Thoughts on Stupid Dark Souls™?
First one was easier than I remember but 3 is kind of kicking my ass.
Thoughts on Stupid Dark Souls™?
First one was easier than I remember but 3 is kind of kicking my ass.
>remember dying quite a few times fighting Cerberus few years back
>now can defeat it just fine
I think turbo and not using Trickster is making things harder for me.
Trickster definitely makes game easier, but I love Swordmaster's additional moves.
Having a blast with gunslinger.
You've got to be kidding me.
I have played and enjoyed the entirety of both these series and in no way are there any mechanical similarities between DMC or DKS. How in the unholy fuck do you even compare these two. Is it because they're both grimdark?
is it because of the difficulty, if so thats fucking stupid
I don't get it. Why is it always ''Dark Souls'' and not Demon's Souls when the latter started the whole 2difficult4normieshardcoregamur genre
Dark Souls was multiplatform and eventually landed on PC, so more people played it. Guarantee you that most people who played Dark Souls never even heard of Demon's Souls.
PC release of Dark Souls called itself "Prepare to Die" I always assumed that was the reason normies loudly exhaled through their nose over it.
I don't really know. DMC feels a lot more like an arcade game if anything.
because it's made by casual journalists who only have the most entry level knowledge about game series
How's the pc version? Playable or a fucking mess like original DMC3?
It's probably because of he bosses. DMC has bosses that will fuck you up until you learn their patterns and shit.
Can't wait for the inevitable Ninja Gaiden cashgrab hd collection only for every mother fucker to call it Ninja Souls
It's fine, supposedly missing some effects like blur but I didn't notice anything.
The worst part is really how low effort it is, menus are still fucking 4:3; but it's functional.
>finish DMC3 10 years ago
>pick it up again recently
>"I don't remember it being this slow."
>play for a bit, all inputs are too early because the game is slow
>think this is because of SE
>drop it
>hear about turbo mode
What the fuck, was the western OG release turbo mode by default or what?
>Dark Souls feels like a cerebral version of Devil May Cry
What is with Dark Souls fans and being pretentious little shits who think they're Einsteinian geniuses for playing the Souls games?
Ninja Gaiden shits on both DMC and DS difficulty wise though. It's probably the ultimate pleb filter even though I prefer the other 2.
to be fair, there is some similarities between the first DMC and souls, beside the gothic dark-fantasy settings
combat is lock on + dodge focused. Fighting stronger enemies or bosses like Nelo Angelo, the spiders or the lizard enemies usually results in a similar (tho faster paced) "roll out of attacks and counter attack when you have an opening" combat
No but maybe you just turned it on and didnt know.
DMC3 never had that blur missing from DMC1HD.
Is there a turbo mode for 1 and 2 on the PS2?
Only DMC3SE got it on PS2.
On PC you can force to disable v-sync for DMC1 and lock the framerate at 72 fps for your own turbo mode.
soulsgames are good but holy fuck the fans are tiresome and obnoxious.
how the fuck do you compare these two, they have vastly different mechanics and different strengths.
why do these people still have their jobs?
Devil May Cry 1 basically invented the aggressive 3D boss fights Souls games are known for, that and DMC1 also has quite a lot of backtracking.
NG has the super meat boy "die in 5 seconds then retry it till you mastered the level" mentality though, it's not necessarily a good kind of difficulty compared to a proper risk and punishment system
>implying Dork Souls is in the same league as Devil May Cry
Such a deluded fan base
>"die in 5 seconds then retry it till you mastered the level"
None of the Ninja Gaiden games pull that bullshit on the highest difficulty unlocked by default.
>"die in 5 seconds then retry it till you mastered the level" mentality
>not "get to the boss fight, die, run back, rinse and repeat" mentality
I mean, maybe this is what soulsfags take as soulslike. The fact that if you die, you have to do everything again up to that point. It's retarded and a lot of games have done it in the past but by modern standards, it's "dark souls".
This needs to stop. This everything is Dark Souls meme needs to STOP!
>the absolute state of soulsfags
I miss how DMC1 gave you the option to inspect things everywhere, I think DMC3 and DMC4 had some but it was minimal.
I love how Dante will throw in his own comments like "It's a record of the harvests throughout the years, why am I reading this?"
Its literally what Sup Forums wanted back in 2011
Dmc3 still had a lot of it.
Am I the only one that unironically thinks DMC3 has a pretty good story? Its one of those cases where it perfectly uses the medium of games to vehicle itself, and the writing is actually not bad at all (even if it obviously intentionally pulls ridiculous and over the top bullshit in every other cutscene). It also lends itself to a slightly deeper looking when you start paying attention to things like the names of missions or peculiar moments like the doppelganger cutscene
Unironically one of my favourite stories in vidya, surprisingly deep in a subtle way, you're given plenty of info, cutscenes aren't very long and they manage to be fun to watch.
I don't understand this meme.
kill yourselves
being a casual fag that that doesn't even know that Demon Souls was the first Souls game are NOT souls fags
these ""stupid soulsfags"" are always people who clearly hardly even played these games but just like to spam ebin memes about them to fit in, and you faggots know that well, but you desperately need some munition to your own memes about how "people who like souls are retarded xd"
It's pretty much the perfect story for the kind of video game DMC is.
It's not going to win any awards in storytelling, but it's not really trying to either. It's there to give context to why you're fighting and it does that really well.
the ending/last few chapters of DMC3 is the best and most fucking climatic ending out any video games' story, but
the story before that is very barebones. It's just Dante goofing around and being tossed around for the sake of level progression.
Sup Forums didn't care about Dark Souls until it got a PC version
>damage control
maybe its just because im a writer myself and an extremely overdramatic person in general, but DMC3 just seems to set up such a strong internal consistency and sense of gravity inside its admittedly retardedly ridiculous world that it grips you into the story. The temen-ni-gru is one of the best settings ever in a game like this because you literally walk right up to it from your shop, travel up to the top from the bottom and then back down all the while the very tangible layout keeps shuffling around. It never transports you to "another level" or somehow breaks its own internal rules by warping you to the next convenient story location. The only slightly weaker point of the game is maybe Lady because its harder to accept her doing what she does due to being human than what Dante, Vergil or Arkham can do
This. It became some meme here how the "souls fanbase is the worst shit possible" just because casual journos like to compare every game with a difficulty to the only single challenging game they know about and make a fool of themselves
ill add to this that the whole idea of completely traversing the temen-ni-gru is exactly why I think the game sells its story so well, this sense of tangible exploration of a realistic space cannot be replicated in any other medium
I hate when people compare everything to Dark Souls or try to haphazardly include similar mechanics into their games without getting them right, but I am certain that in a few decades, the Souls games will be generally considered as some of the most influential games of the 2010's, and I think that's great because I genuinely think that the Souls games are the best thing to come out of videogames during this decade.
Muh deepest lore and refined combat.
Seriously though DaS probably has the best game world ever created
Somebody finally made a review worse than Fight & Heal.
A what?
Someone did a review of Etrian Odyssey 3 years ago where they claimed that you could get thrpugh the game by spamming the Fight command and healing spells.
>if you change the pacing and fight mechanics its the same
I hate that literally everything in this eea is a circle jerk based on zero logic
how low does you IQ even need to be to compare DMC to DS to begin with?
because idiocy often comes with confidence in ones own genius.
Fucking hell he mentions dark souls 10 TIMES in this short article. No wonder comments are not allowed
>Compares a game that came before Dark Souls with dark souls
>Compare a game that have nothing to do with dark souls with dark souls
DMC3 is the worst setting in video games because how terrible cartoony the main character goes through the setting denying all interests in the depth of the scenary and demons in them. DMC games really don't need a plot, just like Monster Hunter.
First time playing 3 here, and I don't see the point of Trickster. I butchered Fido with Swordmaster too.
Also what does Turbo do?
I really want a style switcher now. Pretty hard to believe the game is meant to be played this way
>DMC3 is the worst setting in video games because how terrible cartoony the main character goes through the setting denying all interests in the depth of the scenary and demons in them.
Gee user it's almost like that's the point of Dante's character.
>I really want a style switcher now.
because youre a retard using one level 1 style without even any skill at this point
>Also what does Turbo do?
fuck off kid, if youre playing 3 or 4 without turbo you havent beaten the games
Stop with the unwarraneted hostility faggot. He was just asking a question.
>It also lends itself to a slightly deeper looking when you start paying attention to things like the names of missions or peculiar moments like the doppelganger cutscene
My favorite thing like this in the series is in 1 after you finally defeat the Nightmare for good and then have to start the giant heart. The symbolism isn't very deep, overcoming trauma has been told before, but the way its done is amazing.
Trickster has teleporting, air dashes and lots of i-frames, turbo increases game speed by 20%.
Thanks, I'll just replay the game with Turbo and level up Trickster now
I noticed that a lot of people who never really played challenging games before got obsessed with Dark Souls to the point where it made them narrow-minded for a while. I think it gave them a sense of pride for feeling like they beat the hardest game in the world, but they eventually move on and play other challenging games and stop being so obsessed with it.
While devil may cry never forces its plot or backstory on you hard, its actually rooted pretty hard in ideas like the oedipus complex and childhood trauma in general. Its definitely an interesting way to look at the series when you contextualize something like Dante's attitude with repressed anger and desensitization
>all lights go out
I think I just realized why journalists keep putting "Dark Souls" somewhere in their articles. It must make their articles come up more when people are searching Google? So they try to put in as many popular titles as they can to get more hits. That's probably why he keeps referencing The Matrix for no reason.
I just noticed they weren't written by the same person which is odd
>These people get paid to write this
Damn man you literally need ZERO credentials to be a games "journalist"
I went into the wrong field
Eh I would say only 3 really touches on that. 1/2 are pretty straightforward action games.
I read the rest of the article and he's not saying DMC is bad and that Dark Souls is better, he's just making comparisons (for some reason) and saying that DMC doesn't take itself so seriously. He said it's still a good game with great gameplay.
I wonder if he called it stupid on purpose so he could post it here and get people riled up so they'd to his website and he'd get more money from the (View)s
Trish is the most important aspect of 1's story, the game is very heavy handed about Dante falling in love with her exactly because she looks like his mother
This is not cuh-ray-zee
Kamiya says Dante wasn't in love with her though despite some evidence to the contrary
the game outright states that Dantes "love" awakened Trish's human heart and all of the soundtracks related to them two are shit like "Im coming", "Final penetration", "Blue Orgasm", "Seeds of Love" and "Pillow talk"
>that persistent rumor that dmc V is going to have a souls style open level design
>1/2 are pretty straightforward action games.
They just don't have as many long cutscenes but they still tell you just as much. E.g. Nightmare boss and the giant heart, Nelo fleeing when he sees your amulet and the flashbacks of kid's voices when you get his half, the ghost ship itself. It tells just as much through the game setting and bosses if you look for it as it does through cutscenes.
Seeds of Love have Eva's theme in them, it refers to love in general, not romantic one specifically. Don't know what the hell they thought with other titles, but I've seen Kamiya's tweet where he states it was a feeling different from romance.
>Don't know what the hell they thought with other titles
It's fitting for industrial music
The leak in question actually specifically states the game isn't Open World or Souls level design, but rather mission based with more open traversal. There's also going to be a boss that "moves across the level".
I hope it's true because it sounds interesting.
But not very fitting when trying to sell something as totally not sexual.
The leak also sounds like absolute dogshit that follows in the steps of 4 rather than 1 or 3. It will be shat on if the trailer drops and people will see Nero and faggy final fantasy visuals pop up regardless of what the gameplay is like
>play Dark Souls and watch Rick and Morty all day for a month
>become so intelligent that I invent a portable cold fusion reactor despite being a high school dropout
He's right though.
DmC is a series of badly designed games, enjoyed by button mashing mongs because
>m-muh CUH-RAE-ZEE games!
>on the highest difficulty unlocked by default.
But when you finish the game, unlock Master Ninja and get fucked by constant one shots, game really feels unfair.
Nigga, remaster doesn't count as sequel nor makes it a series.
It's the latest game in the series and is part of it whether you like it or not.
I know when you strip away all the retarded anime garbage it's a lot easier to see how unbelievably bad DmC games are, but you have to accept it user.
Probably makes more sense to say that there are sexual feelings but they won't be acted on
There is only one "DmC" game.
Anyone who says "DmC series" is baiting
Tell me what that acronym stands for.
It stands for DmC Devil May Cry, a 2013 game.
DmC: Devil May Cry is a recent game.
Devil May Cry is a series. Never (officialy) called "DMC" or "DmC"
Wew lad, you should go to the Olympics with the mental gymnastics you're pulling off there
>remove anime out of something
>it becomes bad
Yeah no shit