what are some games that are set during the american civil war?
What are some games that are set during the american civil war?
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We should have enslaved the confederates to be honest
North & South. I played it as a kid and loved it, but when I went back to replay it a few years ago I couldn't stand it.
Darkest of Days bro
>when trump bans guns
>in demoturd states
haha give em up soyboy
>Tfw the confederacy was the 4th largest economy in the world at the onset of the civil war and now their states are chronically impoverished second-class territories dependent on the government dole and rife with illegal immigrants and violent hoodlums both brown and pale.
Really if they'd formally petitioned to separate and only let the shit it the fan if the northern states started shit instead of going full retard with a suckerpunch, they probably would be one of the more relevant superpowers as a confederacy. The technology to replace slaves arrived pretty shortly after the war and they would've likely just shipped them all to who knows where anyway.
We should have just killed them all and prevented all the other bullshit they and their descendents have been continuously conjuring into existence for the past century and a half.
Victoria II
the panic is really setting in
>No games set during the War of Northern Aggression where you can change history and help the good guys win
The Union are the good guys
Well I assumed enslaving them would probably prevent all that bullshit as well. But just killing them all works just as fine I guess.
>tfw no southern belle slave though
Sure kid
Sure they are
You're just saying that because they were whiter
>tfw we will never send the googles back to africa
>Caring about 'mericuck history
I have no idea what this picture wants to say
How are you going to kill them?
It has happened, they have managed to rewrite the history of the Civil War.
Vicky 2 you newshit
Well that was really the root cause, all the industry was based in the North and the South didn't like that, especially when the North started calling slavery bad without presenting solutions
The whole thing was a clusterfuck and if Lee accepted command of the Union army the war woulda played out a lot differently
We were talking about doing it right after the civil war ended not now.
>Tfw the confederacy was the 4th largest economy in the world at the onset of the civil war
>This is what people in Southern America actually believe
Based Mountain Momma don't give a fuck. Trump regardless of guns.
>Tfw the confederacy was the 4th largest economy in the world
Maybe it's because all their labor was from slavery.
>No Video game where you play as one of Sherman's Boys and burn the South to the ground.
Letting the South off the hook after the war, not executing all their leaders and letting the blacks take over was a mistake.
that you would have to be fucking retarded to vote for a woman ever just like you have to be fucking retarded to live in a city
That quote sounds like Sup Forums when they go out into public and predictably get their shit kicked in.
It’s actually true though. They just squandered their wealth in cotton by refusing to actually sell any to England (their traditional trading partner) unless England joined the war. England’s refusal directly led to the British Empires intervention in India, the discovery and cultivation of Indian cotton, and the death of the American cotton industry - up until that point the most lucrative in the world.
Read a book you greasy wop inbred.
Call of Juarez: bound in blood
You talk a lot of shit for some cuckolded inner city nanny state faggot
Liberty or Death.
>That quote sounds like Sup Forums when they go out into public and predictably ge-
Don't make us come down there and burn your shithole to the ground again. It would actually be an upgrade for your backwater savages.
The African slaves are the good guys
Goddammit, the south fucking sucks so much shit.
Feels so good to not belong to any of those backwards shitholes.
>Needs to sucker punch
>Doesn't even knock him out cold
Looks like you lose this war already.
stfu whitey u won't even leave the basement
You gonna cry traitor? Going to cry and pretend the 2nd American revolution is going to happen any day now?
thats not a sucker punch retard, that ANTIFA insect sprayed them with pepper spray beforehand
>meanwhile when leftists think they can spit at a patriot's feet
literally DEAD hahahahahaha subhumans
Why would ANYONE want one?
What good could come from it? Oh boy, I sure hope to get this thrilling combat of 2-3 shots per minute.
Oh boy, maybe I get to man the cannon this time!
Quick someone, get a drummer boy in here, I need more morale.
And yet your fat cow got ran over last year.
And nobody even cared because a dead anti-white leftists is a net gain for Europeans.
we should send you instead for using the word google in 2018
1 million whites died.
For ungrateful low IQ niggers.
And there are whites IN THIS TOPIC, who actually believe in "muh based black". Yeah, isn't it great how their genetically inferior behavior gave us crime, third world cities, and ugliness. Wonderful eh Demoshits?
Story behind this?
Best part about this is that the guy didn't even get charged with murder since the leftycuck was a drug addict retard
It's an interesting setting for certain game types. Sid Meier's Gettysburg is well regarded for various reasons.
>reds declare war on blues
>expect to win easily due to guns
>blues just go out and buy guns
>the nra is happy to sell them
>brainlet thinks it was a war to free the slaves
That was just the justification, The Civil War was about a lot more than just slaves (who were still treated like shit for decades after because no one gave a shit)
agreed borther
white powah!
The footage doesn't lie, it was a sucker punch.
>Not the American flag
Spit on savages
You assume blues aren't already quietly arming themselves.
>amerishit thinks he knows anything about being white
Next you'll say your mixed blood is pure.
Kind of like that sucker punch to Richard Spencer giving an interview that didn't even knock him on his ass?
>in this topic
you have to go back
He should have used a bike lock :^)
>>Not the American flag
Looks like the Nordic Resistance Movement
so what we're seeing here is a group of savage isolationists chimping out on a patriot expressing his disdain for their disrespectful attitude towards the nation that graciously hosts them?
So not Americans or patriots.
>Press S to spit on them
el goblino...
I don't think that bike lock even knocked that dude on his ass, did it?
You know what's funny? They only do that shit in areas where there's gun control. It's like they know if they were to try and pull that shit in Kansas or Texas, they'd get shot, and rightfully so.
Reddit is Sup Forums
you got it backwards actually
Nord barbarians (which is redundant I know) acting like nord barbarians.
Yeah. I actually used to enjoy that board, back before Trump announced. Lots of good threads that had nothing to do with Trump. Shit like whether LED lightbulbs should be subsidized by the government.
Can't get anything like that anymore.
Aim for the jaw hawkeye.
Can't wait for Trumpfags to revolt. Sherman's March the Sea 2.0. this time everything goes.
and these assholes are the same ones who bitch about how rome was destroyed by letting the barbarians integrate with their society, while being the ancestors of those very same barbarians.
>spit on savages
nazis watch out!
You forgot to show them looking at their iPhones while sipping their 10 dollar coffees from Starbucks.
Meanwhile Sup Forums in action
>Shills! Cucks! Shilllllls *voice crack*
Yeah. One would think the invades would realize how bad that would be.
I'm not even taking their side, but if you managed to come in and take over someone's house, wouldn't you be on the lookout for someone to do it to you?
I mean, if you wanna cherrypick, we can bust out AIDS Skrillex.
I'd just lock the door instead of worrying about the people who are walking through it.
Oh, you mean like securing the border?
What Black-Bloc Antifa people fail to realize that uniformed opposition are legal combatants in a conflict situation. If a war was declared, every single one of them could be droned out of existence for being viable enemy targets. If they wore civvies it would be harder.
Yes. That was the angle I was going for.
And then you'd probably want to remove the people who were already in your house, and posed a threat of taking it over, right?
that's because they're just fuckin junkies and dumbass kids who like throwing bricks and wearing black, they aren't thinking any further than that.
>you'd probably want to remove the people who were already in your house
>and posed a threat of taking it over, right?
not true
You're an idiot if you think they wouldn't adapt to the situation. Or if they do start getting targeted, you don't turn them into martyrs.
Yes, they are. The vast majority of them are communists, seeking to start a revolution. They imagine that they will be party members, given luxurious housing and easy, cushy jobs managing the workers.
In reality they will be the workers.
You seem to think that slaves were cheap
Well if you're going to start setting up goalposts and demand stuff without ANTIFA or violence.
Are the people who are a threat of taking over following my views of political system? If so they can be used as cannon fodder. No reason to expel useful bodies.
You really think most of those faggots have enough conviction to die for their cause? The minute any real threat presented itself, they'd hang up their black and quietly forget about the whole ordeal. US Antifa are a fucking joke
Ah yes, because the old 'Do you know how expensive you used to be?' is a good arguement.
But user that's a splinter cell exercising the Fifth Freedom. When someone threatens one of the four other freedoms, these elite NSA agents can be sent to protect those freedoms at any cost, giving them license to kill if necessary. The target was attacking the first freedom, and was subjected to the fifth.
Really though, if someone wants to literally shut you up because they can't argue against your position, they should expect force to be used against them. Afterall they are setting the standard for the resolution of those differences. They do not want to persuade you using evidence. In fact they want to prevent you from providing yours. There's no reason for you to try to persuade such a group with reason as a response. They don't work on that level.
No, they don't, at least not in the comparison regarding the barbarians that conquered Rome.
>literally drank with people for years that thought Venezuela wasn't real socialism and have their own gay lil commie bloc FB group
I still cringe
this. when they find the fucking turd thats blowing up black people here in austin, 100 percent certain he will be some fucking racist dipshit who had racist parents.
Sup Forumsfags are even more spineless, I'd throw my lot in with US ANTIFA over Sup Forums if both sides actually got into conflict. You might have some /k/umcatchers in the ranks, but it's still quantity over quality.
This is accurate. in all the time I've tried using reason and evidence as a basis of an argument against leftist friends, it has never, ever worked. The closest they'll come is say that you've given them something to think about, but then immediately act like the conversation never happened.
Oh yeah, I wouldn't stand with most Sup Forumsacks but in the US, the normie fags outnumber the Antifags
Hell, Berkeley was a real harsh reminder to them that they are woefully unprepared for any conflict
Not going to limit the conflict to just Sup Forums, but if a conflict broke out, I would bet on whichever side had the most skin in the game. That would be those with wives and children, and the threat of having their peaceful way of living changed by force.
If you limit it to antifa and Sup Forums, it'll come down to pure numbers, but if you start including ordinary Americans who don't buy into antifa's shit, then that's a different story.
It's not like their side doesn't have any arguments, it's that the vast majority of the most vocal proponents have no idea what they're talking about. Some of those become antifa, and those people have abandoned the prospect of discussion entirely. They simply want to establish oppression of their opponent using some misplaced sense of righteousness.
I'd throw in with Sup Forums even as a member of the extreme left. American left has no fight in them and anyone that did left long ago. I'd be putting my hopes on a counter revolution by foreign influences after the dust had settled. Although it'd be such a short fight that no one would be able to get a counter off the ground.
leftists are not human and ergo do not have freedom of speech