No revan

>No revan
>No bastilla
>No HK-47
>All the jedi are dead
>Almost all the sith are dead
>The mandalorions are all dead

Seriously, what kind of fucking sequel is this? You wouldn't even know it was star wars if the box didn't say star wars.

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DA FUCK BRO?!!!?!?!

I thought that was the point. Kotor 1 kinda just retold the original trilogy in a game.

this is some top level shitposting

>No HK-47

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It subverted expectations

these are unironically the best western RPGs ever made

how about playing the game instead of shitposting?

it's true...all of it

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>Original trilogy also has none of those points
baited hard

>try to make a kotor 2 thread on Sup Forums
>maybe 2 responses before it's dead

>make a kotor 2 thread on Sup Forums and just put bait in the op
>instantly the thread has a dozen posters
Sadly the only way for me to force discussion on kotor 2 is by baiting, I love this fucking game.

>>No revan
This is literally the only one that's correct but even then Revan is arguably the centre of most of the game's story and all the events revolve around him and things he did during the Mandalorian Wars and events of the first game. Fucking kill yourself OP.

>these are unironically the best western RPGs ever made

If you unironically believe this, you must not like western RPGs to begin with. The Kotor games are just streamlined and simplified cousins of their crpg predecessors.

>all the shit stuff is gone

It’s an actual Star Wars game, not a prequel inspired piece of trash.

Holy shit my expectations just got subverted

sadly, your bait is awful and the thread will die in a few posts. hope it was Worth it faggot.


Thats can be done with any game that was somewhat popular at any point, hell its how so many generals on vg stay afloat, along with baiting bait responses ad infintum.

KOTOR shits on all of them. I've played every single one you are going to name because I've played all Sup Forumscore

>kotor 1 revan is nothing but a plot twist and has no real identity beyond a generic Sith Lord and shocking the player with said twist

>kotor 2 has characters speculating about revan and his motives, giving him an enigmatic and mysterious persona

>omg revan is such a cool character, this is why Kotor 1 is better than Kotor 2

The fanbase for these games is utterly retarded.

You are misusing a meme. It doesn't apply when things are actually different.

I never liked the tone of this game. The whole post war thing with the galaxy being a fucking mess and the jedi being nearly extinct and everyone being out for themselves gives the game a feeling of dread and chaos. Even the light side ending doesn't make you feel any better. Sure, you end up killing 3 extremely powerful sith lords but it doesn't feel like what you do matters. Despite that, it's such a good game that I enjoy it anyway. It's too bad we never got Kotor 3. It could have been special.

That's because it's an adaptation of a more streamlined ruleset. It works well for what it needs.


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Your daily reminder that Kotor rehashed literally every single element of the movies:

>Opens with the Sith shooting down a Republic Vessel (with their target getting away in an escape pod).
>Main Character told they have to find Jedi person.
>Shootout in Cantina (although not involving the Heroes).
>Heroes meet person in Cantina with Wookie friend.
>Main Character is told they're force sensitive, which explains how they were able to do so well at one of the most dangerous racing sports in the galaxy.
>Heroes meet a guy in a Cantina who offers access to a ship off-planet (which is named after a bird, supposedly the fastest in the sector, and described by the owner as not looking like much).
>Heroes take-off in said ship while the Sith are shooting the place up (also use gun turrets to fend off Sith fighters while making the jump to Hyper-Space).
>Main Character taken to Jedi for training, although some Jedi reluctant to do so due to "person's age."
>Sith hire Bounty Hunter to dispatch Heroes.
>Awkward personality droid translates for heroes when conversing with Sand People.
>Bird Ship caught in Tractor Beam. Crew plan "alternatives to fighting" before being taken in (even though it ends up with fighting anyway).
>Saul Karath is basically Grand Moff Tarkin even though his power relation to Malak is a bit different.
>Heroes run around the ship to disable the necessary systems so that the Bird Ship can escape.
>Main bad guy makes surprise appearance. Han Solo type tries to shoot him and fails.
>"I am your Father" type reveal. Jedi friend knew.
>Jedi friend stays behind to fight main bad guy so that others may escape.
>Republic/Sith square off in front of sith superweapon factory that's being protected by a shield generator disruptor field on a nearby world.
>Heroes disable disruptor field; defeating the Sith who were waiting for them.
>Main Hero/Bad guy fight in Observation Deck overlooking said Republic/Sith battle.
>Ends with award ceremony.

Nice argument, faggot.

Hit the character limit:

>Like the Death Star, Kotor's Star Forge is a giant, spaceborne weapon of mass destruction capable of easily obliterating planets that makes up the principal threat of the story.
>Like the movies, the main Sith Lord is disfigured and has some cybernetic parts as a result.
>Like the Phantom Menace, at one point a character has to enter in a swoop race to win a bet to free someone from captivity/slavery.
>Also like the Phantom Menace, there is an underwater section with a giant fish wreaking havoc.
>Like several of the movies, there is a significant portion of the plot spent dealing with Jawas and Tusken Raiders.
>Like the movies, a certain prominent character who falls to the darkside builds their own protocol droid.
>There's an old Jedi Master living as a hermit in the middle of the wilderness who joins the main character.
>There is even a Yoda clone, despite it being unclear if Yoda even belongs to a particular species.
>Bastila is capttured and enslaved by a criminal and then kills her slaver, just as Leia is enslaved by Jabba and later kills him.
>Everything looks just like the movies, despite taking place 4000 years earlier.

But that’s not true at all retard. There’s loads of KOTOR 2 threads just start them with a Kreia quote and pointlessly ask if she was in the wrong and you’ve got it.

But what if I played KOTOR precisely because it was Star Wars fan service?

It's pretty impressive how every single line of your post is wrong.

You can do fan service without doing a literal copy pasta. Kotor 2 for example has even more callbacks to the movies and expanded source material, it just does it in a more subtle way.

Wow stop the fucking presses

>Is the smartest character in the game in the wrong
thats even more bait dork.

>is the villain wrong

>asking a question on Sup Forums
>not bait

What was her problem?

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>replay this for the first time in years
>decide to try a melee-focused Guardian/Weapon Master instead of going Consular like I always preferred when I was younger
>Manage to buy a Sith Tremor Sword on Telos
>get to the workbench in the military base
>suddenly reliably doing 100+ damage on crits
I forgot how much fun building in this game is.

Also, threadly reminder that Dark Jedi robes look the best, even on a Light-sider (and Luke looked good with black robes and a green saber)

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wanted the Exile's dick

not really tho

I like Arca Jeth's robes

>most of these are completely wrong and off
imagine the butthurt obsidian drone writinf this up in his rage
best part is literally no one cares about or remembers kotor2 LOL

The reason why this game is great is because it's written by someone who hates Star Wars and wants to put every single flaw in the forefront and question why it reuses the same storytelling mechanics and why they are bad.

Kreia was correct in killing the entire force in the context of the Star Wars Universe.
The universe is permanently flawed, and the struggle of light and dark is eternal at the cost of civilian lives.

Basically, this game should be a graduating gift for you, it's a great game that will make you understand why Star Wars is shit.

daily reminder what the 2 games did:

>star wars

>boring animetier edgy garbage

yeah the dark jedi robes are pretty good i used to always use those when i was younger but now im partial to the grey jedi robes

>>boring animetier edgy garbage
where? the characters were mostly good. darth sion was dope. i think sidious was too easy and small a fight though for being the cover. and his gear sucked ass

but Star Wars has an ending and having an ending is not flaw LMAO

>most of these are completely wrong and off

Bioware themselves have literally said these similarities are deliberate. Who are you arguing against?

>Star Wars has an ending
not anymore

Only if you look at the original trilogy and nothing else. In the current sequels, nothing that happened before matters and they are back at square 1.

It's just a personal thing, I don't really like the contrast of the front panels and the base layer on a lot of the higher-level robes (I like Handmaiden's robes for that reason). The Jedi Master and Ossuss Keeper robes look pretty good.

I actually like one of the Dark-side advanced robes, but I can't remember which one. Aleema Keto's, I think.

>Darth HRRRRGGGG i am so edgy i cant even speak nor do i make any sense BUT I AM JUST SO POWERFUL HUNGRYYY
>Darth Rock-Bane you can cut me into pieces ill still heal and live but then in the end i somehow noooooooot
>planets: grey, grey and grey
>lol those were the only 2 options cuz quality writing ended after the SW into text roll

That's funny, I used to prefer the grey Jedi robes until I started liking the dark ones more. I think the grey Jedi robes look a lot better on a Dark-sided character; they go really well with the greyed out skin tone.

no they said there are similarities


Good job on exposing yout sub-60 IQ brain. A character in Kotor 2 actually makes fun of you if you express shock that she did what she did at the Dantooine enclave.

This isn't Kotor 1, not everything has to be a big epic twist.

Why do people try to bait Kotor 2 so much? Cui bono

Kotor 2 is tryhard garbarge

she outright tells you she's a Sith with a little bit of effort, it's not supposed to be a huge mystery

agree, kotor2 wasnt big or epic
it was just shit

Are you sure you played Kotor 1?

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i beat the game like 10 times and i don't think it was a shitpost worthy as you say
i hated kreia
>>Darth HRRRRGGGG i am so edgy i cant even speak nor do i make any sense BUT I AM JUST SO POWERFUL HUNGRYYY
i meant nihilus when i said sidious. yeah he was handled like shit, you just walked up and beat the shit out of him and nothing changed after that. and all his gear had shit stats
>>Darth Rock-Bane you can cut me into pieces ill still heal and live but then in the end i somehow noooooooot
he was pretty cool
>>planets: grey, grey and grey
was that water court planet in kotor2? i hated that and the sith academy
don't actually remember the differences in these but i think dark side was how the game was supposed to go wasn't it?
>>lol those were the only 2 options cuz quality writing ended after the SW into text roll
what would neutral be?

>reeee she doesnt hide it
>reeee its not a twist!
>beginning of game
>Kreia are you a sith? no lol whadouthink dumbo
>end of the game
top tier writing truly
kek fucking obsidian fags defend everything

>Literally tells you she was Revan's teacher who taught him the Dark side
>Tells you she taught Sion and Nihilus too

How fuckin dumb are you

>>Kreia are you a sith?
her answer is essentially
>bitch I might be

>was that water court planet in kotor2? i hated that and the sith academy
Those are literally both KOTOR 1

>No Revan
He's still mentioned a lot throughout it.
>No Bastilla
Besides a message left by T3 concerning Revan, no she doesn't show up, and that's a good thing.
>No HK-47
But he is there. So is T3 and Canderous, only he's Mandalore now.
>All the jedi are dead
The entire point of the game is to find the remaining Jedi, to either gather them to fight the sith or kill them. Plus they were small in number anyway due to the Mandelorian wars.
>Almost all the sith are dead.
I mean, when you've got a dude who can't fucking die due to pure hatred and something that's not even a person anymore who can devour worlds and with time maybe the galaxy itself, I don't think it matters how many sith there are, those are really fucking threats.
>The Mandelorians are all dead
Except the fact a bunch are on Dxun rebuilding. And again, the Mandelorian wars would have decimated their numbers, same as the jedi.

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>Player character is Revan, the most (in)famous person in the galaxy and the Star Wars equivalent of someone like Alexander the Great or Hitler.
>In the Star Wars universe, holovid technology is commonly used to broadcast news and other videos throughout the galaxy.
>Somehow nobody recognizes the player character is Revan.
>The only people who recognize the player character is Revan are the Rakata who live cut off from space and wouldn't see any of those news broadcasts, and who only met Revan when he had started wearing his Darth mask. In other words, of all the people to recognize Revan, the Rakata are the only ones that make no sense.
>Bastila, Jolee and the Jedi Masters on Dantooine all know the player character is Revan, yet don't lift a finger to stop him even when he is doing the most darkside things possible.

GENIUS PLOT TWIST !!!!11 omg so brilliant

>I mean, when you've got a dude who can't fucking die
quality writing

Well yeah, I thought that's what they were going for. Have the player feel like they were going on their own grand adventure in the star wars universe.

damn i can't remember the places i hated in 2 then. other than both games had the worst starting zones i've ever played

it was pretty quality writing, actually. The final battle with Sion is more about breaking his spirit than beating him physically.

Actual quote from the game:

Kreia: "What do you wish to hear? That I once believed in the code of the Jedi? That I felt the call of the Sith, that perhaps, once, I held the galaxy by its throat? That for every good deed I did, I brought equal harm upon the galaxy? That perhaps what the greatest of the Sith Lords knew of evil, they learned from me? What would it matter now? There is only so much comfort in knowing such things, and it is not who I am now."

Didn't get that BEC (Big Exile Cock)

>Dark jedi robes
Pretty nice but I prefer the grey jedi robes.

Peragus is GOAT the first time

Telos can suck a butt though

the whole beginning of both games i absolutely hated

She's constantly telling you to do the thing that benefits you first, even if it fucks over innocents. Sion only was able to come back through pure hate. Nihilus only loses because he tried to eat the Exile.

>literally "make it up yourself lol im so cool and random"
>I held the galaxy by its throat?
never happened
>That perhaps what the greatest of the Sith Lords knew of evil, they learned from me?
she was ONE of Revan's MANY masters

>inb4 Nihilus and Sion
yeah such great Sith lords that they were hiding and pissing their pants when Revan and the Jedi were around LOL

>Sion only was able to come back through pure hate. Nihilus only loses because he tried to eat the Exile.
both of these, especially Sion are literally animetier

and obsidianfags defend this kek

Peragus, Telos and Taris all suck ass. I somehow find Taris less of a chore than Peragus and Telos though, even though I prefer KOTOR 2 over 1.

You only win because like says, you break his spirit and he let's go of his hate, the one thing holding him together. Otherwise you'd never be able to defeat Sion, he would just keep getting back up until he either backed off or you died.

>very few jedi
>very few sith

Sounds like Star Wars to me.

and you completely lose because

this holy fuck
KOTOR1 didnt have animetier writing with characters who are unkillable because I AM SO ANGRY and I EAT PLANETS and Revan wasnt the blackhole of the force either

So who's stronger, Revan Or the Exile after becoming a wound in the force?
Don't they just completely ignore the whole wound thing in the shitty novel, and write Kreia off as madly in love with the sith emperor or some shit?

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>Revan is constantly brought up, Bastila appears
>HK-47 is a party member
>multiple Jedi Masters and multiple Sith Lords appear
>shit ton of Mandos appear including Cando the Mando who joins your WEAK party

What the fuck are you talking about>

Revan went to Kreia, he was the last master he visited to learn how to leave the jedi.
Revan couldn't become a sith if not for Kreia, thereby making revan a sith solely due to kreia.

Nihilus is such a great sith lord he killed all but half a dozen jedi masters left living, he destroyed an entire planet of people alone.

we don't talk about SWTOR and the tie-in novels

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she was literally his Jedi Master when he was a Padawan

>Revan couldn't become a sith if not for Kreia, thereby making revan a sith solely due to kreia.
Yes if you completely ignore the part where The Emperor turns Revan and Malak Sith and Revan masters the dark side by himself and also ignore the part that Revan and Kreia were both Jedi when Kreia trained him

just peoof that kotor2fags are fucking retarda

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Get the fuck off this board, Drew.

How is Nihilus anime tier exactly? And even then Sion is still using the force to hold his body together.

we do
not just because we enjoy them but also because it causes a huge amount of asspain in kotor2tards


>The Emperor
fucking what

t. btfo kotor2fag

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Doesn't this fag have the same power as Nihilus with none of the drawbacks whatsoever?

>spend 90% of the game gathering all the jedi masters
>cranky grandma just kills them all anyway

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