Did...did they actually patch out the ability to earn new champions?
Is the only way loot boxes and their essence???
Did...did they actually patch out the ability to earn new champions?
Is the only way loot boxes and their essence???
Other urls found in this thread:
I have 30k unused BE so not sure what you are talking about
IP was turned into Blue Essence. You earn essence each time you level up, whether directly or via disenchanting the champion shards you get. The level cap was removed, so you can continue earning the level-up boxes indefinitely. The overall rate of earning champions is approximately 10% or so faster than the old system, unless you play over 8 or so games per day.
You're literally retarded, aren't you.
so its all tied to boxes and keys okay super fuckin neato
The level up capsules require no keys to unlock.
yall know only koreans play this game anymore, right?
Capsules, boxes, same thing. The point is you don't have to spend money to unlock champs, and the grind is slightly less rough than it was before. Still pretty long to get a 6300 champ, but you really want a focused champion pool to specialize with anyways in order to climb in ranked.
disenchant champion shards...!
...to get new champions! otherwise you're fucked for BE as a new player.
you can't possibly be this retarded
I only need one champ in my life.
So they copied HotS
la creatura
Not OP, but they removed the "get random champion you don't have for lower cost" which made me quit the game.
>unless you play over 8 or so games per day.
so its slower
If you used to play 2-3 matches a day, you'll now esrn much more essence.
If you played 5 or more per day , you'll now earn less.
Banned for toxicly maining one champion.
Don't you dare compliment your fellow players, it makes them uncomfortable and we'll have to fine you $1000.
literally why you monsterous faggot.
Either your new enough that you should just be focusing on gittin' gud' with a small champion pool, or your not, and you have all the champs you want to play anyway.
i used to able to combine 3 champ shards to make the new champ that i was missing because i have all of them, now im forced to buy them with full price, so the system shafted me
League isn't Overwatch. One-tricking is encouraged by the ranked system, and it's generally deemed better to be good with a few champs than just okay with a bunch. Additionally, the punishment system seems to do a good job in not being oppressive towards players. About 4-5 years ago, Riot took all the data they'd been gathering about how the community judged Tribunal cases, (a place where players that were in good standing could look at anonymized reports and decide whether or not to mute/ban a player for their behavior) and fed the millions of cases worth of data to an AI. Friendly banter won't get you banned, but being genuinely malicious will within a few games, and stuff like death threats will get you banned on the spot. However, the system is generally very lenient on the intentional feeding bans, and it's also hard to get caught if you troll people subtly. (i.e. Always grabbing the enemy team's tank as Blitzcrank)
>being genuinely malicious will within a few games, and stuff like death threats will get you banned on the spot.
So it’s overwatch?
League was being an anti-toxic nanny company way before Blizzard adopted it.
In fact Riot even pushed the word toxic to mean "things I don't like on the internet"
This, but Riot is moving away from safespaces while Blizz is coming down on people playing their favourite hero in a game they paid 40-60 bucks for.
Yeah, that was the case back in the earlier days of the game, but they've toned it down a bit in recent years, whereas Blizzard has taken it to 11. They seem to have learned that context matters, and that it's not a good idea to baby their playerbase too hard.
and so did dota
>trash talk is fine
>except for words i dont like
>we all know words i dont like are not actually trash talk
nah, it's the same faggot leftist shit
online games need free speech to be good again
>Still, for trash talk to work, the person on the receiving end has to be able to laugh when they become the butt of a joke, while the trash talker needs to be sensitive enough to know when the things they’re saying are going too far. If that sounds difficult, that's probably because it is.
You just know the "person" that wrote this article voted for hillary
One tricking in a game with 50 or more champs is autism. I see people get mad when someone ban their champ and then looks like hes new in the game.
I voted for Trump and I agree with it, what now?
>"I think you are rather lacking in skill and perhaps your recently departed mother is enjoying a twelve inch in the afterlife."
>you don't get banned
>"lol u so bad faggot, i bet your mom sucks cocks in hell lol"
>wondering why he's getting banned
Maybe you should just develop your vocabulary and learn to use implications and subtle remarks instead of going full on retard every time someone throws.
you're lying
>pay money for game
>say word
>money stolen
this was never legal
>People don't want to play with you if you're hurling death threats
>people care about words over an online game
you're subhuman for enabling this faggot mindset
kill yourself
This is kinda ironic, isn't it. After all these years they continue to copy Blizzard in one way or another
>pay money for entrance
>assault employee
>money stolen
this was never legal
>words over the internet
you're a joke
They have a bot to perma you if you say a few key words.
Nigger, faggot and kys will get your account insta permad.
Find a friend to duo with if you literally can't stop banting for an hour, holy fuck
Nobody has to accommodate you applesponge
You pretty much get every level the capsule with BE worth the same as you would farm throughout all the games required to level up. You actually earn more, since champion shards mixed with BE are basically champions with BE/IP price discount.
Then go sue them if it's illegal. I've called people subhumans, told them to get cancer and die, every insult imaginable and never got even a chat restriction. Wanna know why? Because I didn't do it everygame, I did it to people who deserve it, mostly people in this thread who complain about this shit. They get rekd, start complaining to their team, get told to git gud and since they can't git gud they start insulting left and right. And those people are the ones who deserve to be banned. Good people who shittalk don't get banned because they never get reported, noone reports a carry in good elo.
>stop saying words i f you dont your money will be stolen
>"i say mean things and i didnt get banned" false flag
wonder which riot employee it is behind this one every single time. you're dedicated kid. discovery will reveal all.
>implying Blizzard games aren't a service
>implying that by "buying" Blizz game isn't just buying a pass to play it
>implying that you did not agree to terms of service before launching said game
>implying you own the game
>wow they just ban people for no raisins
You're a very stupid man if you think you are in the right for violating the terms.
This is my new favorite brainlet wojak.
Literally what's stopping Cho'Gath from eating everything?
Getting hit with every CC known to man, usually.
Silence, stun and AD with AP, True Damage and %DMG.
Then explain why it took 2 years of me saying nigger to get me banned? The last two games I played on my account I called someone a nigger and made fun of a korean playing on NA severs for being a gook
True, but only because I am a europoor, still would have voted for him though
What discovery? I can link you my profile that I've stopped playing on two years ago and gave to a friend. I wish there was some way to see my chatlogs, but they would be from s3 and s4, when Lyte was still on board, so you would eat shit.
>it's just a service goy you didnt pay for anything you dont own anything
it's not going to hold up in court
discovery in court
>it's not going to hold up in court
>but my claim will because I didn't read the ToS I clicked 'agree' on, so they effectively tricked me
Imagine being this much of an ignorant cunt.
>""""sign""""" ToS AFTER you've made purchase
if a EULA or TOS is unfair (i.e stealing money for saying words in an online game), the judge will throw it out
eat shit leftist faggot
Are you gonna keep us informed on how the proceedings are going, user?
Pretty sure it works off reports m8.
Trust me I'd know, my 16 year old brother that cant keep it in his pants has gotten 6 accounts permad cause he keeps calling people faggots and niggers.
>ToS or EULA is unfair
>still click 'agree'
I don't know, famalam, sounds like you're just missing brain cells.
This is correct. The system doesn't even look at your games if nobody actually reported you.
Btw you can only get banned for shit you say when in game. Any chat outside and your safe to spam nigger as much as you want.
Vayne and Kai'Sa
it's gonna be a class action. a big one.
>lol u clicked agree that means we can steal your money now!!
do jews really wonder why they're kicked out of any society that has to put up with them?
Not anymore, pre and post-game chat are now also looked at for games you were reported on.
>playing LoL
why does it offend people when they're asked to behave with any amount of decency
Source for that?
Have a friend who sent screen shots of post game chat to riot support when this guy was calling him a nigger. They didn't care neither was his account banned.
>lol u clicked agree that means we can steal your money now!!
>Blizzard reserves the right to reduce, liquidate, deactivate, suspend or terminate your Blizzard Balance, or other Platform features if Blizzard determines, in its sole discretion, after investigation, that you have violated this Agreement, including the license limitations set forth in Section 1.C., misused Blizzard Balance, or have otherwise used Blizzard Balance to conduct any fraudulent or illegal activity.
If the ToS or EULA state that the will do this, it's your own fault for accepting.
>asked to behave with any amount of decency
>permabanned for not complying
There's a world of difference between those two.
because i have failed my promos to silver 5 FOUR FUCKING TIMES and these niggers have to pay
Just because they wrote it in the ToS doesn't mean they can break the law but good luck suing someone like blizzard
Competitive nature of the game and idiots inting can make you rage an irrational amount.
>if the tos states the will to steal money, we can do it lol
haha funny
>lawful contract states they can and will take away your right to play a game if you violate the contract
>get game taken away because you're being a cunt
>so unfair, why is this happening to me, blizzard are just thieves
I don't like the EULA or ToS any more than you do, but they are lawful contracts that you personally agree to. It's not like you were kept in the dark on any of the consequences of your actions.
Because the internet was invented so that people could get away from faggots like you, and now you're ruining it.
ToS and EULA aren't contracts.
>judge: so why did you steal this money
>you: because he said words online
lmao "lawful contract" my ass
I thought in these games there's behavior rules that players could easily access or even simple messages before the game starts asking players to behave with some level of respect. And that you get warned, silenced or suspended before you get permabanned. But my question is why is it so upsetting for players to be asked to behave with decency
i don't blame these guys. nothing wrong with raging and eating a slap on the wrist like a silence.
What is inherently wrong with being asked to behave respectfully? Why does it upset you?
>why is it immoral to steal money when people engage in free speech over a competitive game
maybe try leaving your libarts campus safespace you sheltered libtard freak
because I don't fucking know you, I don't owe you shit, least of all respect when you feed and fuck up my promos.
what kind of audacity does it take to demand a complete stranger be nice to you. you're nobody. kill yourself.
>But my question is why is it so upsetting for players to be asked to behave with decency
It's okay to ask, it's not okay to ban your account when you don't comply. Get that through your head.
>playing active item cdr bard with banner and zzrot
>receive reports and fun
My man
Sorry, took me forever to find. See the first reply.
Only mouth breathing retards get banned for shit they say. Riots system is so fucking easy to manipulate. Just don't go all out with insults every game, don't use acronyms, and dont say the 3 words. Boom, now you can be cancer to your team with little to no repercussions.
But they are.
They offer you to disagree with the ToS/EULA and even 14 days after purchase for a refund. I really don't get it how you can't fathom the concept of you being liable for your own actions.
>just be a cuck like me
>it's not stealing if we say you can get a refund for 14 days
god you're pathetic
No HoTS still has gold you earn in game to buy heroes with
>it's stealing if you're informed that if you do something, it will have repercussions
I love millenials with no understanding on how laws work.
>muh tos is the law
read this link you fucking retarded kike
are the 3 words kys nigger and faggot?
I really prefer the new blue essence system than the old IP one
'kill your self' but it's probably best not to do anything that can fall under the nebulous category of 'hate speech'
>physical property
>digital game
A tractor or an ink cartridge doesn't require continuous service from the manufacturer, so their EULA is bullshit. Playing your kiddie game requires using a constant service from Blizzard (their servers), and it's a different thing entirely for them to deny you service. Plus, hate speech is never gonna hold up in court
>find the most extreme example case not even related to games
>buy a tractor
>buy a video game
>tangible product vs. intangible "product"
>being this retarded
What ever you're trying to convey, blizzard games are a service, not an item or a machine. Deere was an idiot if they thought that could fly, but all the consoles are protected by the same EULA as well. Some consoles even become bricks if you mod them, which I think is silly, but I understand why.
Yeah remember they made a big deal about hiring some psychologist to reduce toxicitiy in games kek
fucking moron just made things worse
you dont get perma banned you do get temp banned and chat banned though
This. It's the equivalent of buying a car that runs on patented fuel that is only sold by the manufacturer of the car, being obnoxious to the people selling the fuel and then throwing a bitch fit because you can't drive your car without that fuel.
>muh server ownership it's a private company
>While previously it would seem that Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Snap Chat were the private property of their owners, now they have been declared “the modern public square” by the Supreme Court. A public square is by nature not private property. Thus, legally speaking, perhaps neither Facebook nor Twitter has the right to ban Americans from their services, though that may be up for the courts to decide as this new body of law is interpreted.
yeah i bet those chat servers that host members of the public communicating with their inalienable right to free speech cost millions to uphold. it's right to ban people for saying words on them and steal their money lmao.
>hate speech
American courts will laugh in your face you pathetic leftist faggot
stealing somebody's money over online speech in games that are designed to frustrate the player is way more extreme than the tractor case