Why aren't you Top 500 in OverWatch Sup Forums ?

Why aren't you Top 500 in OverWatch Sup Forums ?

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Because I stopped playing it years ago like a normal person.

beinf top 500 isnt that impressive when your userbase is only x2 of that

Used to be in S2 and S3

because I'm not interested in overwatch at all

holy shit

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user btfo

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im stupid.

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whenever i played my team has iq -10, thus making it impossible to destroy the enemy teams camping

how was that even funny


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they are tfags who think 30k players isn't a dying game

Fucking roasted
t. Assblasted OP

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Not even the OP. I get that the hateboner here is real but still.


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blizzbabies BTFO

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That post makes sub diamond shitters feel better about themselves

Also, I reached my top 220 back in season 4

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>playing rock paper scissors HD competitively
you can do better than that, user

Spotted the diamond braindeads

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spotted the op

Stay mad Overcuck.


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Because my true love was Paladins, until killed and I just couldn't get into overwatch afterwards.