Be honest, Sup Forums

Be honest, Sup Forums

Why do you suck so bad at fighting games?

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cause Sup Forums is filled with white people

I don't care to dominate, just to know how to play.

Said the white person.

Artist is ojo_(dfreak)

I wanna suck Chun's sweaty Lis

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I don't train or play enough.

I keep masturbating to the porn instead of playing the games.

I can't play them anymore, they will make my repetitive stress injury worse.
I've literally pressed buttons too many times to the point my hands are damaged.

I've never enjoyed anything competitive. Sports or games. If I don't enjoy it, why get better at it? The innate drive to get better would grow out of wanting to beat other players. I don't want to or care to.

you wish lmao

I am good, it's just whenever I show people proof of my tournament placings and VODs of me playing well they move the goalposts.

because I'm too busy sucking your mum's fat tits lmao

I don’t. And I play real games like ST instead of that modern baby shit. Fuck off.

I don't have the patience to memorize a bunch of button inputs for dozens upon dozens of moves just to be able to play a single character. The last time I tried seriously doing that (Kilik in soul calibur) it sucked all the fun out of the game and I just quit. Fighting games can have massive amounts of strategic depth without the ridiculous barrier of entry. When 75% of the challenge is just controlling the actual game it's just shit design.

Because my reaction time is comparable to a dead cat.

Not punishing properly, though in starting to get the hang of it a bit better, not reacting to lows as well as I used to, and not parrying more often.
If I sort all of these out, I'd be on a higher level of play.

Posting a classic

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because i don't git gud

I don't have enough time.
I prefer to invest my free time in games I actually enjoy rather than training like a robot against AI or other humans online.
This appies also to RTS and TCG games, which I like but are too competitive-oriented.

Shit at memorizing combos and applying them at the fly and shit at timing.

This is all you will get from me.

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Because I'm content with sticking with Smash but apparently that's not a fighting game according to Sup Forums.

because being a loser at a video game is adding too much stress to their own self-identities.

Best to play team games instead, easier to blame others for own mistakes.

low IQ

Execution is easy, I just can't wrap my mind around high level strategies and shit

Ok, I'll be honest.

For fighting games, it takes a _lot_ of practice to go from button mashing, to some semblance of thoughtful button mashing, to purposeful decision.

You really have to put the time into the game to get there.

What gaem

Too busy fapping to Chun-li's abdominal-nipples

Everything except Tekken 3. But even in that I never seem to get the parries.

It's a mix of not having enough time, and RSI (thanks Osu) sometimes slowing my button pressing down.

I don't have the time nor patience to constantly practice combos or advanced tech

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Because I'm literally too smart for them and grew bored with almost every fighting game last year. The entire genre in and of itself devolves into a glorified turn-based/Rhythm game where literally the most interesting part is literally guess-working 50/50 mixups. Outside of that the entire game is just:
Let opponent start their blockstring -> Pressure them when blockstring ends -> Try to pressure them out of their blocks -> If you fail it's their turn to pressure you again -> If you win then you get to delete a portion of their healthbar -> Rinse and repeat until round is done.

Anime games tried to fix this monotony by adding a crapton of aerial mobility and a focus on rushdown but ironically that becomes even more streamlined then the rest of the fighting genre because all the aerial mobility does is give additional focus to pressure.

I'm not even lying when I say that after playing fighting games for almost 2 decades I can say very confidently that almost every single fighting game plays the exact same way with only nuances as to how to play it and the fact that the whole thing devolves into a turn-based game just makes the whole thing boring after a while.

t. 7th place evo champ for 3rd strike in 2000

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Like that has anything to do with it.

I can never remember the combos and the only people I know who are into them play tekken at a professional (are sponsored) level so even when they take it easy I still get steamrolled

I hate gimmics and people always play the top tiers, so it sucks the fun out of it before I get interested enough to practice. Only exceptions were TTT2, MKX, and this new DBZ game.Once I actually practice I get pretty formidable, but I usually pick my favorite characters even if they are considered trash.

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I don't know how to play aggressively properly. I've learnt some stuff in the past few weeks but in the end I'm still either blocking and trying to punish, or I'm mashing; and mashing isn't fun.
Also losing isn't fun, I can only usually get in 3-5 losses before I give up for the day otherwise I get stressed out, which leads to worse performance.

I need to play more.

Reaction speed is needed from time to time. However, you don't need to react as fast in certain situations if you become familiar with them.

Lay off the soylent

I don't know. I agree about Sup Forums being shit. At the same time I've always played Tekken. I'd say only people inside the communitys can judge the overall quality of the fighting game. After all each game has variations on mechanics. I mean this not only between 3D and 2D, but between games such as Tekken and Virtua Fighter, GG and KoF and SF.

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Very reluctant to study frame data of other characters. I get the feeling that I won't be able to apply the knowledge in the heat of battle.

I never got very good as a kid and now I don't have the time or desire to train hard enough to get good.

Is noctis good?

I don't. In fact I can probably kick everyone's ass here as long as it isn't stupid shit like Smash, which isn't meant to be competitive anyway.

I'm too fucking casual to enjoy spending hours upon hours getting shit on in online play after I've just finished practicing 1 out of 188 known combos in practice mode with youtube playing a ''fighting game basics'' video in the background.
It's like there is no middle ground in the fighting game genre, you are either a huge fucking casual and plays 1-2 button fighters with no/barely any input commands or you are an ultra-tryhard that never plays anything but his beloved fighter that has a community so small that you probably already know every single one by their real name.

I just wish that there existed a fighter with a large amount of singleplayer content and easy to learn but hard to master gameplay. And the only three fighters that I have found so far are
>SCII SD/HD or SCIII (couch co-op only/dead online play)
>DBFZ (HUGE gap between veterans and casuals/dying community)
>Any of the SMASH games (Have to choose between no onlineplay or being stuck on 3ds/Wii U with shit tier hardware and net-code)

On top of that, it's really hard to get anyone who isn't already intrested in fighters to play with you becuase fighting games have a stigma of being really fucking hard to play and therefore boring. The only game that seems to work as an ''ice breaker'' of sorts towards the genre is SMASH, but its gameplay is so vastly different to any of the other popular fighters that it's almost impossible to make the jump from smash to any of the other games in the genre.

I'm currently sitting in super silver/ultra silver and hitting the inputs and frame data hurdle. It's really bizzare when I'm doing footsies and thinking I'm hot shit only to realize that it's actually just me spazzing out. Also nothing more infuriating than dropping your combo just because you didn't expect it to connect.
Played Plat Karin yesterday in a lobby and holy shit I felt like a cripple. It's like her normals are just generally better than mine.

Yeah. Most people say he's got good frames and insane reach, but apparently has terrible tracking, so side step punishing is looking to be the best way to deal with him.

Canceling. I cannot fucking do it. I just cannot wrap my brain around it, or combo strings. When i try, i can actually feel my head begin to hurt. I wanted to be good at them for so long but when i try i just feel like my reaction time and inputs are too slow. My brain does this thing where i have to repeat my thought before i do it. So i'll think "jump, quarter circle, back, crouch, B then A" and while i try to do it, i have some how forgotten what the fuck i was trying to do "wait..was it b or a next?" and then i get annihilated. Even with a lot of practice, it just doesn't seem to get mechanically easier for me.

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Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, Dragonball and NRS games have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!

If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.

Qudans literally shattered his wrist and won TWT. There's no excuse take some time to heal bitch.

You know his post made me realize. Once SC6 comes out and people who complain about the current game having "combos that last forever" I wonder how they'll feel about getting bodied in Soul Caliber.

>EVO in 2000
Anyways, wouldn't that actually make you a B4 7th place in 3rd Strike then, "Jason"?

name a white guy who has won a major tournament that isn't smash autism.

i don't suck at all, but i don' feel like paying to fucking play online

>have never played fighting games
>bought Tekken 7
>stopped after 1 hour because I couldn't get myself to learn a new genre
went back to playing grand strategy and city builder games after this little intermezzo

Tekken and SFV seem to be decently populated

No idea about SFV but tekken 7 is dead as shit

Do you have any semblance of Muscle memory? you can like, practice the commands, maybe just watching the inputs and then when your hard is kinda used to it try it actually in the game.

I only know how to play one character and that's thanks to years of forceful muscle memory learning.

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Is this a new pasta I missed ?

What does dead mean in this case? Is it hard to find ranked matches?

I own both games and Tekken 7 can take anywhere from 5-20min to find a match if I don't want to have shit ping.
SFV and SFIV were the two games I was sort of refering to when I went on my little rant about not being good enough to have fun with them.

None of them has any substantial amount of singleplay content, Tekken 7 is a little better in that regard but they locked fucking tekken ball behind DLC and the storymode and survival isn't expansive enough to carry singleplayer gameplay on it's own.

Aris won a big SC2 tournament.

to most people dead means less than 5000 people play the game on steam

I don't have the patience or care required to get good at them

Slightly modified stale pasta

I could have sworn I've seen this before. A copy pasta? Still Tekken is nothing like what you've described. Rage arts scale on how low your hp is to proportional damage you deal, and are unsafe on block. The game revolves around learning the mish mash of mechanics that all work, but require a little bit of time and understanding. Now I'm not sure about other characters to much, but the game is really fun to play as Yoshimitsu. Still to each their own user. I hope Capcom fixes SF for the majority of the hardcore fans.

I just hope Yoshimitsu gets announced soon, and that he has another interesting stance. I just hope they give him back his stances they took out of V.

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No he didn't, he won a small local tournament at some gamestop

Didnt he get called out for being a creep to some woman?

>he game revolves around learning the mish mash of mechanics that all work, but require a little bit of time and understanding.

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Sweet, I'm gonna get him in a few weeks. Can't wait to see the crazy combo videos, does he have any gimmecks? I've saw the warp strike and I think he has an "airborne stance"

>Any game that isn't smash autism
>Moving the goal post to "prove your point"
Wow what a faggot you are. I don't care enough to do more than the 10+ minutes of research I did going through tournament winner listings and looking up their ethnicities, so I'll just say the only one I can't find info on other than a picture or two that looks like a white dude.

Region, platform, time when you queue? I own T7 myself but I haven't gone online yet so I'm curious.

Poor reaction time and little patience, everything goes to shit as soon as it starts so i end up smashing buttons like a retard while some guy manhandles my character for like 30 seconds with a 100+ combo

And its like that for every match and for every fighting game

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I have a heart disease and if I focus on something super exciting for to long I get heart palpitations so I stopped playing them I was like 12.
Also I don't have to time to git gud, friends who like them or like to play competitive games in general.

I'm talking about the 2004 world tournament that took place in France.
Later on some reality esport show, don't remember the year.

Because it is impossible to me.

Spent years playing and I got nothing to show for it. Shit feels like a waste of time.

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We all it is you stinger.

What? You seriously can't tell me you knew what chickening was, how the crush system works, understanding that you can be floated, button buffering, counter hits and appropriate ways to react to getting different counter hits.
Mind that I only play Yoshimitsu so I know most other characters like Brian have pretty basic follow ups.
You have to clarify user. Are you talking about learning him in Tekken?

PC, Europe, Between 17:00->21:00 when I last tried playing.

According to steamcharts, you should play between 12:00->15:00 and 01:00->11:00 to get the largest playerpool possible durring both the weekdays and the weekends.

I guess that most people who playes this game on PC are either neets or collage students since they can seemingly stay up all night and play during the middle of the day.

One day, I'll win a major. Now post more chun lee

You say when talking about video game whos whole construct was built around killing time.

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Because I'd rather put all my hours into something that won't make me end up looking like Jabba "Daigo's Personal Onahole" Wong.

Because no matter what game it is, they're all campy shitfests where you try swabbing people with a stick from 1m away. "zoning. Nobody has the balls to get in your face and actually fight.

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Because time spent enjoying yourself ain't time wasted you dumb fuck. Not saying I didn't enjoy some of the time I spent playing fightans but all the time I've spent trying to get good at them was a waste, it was not very fun and had zero results on my performance. So yeah that was a wasted time.

>get friends into Skullgirls
>I can pick up fighting games pretty quickly, just not go to far into them
>they're starting to get better than me
I want to be proud but I feel like shit, I can't practice combos for the life of me, and I can't even remember the ones I actually know during the fight
Is Big Band actually OP or powerful or am I just a shitter

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Thanks for responding, EU PC here as well. I'll try my luck during reasonable hours first and then try the ones you mentioned if I have to.

Just a shitter

Sweep his rush punch

i might have made myself sound more disabled then i am, i can learn some of the combos but others just elude me. I wanted to git gud with she hulk for instance, i practiced linking those attacks but i just couldn't pull it off. Same with Injustice 2, the canceling in that game is very specific and theres a trick to it i can't figure out.

As for more serious fighting games like GG or DBFZ i'm WAY to intimidated by them to even bother.

I was pretty okay at SC back in the day. Used Sophitia, looking forward to the new one.

but smash is autism. have you ever been to a smash tournament and witnessed the massive amount of autism happening there.

I don't care enough about them to really learn any.

What about his grab? I find that thing so god damn annoying since it comes out fast and staggers when it's done.
So many of his moves come out fast and can be canceled it makes me want to die.
I wish the game wasn't mostly dead so I can find a coach

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I went trough a similar situation.
A friend of mine introduced me to usf4 and at the time I would to him to 0-20. Some months later I was able to slowly turn the tides of the score until I beat him 20-0.

Them he stopped playing fighting games and from that day on I never found anyone at my level to experience fighting games ever again.

I always find a match in 5 minutes maximum in T7, it really depend on where you live, I'm EU too.

BB as an assist is busted good, beat extend should be mandatory on a team

I just feel like I've hit a ceiling where I dont have the time or will to burst through, but my friends don't have that.
I fear that I'll become irrelevant as someone who was regarded as the best player in the group.

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because fucking brazillians and nips have nothing else to do

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I just bought Street Fighter 5. I haven't played a SF game since the 90's. SF2 for SNES.

I'm not great with fighting games but I was amazed so much of it was coming back to me. Chun Li was my main when I was a kid. Feels good.

You're gonna have to practice then. Or at least think about the game in a problem solving sense. I actually got better at fighting games when I had less time to play them since during my transit time to and from work I'd be thinking about matchups and what might/might not work in scenarios. Then when I had free time I could do some practice and test shit out.

That's totally wrong, you just only played against shitters.

>3rd Strike
>Evo 2000

lmao!!!! didn't even exist