Listen. I know you feel alone and like no one understands you...

Listen. I know you feel alone and like no one understands you, but it's for the best that you dispel this pointless delusion and move on.

There is no one on here that recognizes you specifically or makes posts specially tailored to refer to you.
Forget about it.

It's unhealthy, don't you see?
You should focus on things that are actually real.

So this is goodbye.
I'm taking your delusions with me. Goodnight.

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mm sexy bitch

Why is her manko so itchy?

Uh, what is she doing with her right hand??

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scratching itchy pubes, we all do it

Inserting a suppository.

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Leave it up to subhumans to spill their spaghetti.

Anime is degenerate

This is now a Yui thread

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Why does her shirt say honeymoon?

Do you think youd still be a weeb if women were attracted to you?

See you faggot

How good is K-on? I'm not much of a fan to dominantly female casts, but it doesn't detriment my enjoyment that much.

Probably not

Attached: castenet.gif (500x500, 1.77M)

>There is no one on here that recognizes you specifically or makes posts specially tailored to refer to you.
Good to know.

Wait. I don't feel alone or non-understood. So the OP's post was meant for someone else!

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Women ARE attracted to me. I disregard roastie in favor of 2D because have you seen the average roastie's personality?
Plus they're either illegal or too fuckin old.

Once you hit 13, you'll realize guys have pubes too.

Do real women look like this

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Delete the image right now Yui is pure

Nuh-uh! I'm a guy and I don't have pubes on my ass OR my vagina!

It's fun and cute

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I think it's the best in its genre. Solid dynamics within the cast, good animation, fantastic and comfy backgrounds, surprisingly touching yet subtle character development and even some feels.

You would settle, don't lie to us

Feeding little cheezus

this solved nothing OP u fucking faggot

No plot.

>There is no one on here that recognizes you specifically
but that is why i am here

mio is a whore

This is why white women prefer the superior black men
I can smell your virginity from thousands of miles

better question, why is her left dislocated at the elbow
fucking look at it
try to make your arm like that

>Can't say why 3D > 2D
I think I'll keep my virginity thanks

As in all humans.

>I think I'll keep my virginity thanks
Obviously, that's not even up to you

>smelly, stinky, bitchy white "women"
2D is better. If I did go 3D, it would have to be a qt Japanese idol or something.

its just fun and cute

Rape is still on the table.

>K-ON was almost 10 years ago

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Bitch please. Women prefer the man they -can't- have.
Your pussy wet as fuck for all these loli-fappin' 2d veterans. But you know what? No nerd dick for u.

Dude the table isn't meant to support the weight, can you rape on the bed or the couch instead pls?

>go outside
>give some random whore $20
>get laid
Wow that was hard

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And you are such a soyboy you can't even do that
I'm willing to bet you'd be rejected even by whores
Let's not pretend you have the strength to rape anything other than your onahole you pathetic virgin

Mio > Yui > Ritsu > Asuza > Mugi

You're acting like 3D women don't exist.
3D women easy as fuck. Jump on any dick nearby so long as the owner of the dick doesn't treat the 3D too nicely.
Sluts tbqh. Rather have pure 2D.

>Let's not pretend you have the strength to rape anything other than your onahole you pathetic virgin
That a challenge? Them's consentin' words ma'am.

Yui = Mio = Ritsu = Mugi

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>he argues with pathetic weeb virgins for fun

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I want to marry and impregnate Yui!

>I'm willing to bet you'd be rejected even by whores
I got rejected by a whore once.
My niece was studying for some bullshit languages degree and sold herself to pay some bills, and I was like "Well if it's not me it's gonna be some random sleazeball" so I figured I might as well.
She refused. >=[

>hire whore
>get pegged and lose your anal virginity
Some people are so passive they can't even tell their hired companions what to do.


It spells "worst girl"

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