to add "s o y" to your wordfilter to avoid these retards

lose RPG stuff and crafting.

More like

Attached: 20180319_234432.jpg (659x457, 132K)

Oh right, forgot that's in the game too.
Chuck that stuff right out the window.

As bad as possible

dumbing down the already braindead AI because the character animations and combat are not as fluid as the previous games.

Terrible. And they don't even have the same voice actor. I guess it's a "good" idea if you don't want the franchise to get stale with the same type of combat all the time, but I'm not sure I like this.


You'e never played GoW if you think this AI is dumber. It's not.

God of War looks ADRARZ

alright. maybe not "dumber" (though I'm not sure if I ever saw an npc just stand there an let me hit them. though that could be because there were more enemies on screen). It's just not as threatening. I want to see if they'll throw hordes of enemies at you at a time and make it not seem lame as fuck.

so far it just looks clunky.

I hope at least that hard mode is unlocked at the start (unlike in previous games), because normal mode has a 99.9999% chance of being insultingly easy.

Razmataz right fellow kids?

>the half-second pauses every time you hit an enemy
I hated in in Dragon's Dogma and I hate it here, it's dreadful game design.

Should I get this? I've played the first two and this one is supposed to be even better. This is in NZD btw.

I wasn't really a fan of hit-stop until Dragon's Dogma, it was alright in certain fighting games and I didn't really mind it so much in Monster Hunter. After a while you get used to it, I have like a million hours in Dragon's Dogma and it doesn't bother me in that game anymore. You're right though, I wish it just wasn't a thing in general.

old games had it too, but a bit less frequent

GoW games shouldn't be judged on normal anyways. The older games were piss brain-dead on normal and only fun in God mode

How can it be ABAP if it doesn't have real niggaz like biggie or 2pac?

gay nigga detected

Is there some mystic footage I haven't seen yet because nothing so far looks any good and I'm a certified shitter who actually likes HZD.
The combat looks slow as ass, enemies boring as shit and Kratos doesn't seem to have meaningful arc.

The intersting story would have been seeing Kratos come down from his rage but obviously that is all in the past because he managed to make a kid who doesn't hate him.
Only intersting twist would be if Kratos' new wife is actually some raging maniac he hooked up with when he was still angry and when they finally meet Kratos can't stand her and needs to put her down. Of course that won't happen despite the only reason there are single dads is because the mom is either dead or way too insane to get custody.

Forgot picture whoops

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if its cheaper than PS3 version, sure.
Though its not a huge upgrade over the PS3 version.

Its as good as the rest of the series.

I am still playing through GoW2's hard mode but GoW1's idea of difficult was just giving every enemy superarmor and lots of health, also every enemy respawning at least once.

used ps3 version is like 5$ inclufing shipping
wait for sale, it goes to $5-8 usually

You're not missing anything except for a paycheck some people receive in return for shilling games on the internet. This thread's OP is a textbook example of paid advertising disguised as opinion of some random schmuck, the image and its name is a dead giveaway.

Imagine being a toddler this paranoid

only a toddler wouldn't understand how marketing works.

I don't know I'd say toddlers are pretty good shilling Shitch 24/7 on Sup Forums.

"I like Nintendo" isn't much of a marketing strategy if the person in question is so obnoxious that no one wants to associate with him.

RE4 had more in common with RE3 than RE1 did. There's a difference between reinvention and rebranding. GoW4 is a rebranding.

why so expensive? I got it for less than 10 bucks years ago

As Ballin As Possible

Looks weird, the hits aren't connecting properly.

a big ass poo


not really hyped, probly will skip, don't really need a cinematic souls game

Hopefully spiderman shows off some dope gameplay, this e3

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I'm pretty cautious about this game, though I am pretty hyped to throw the axe and call it back.

Post you profile, not some another anons

its mine

One thing I kind of like about the GoW games is that they're short enough to where a series marathon doesn't take much more than a couple of weeks at most. I'm currently doing a chronological re-run of the entire series right now, and just killed Kronos in GoW3. 2 remains my favorite of the bunch.

I hope it never bugs out, I'd be Axe-asperated if it got stuck in some dude's asshole.

sure it is

As bad as possible?

One thing that has always really bugged me about 1 and 2 is their obsession with "Slowly move an object from point A to B while wave after wave of enemies attack you, and while you stop to fight them off, the object gets pushed back to the starting point" puzzles/challenges.

It'll be better than this trash, but I'm going into E3 with low expectations are the last trailer with its nonstop QTEs. I want it to be good though

well what proof would you like?


The gameplay looks okay, but who the fuck thought having a Skinny ginger fuckboy following you was a Good idea. I mean, does anyone actually WANT to protect this little piece of shit?

at the very least sony is finally investing in more "core" games, how soon they come, no1 knows

how can you prove it?

Why the fuck did the annoying kid have to be a ginger anyway?

So he can easily merge with your soul when you die, what with being an empty vessel and all.