We won

we won

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what exactly did "we" win?

Indeed, radical centrists always win in the end. SJWs and Sup Forumstards can fuck off.

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>meanwhile mandatory chemical castration for white males in Western Europe

Cool. What’s my prize?



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Won what?

How many people do you think got this game because of your insertion of nonsensical #purity into it

>we're in a timeline where a game that's set in medieval europe is called racist because it doesn't have any black people in it

When do we genocide liberals?

Sup Forums cucks always lose

You mean #nonsensical historical accuracy?

They don't have kids, 60 years

i love triggering libtards by buying clunky eurojank trash

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I mean taking a game which has historical accuracy and running with that as some sort of political statement rather than... being historically accurate.

Codex is what Sup Forums wishes they were. Actually edgy retards who play video games and can speak coherently about them even if half their ideas are wrong.

look at his twitter he definitely hate sjw as anyone else

what the FUCK lefty/pol/ why are the nazis winning

Welcome to americans and western euroshitters.

>haha you think I would hold a coherent belief about anything? guess again kiddo

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>Shills won

That game was truly awful. I don't understand.

>we won
the publisher? who is we? are you them?

>radical centrism isn't a coherent belief
Can't wait for the day we start hanging you outcasts

that would require for you to have a backbone

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In the end the mentally ill trannies of resetera always lose, top kek.

>bug fest game with cut promised content


>1.3.4 broke random encounter

nice job, cunt

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Being against faggot extremists on either side is what takes the most spine. And we have coherent beliefs. They're just not perfectly aligned with your unanimous circlejerk. Fuck outta here.

Yeah, and Sup Forumstards. Not that there's a difference.


Literally everyone will tell themselves that no matter what they believe in you delusional kid.


>falling for the latest FOTM ideology
Literally the most spineless thing there is

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It's really funny because I never disclosed anything about my political beliefs. I'm just responding to all the super cringey and edgy "centrist" post


another victory for the oppressed white race

>I never disclosed anything about my political beliefs
>super cringey and edgy "centrist"


It was broken two mini updates ago

Reminder that fascists and national socialists are radical centrists

Pretending to not take sides and feigning superiority over everyone is a spineless thing to do and you are not some sort of genius for doing it.

Ill buy it when it leaves early access

This. Centrists BTFO

>you absoluetely have to take a side, although both sides are completely nuts
This is what retarded alt-righters believe. Maybe, just maybe, some people just don't want to view every aspect of their daily lives through your retarded identity politics lens

did you worship Mr. Donald Trump today Sup Forumsbros?

You are the first one to bring anything about identity politics up.
Do you even hear yourself?

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>Eastern Europeans hate both nazis and communists
Gee I wonder why

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user, do you know what thread you're in?

people like good games. at 11: water is wet and grass is green.

also it doesn't have to sell 88 million copies to barely make its money back

A Kingdom Come Deliverance thread on a board about video games
Where do you think you are?

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>identity politics
There is no such thing as "eternal centrist as you imgained, you sound like you've already picked a side.

did a AAA game just sell 16k on steam?

that's fucking pathetic. the most obscure of obscure indie games sell more than that

>A Kingdom Come Deliverance thread
Take a good look at the OP then

user...do you have brain problems?


>if you're not an apple, you're a banana

What has alt right have to offer to centrists. Not much going for them desu.

>muh 12345+ imaginary genders
>radical centrist

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I"m central European, hate nazis and communists and I'm happy KCD did good despite SJW's shitting themselves for no reason

>if you're not an apple, you're a banana
That's what you said, not me.

Dude, she lost.

white people are superior at building and maintaining societies

What's historically inaccurate about this game?

Im proud to not be one of those owners

You didn't do anything
Just some underages sperging out because of twitter caps on a tibetan shell-painting forum

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>you sound like you've already picked a side.

They don't need kids. Liberalism isn't genes, it's memes.

>"Western men are equal to women"
>Third world invasion ensues


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Codex are a bunch of reddit-tier faggots you dumb nigger
They bash on games like Underworld Ascendant but praise their shitty waifu simulator that is The Witcher 3

Fuck off back there you goddamn reddit piece of shit.

user, you're retarded.

To be fair, they shilled the fuck out of that game for free.

He isn't wrong though, which is why you get so little of these threads. Nobody discusses any of the game play or the game it self 90% of the time. The same thing happens with PUBG threads

Praise our lord, Jesus Christ.

>people consider this buggy broken piece of shit good only because it was made by nazis
Fucking Sup Forumstards, man.

Is killing Nazis considered a SJW thing now

>we're in a timeline where killing virtual nazis is called sjw propaganda

not enough brown people running around