>game dev union
I give it 6 months tops. This is gonna blow up in everyone's face a d I'm gonna enjoy it
Game dev union
Other urls found in this thread:
>game dev union
>when there are fresh-out-of-college "I wanna work for video games!" game design degree losers by the truckload who would work for nothing more than apple juice and chicken tendies
Unions only work for jobs that people don't actually want to do, or for jobs that very few people can properly do.
>I'm gonna enjoy it
I mean, it will fail, but why would you?
>For thousands of code monkeys
>Actually thinking they'll get what they want when they could easily be replaced by billions of code monkeys in India for less cost.
Look we're going to abuse the fuck out of some poor nerd to make these games so it may as well be OUR poor nerds
Alternative is abusing the fuck out of brown nerds while our nerds commit suicide
Communist in your games.
Leader union get millonaries muh equality.
In fact graphic design makes more 2/3 of workers in games, self taught graphics design or some shitty graphics arts B.S
I'll take whatever job I can get, fuck unions.
>t. Idk what unions are for
I am sick of unions ruining the things I love.
t. Bossberg
>Doesn't include programmers, only lead devs/directors/producers/voice actors
Grocery store employees are unionized. Don't tell me there's more people trying to get game development jobs than grocery bagging jobs.
This. For coding and IP stuff in general you just don't need a person on-site like with miners etc. How retard are these people.
>Please Send More Jobs to Chinese Code Monkey Farms
This is just gonna be hilarious. Bunch of entitled lazy fucks demanding for more pay for their special pixel art. The reality is going to hit their face so hard.
But maybe they can put a tariff on those Chinese Steel games.
When it comes to amount of people who want to get in vs amount of people they can hire? Yes. You have to think in terms of ratio.
Then what even is the fucking point?
Boss tier union?
>you just don't need a person on-site like with miners etc.
I spent half a minute trying to figure out why cryptomining requires staff.
>trump endorses the union
>companies are forced to accept the union and its members or face prosecution
>trump saves jobs in the us
Admirable but can't work due to outsourcing.
Indians can be your go to code monkeys
Wait that's the purpose? Fuck that then
I'd really like to see a bunch of nerds with picket signs get destroyed by union busters. Funny shit.
>Union in a industry with no political weight nor benefit to organized crime
Git oudda here wit date, capiche!?
a union isnt gonna work when literally every employee at the big game companies is replaceable or bribeable with a marginal salary increase
>trump endorses the union
This would kill it immediately. Game devs are progressive, and would never support something Trump likes.
Only took me a couple of seconds.
>Not hiding child porn in game cartidges.
Nobody is ever gonna datamine some Barbie shovelware
And the biggest grocery chain on the planet, Walmart, bans it's workers from being in unions.
Does it at least included testers?
Although I hear that has a pretty high turnover rate anyway.
Prove to me that walmart actually hires people, because every time i go they have like 5 people
QA here, it absolutely does.
Generally the big companies hire for 3 - 6 month contracts which gets renewed if you behave during your initial contract, which entails volunteering for every overtime that's offered and in some cases entering X number of bugs per day.
These rolling contracts can go on for literally years before you're offered a permanent slot, and if a game ships they lay off half the contractors and in some companies blacklist them from ever working there again, even if they were good at the job but just didn't make the top ~12 who got kept on.
>Let's inflate game budgets even more!
Who's ready for Japan to take over again as western companies start dropping like flies? No amount of DLC and loot boxes can save them from unionization.
>lay off half the contractors and in some companies blacklist them from ever working there again
Well that's retarded.
And by the end of the year there will be a huge glut of unemployed crusty socjus gamedev monkeys who thought they were valuable enough to not be dropped for poo in loos or chinks the second they became a nuisance
Great excuse for EA and other publishers to ramp up outsourcing though! Are you ready for your games to be even shittier because all the programming is done by pajeets who do shittier work for less pay?
Easy to fix in the US just like every other job here without a union; deport all illegals, visa workers, and anchor babies then indefinitely halt all future immigration since the US does not have a labor shortage to begin with and shouldn't be taking immigrants to begin with since we don't have a labor shortage. There, US economy fixed, at least a 20% wage increase across the board and the price of housing will be lower, which is the single highest expense for most Americans. Businesses would hate having to pay the wages they should have been paying to begin with though.
>which entails volunteering for every overtime that's offered
I should add to that, it's not actually a problem to get people to sign up for overtime because it pays 1.5x, so instead of knocking off at 5pm, you can stay until 9 and make 50% more for that day.
Which when you're working at a certain UK developer who make crime and cowboy games, is a no brainer because the base contractor salary is 14,000, which you can turn into about 24,000 if you work every weekend and evening year-round.
i like it
Socjus trash get booted.
EA and other western trash devs lose because their game get shittier, hopefully less sales for them
Yeah, I still can't figure out why. My best guess is that anybody who's been laid off by them before and comes back will be jaded enough to stop working when the contract is coming to an end or might be a leak liability if they know there's a good chance they'll be tossed away afterward.
Typically they have contracts expire on a Friday and do the layoffs the Monday or Tuesday before, so that nobody tries anything.
>shittier work for less pay?
Or better work in the case of bethesda
>Nobody is ever gonna datamine some Barbie shovelware
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
You people are fucking retarded if you think a AAA game can outsource programming to India.
Yeah, that's why you should be for this, it's a poison pill for the shitty western game industry
As with all things in this shitty world, accelerating the collapse is the only answer
I'm gonna take this as an excuse to plug a song I like
>As with all things in this shitty world, accelerating the collapse is the only answer
Even American healthcare?
Sure why not, should solve some overpopulation problems.
Yeah, just like how voice actors unionizing was great and removed cancerous voice acting from games.
Except that it didn't and they're stronger than ever and you can't lift a finger without their approval if your game has anybody so much as speaking in it.
I'd love to think this would purge the industry of socjus twats, but I just don't see it happening.
Don't forget how unions killed any chance of most animated shows getting a season 3
Then the government should punish publishers for this:
>"Oh, you want to move countries because of unions? Here, have some huge taxes as a punishment!"
>they want their jobs and union
>they also don't want trump
It will be the ultimate shitshow, but would likely result in both sides coming together and seeing that they antagonistic behaviour isn't really warranted. it's for the good of the US.
Unions for developers and programmers are a good thing and it needs to go further:
>Both should have the freedom to leave work and turn down "crunch time" WITHOUT punishment
>Both should be entitled to reasonable break periods each day
>Both should be paid much more
>Both should have the freedom to coordinate strikes, even during vital development periods
>Publishers should be fined and punished for working against unions in any way, shape or form
As someone who actually works in a real firm, indian coders are worthless idiots who can half assemble something to work using googled code, and if its supposed to do anything outside of exactly what you tell it to, it falls apart.
Indians aren't taught how to critically think or solve problems, they literally just memorize manuals verbatim but if you were to actually ask them how something workd they'd be countless.
The company i work for is actually moving away from indian support entirely, and if you check tech news india is turning into a new crisis as other companies abandon them as well because the money you put in india, you'll spend 10x hiring actual coders to fix it on a deadline when they could've hired a good normal coder for far less that works constantly.
there's nothing wrong with unions for actually hard jobs, it's only unions for shit like VA work that are cancer
At least India has programmers. I know a company that's been planning to outsource software development to Turkey.
For reference, there are 30,000 software developers in Turkey, in a nation of 80 million.
>at least they have coders
They don't, that's the whole problem. 30k competent coders are better than 3 million curries pretending to be able to code.
These are the same people saying we need to be paying $120 for video games, yeah?
this is now a red horde vidya thread
>Sup Forums actually supports people getting fucked physically and mentally by publishers like EA because they think creative people don't deserve basic employee rights
There is a reason western games are so soul less you know. You'd have no soul either if you worked a 60 hour consecutive shift to texture some garbage micro transaction armor.
Unions don't work in oversaturated industries.
Voice actors were unionized long before video games were even thought of.
>You'd have no soul either if you worked a 60 hour consecutive shift to texture some garbage micro transaction armor.
so like konami? a Japanese company?
If it took you 60 hours to texture a garbage micro transaction armour, you don't deserve overtime
Of course they do, but they only work 10 hours a week so they don't have to offer any benefits to their slaves
I actually had to sleep in the office for 3 months because I was in charge of quality checking and retouching every single model and texture that came through and then compressing it to give it to the engine devs. Problem is that I was supposed to have a team of 5, but they all got liquidated early on due to not accepting 80 hour work weeks but only getting paid 37.5
I would never work for AAA again.
>>There is a reason western games are so soul less you know. You'd have no soul either if you worked a 60 hour consecutive shift to texture some garbage micro transaction armor.
You do realise Japanese working conditions are 20 times worse, right?
Code monkeys don't fucking matter. What matters is an entire team getting behind a singular vision, which is something that doesn't happen in the west anymore because "muh committee needs to design everything so we don't upset anyone!". It killed movies, it killed games, it's the death of creativity and the epitome of too many cooks spoiling a broth.
The voice actor union strike achieved fuck all besides ruining careers
These threads always crack me up. Stick to the video games and shitposting, Sup Forums, because when it comes to real world shit like economics and the negative effect unions have on industries, 95% have literally not a single fucking clue what you're talking about.
Protip: the original reason unions were even created hasn't existed for over 70 years. Unions are a fucking money making cancerous scam in the modern day. Every industry that gets unionized immediately suffers a massive drop in the quality of whatever it produces because shitty workers are impossible to get rid of. The examples are all around you.
name one union in creative industries that did anything but make things worse for everyone
Writer's guild killed television and it still covered after more than a decade
Voice acting union destroyed countless careers and series
Animator unions literally destroyed western animation until the end of time. no good western cartoon will ever come out ever again
>game dev union
so idea guys are finally going to get together and form a tumor?
>Protip: the original reason unions were even created hasn't existed for over 70 years. Unions are a fucking money making cancerous scam in the modern day. Every industry that gets unionized immediately suffers a massive drop in the quality of whatever it produces because shitty workers are impossible to get rid of. The examples are all around you.
That song is way better than it has any right to be.
>The examples are all around you.
Police unions are the strongest unions in America yet the cops still kill plenty of niggers.
>Muh strikes
Time for layoffs boys.
> Sup Forums unironically defends companies that make employees work 20 hours a day and sleep in their office during crunch time
We need C L A S S C O N C I O U S N E S S
You faggots are getting slapped around by the jews and unironically defend them
Unions largely work for industries where there is little competition, so largely public sector or heavily regulated industries, so there are rents that the union can chisel off a piece of.
In the absence of government interference firms, otherwise will reallocate factors of production to remain competitive.
Fuck off. If you work in a highly competitive field where a dozen people would kill to have your job, expect some shitty working conditions.
There is nothing wrong with code monkeys being abused. If you don't like it, find an artfag and make your own fucking studio.
But they're cheap and these are videogames so nobody will care
>no one cares
You're nuts, if a game is ultra buggy people whine non stop 24/7 and it cost sales.
unironically getting a game dev degree means you took a car jack to your anus and are BEGGING to get fucked over
the universe is providing
>there are people in this thread that actually support Jewish publishers
Y'all are the ultimate cucks if you think that games wouldnt be better with more creative freedom and less publisher meddling
And a Union its just going to fix everything? A Union is there to fuck with the company just like the company is there to fuck with its employes, but none of that shit benefits the buyer
i hope the fashy chinese take all of your jobs, because you are highly paid office drones pretending to be the proletariat
>unions increase creative freedom
lmao, that worked out really well for television after the strike.
>le joose
hey buddy i think you got the wrong door. the nazi club is two blocks down.
>game devs unionize
>pubs outsource development to shithouse third world countries to avoid unions
>second vidya crash
but as a fellow union man, I wish them luck
they get a cut of those hulu revenues now, and that's all that matters to them
Is that one user still trying to push that shit?
>getting paid 37.5
Shit nigga. Pay me that much and I will work all you want me to.
But that's what they already do.
EA has several outsourcing units for programming and animation tools in india
>He doesn‘t realize the increased cost of higher wages will directly affect game prices / quality and make companies uncompetetive on the global market
But Vidya is where you most need creativity. Look at that fast square root shit.
can't wait for every wave of "disruptive" techbro to look for protection for their standard of living while they export this on the world
What an idiot you are
there are plenty of industries with over saturation and they still have unions which work. Just because you have an abundance of potential workers doesn't mean unions don't help those already in jobs
>Anything to do with creative freedom and pulisher meddling
The Union will step in to say "We want more money!" and that's it, and guess what? when they're in a union and DON'T get what they want they're going on strike will most likely be fired on the spot, then some third world hobo will take over his job
But user, they're cheap
>he lives in a country when workers can be fired on the spot for industrial action
Maybe you're the one living in a third world country