Download leaked dev build

>download leaked dev build
>it has a dedicated debug menu
>spawn edgy semen demon
>she follows us everywhere, talks to the characters and shit
>hilariously tries to follow our car
>reaload game, she's still there
>permanent guest until I disable her
>you can also use the cheat engine to swap character models, playing as a qt girl from chapter 1
>there's also a first person mode

You didn't tell me, Sup Forums

Attached: Final Fantasy XV.png (1153x877, 2.91M)

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I wish I had a good PC to screw around with this, it just isn't that fun on PS4.

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Is there a list of commands anywhere? I wanted to mess around with spawning monsters/weapons/characters but I have no idea where to start.

That used to be a glitch on console right?
Go to a campfire while she gets out of a drop ship to help and she's in even after NG on that save

You don't need a good computer

Attached: 4L_Xz1qslmA.png (1334x750, 1.21M)

It runs like shit on mine and I have a 1070

You can enable debug on steam version tho

are you sure you even have a CPU? game ran fine on low-average settings on my 960

I tried it on low too, I have a FX-8150.

>game ran fine on low-average settings

I mean people like to have actual graphics.

When you go any setting on High it just starts to stutter even if the FPS is good the frametimes are horrible

Are you running it in 4K?
Using ultra HD textures?
What the fuck

Wut mate. You can spawn semen demons? Can you spawn Cindy or Luna?

It still has plenty of graphics even at low
I only turned textures, lighting, screen effects and AA up

Attached: ffxv_s_2018-03-11_13-26-01.jpg (1600x900, 287K)

Post your graphic settings, you obviously have done something stupid.

>spawn edgy semen demon
Don't talk about my mommy like that

Attached: ara.webm (600x430, 153K)

I deleted it, its fucking 70 gbs of hd space.

Notebook 1070 or regular 1070? Notebook one is probably a little stronger than gtx 970, it may be probably compared to desktop 980.
Have you noticed that on character bios you can't actually look freely on a character model of women, while men are ok? You can't check panties color. :^)

> I deleted it

You never had it in the first place.

>download leaked dev build
Spoonfeed me
What features does it have? Can you swap attack animations or huds?

>>you can also use the cheat engine to swap character models, playing as a qt girl from chapter 1

Attached: 1a05f81b86.jpg (534x415, 62K)

You google "FFXV cheat table"


It should run perfectly on that spec, you did something stupid.

I have a 960 as well. What's your CPU and what FPS are you getting? I wanna how good it'll run before I download that shit for PC

>FX 8150
Try using a CPU that isn't total outdated trash senpai. Runs fine on my 8350 and otherwise I have the same specs

Thanks for anyone else

>the average Sup Forumstard build

Attached: sheldor.jpg (474x600, 65K)

I didn't do anything to it, it just came like that. I tried fucking with the settings and updating drivers but it didn't help it. Other games run fine.
It should still run though.

You can't expect your 7 year old CPU to run shit forever

runs fine at medium-high at like 70-80 frames on my 1060


>4GB GTX 1070

Runs great on my 980ti

speccy is garbage don't use it.

GPU-z is better.

I know but what if it's not actually GTX 1070 and user got scammed?

It's not, Piriform devs are incompetent and hardly update speccy, a lot of GPU have incorrect spec info about the VRAM.

Who'd bother engineering scam gpu's

They could just reflash it to appear as 1070 in a system.

Shit. That changes everything. Everything.

This is the dumbest shit I'll hear today I'm calling it now

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I want my face in her cleavage.

Remind me when I can play the whole game with Aranea and ditch the Back Street Fags


Reflash what? Don't you need to have basicly identical architecture for the firmware to appear legit? Like the rx480 - rx580 Don't you otherwise just get a dead card that wont show up as anything, because it wont even work?

Ryzen 1700
RX 570
8GB 1066mhz RAM

can get silky smooth 60fps on normal settings
40fps on high

Can't you just dump and edit bios to change name?

>8GB dual-channel DDR3 @ 671 mhz

you seriously think your graphics card is the problem?

If it's the same architecture driver code paths are almost completely identical. i.e. the rx 470 is just a 480 with lower clock speeds

wow that stepping is miserable,
thanks for pointing out did not even notice.
13-13-13-32 is mine, damn thought I should upgrade

It's pretty dumb


I don't believe you.


>With a 1070
Holy shit you're fucking retarded

Attached: lmao.png (214x210, 132K)


>cries about bad performance
wew lad

your cpu is shit. theres your problem
run thissite

>garbage ram 671mhz
>ancient cpu
>win 7 sp1
fucking hell user

user, guess what i'm running
>You have the latest version

Attached: nrtj.jpg (506x283, 55K)


Im a finance major and graduating soon. What're my possibilities with 0 work experience/empty portfolio and 2.6 gpa?

Well shit user you're coupling your sportscar body with a 55hp fiat punto engine and wondering why you won't go fast

Dont need experience to screw in plaster and lift bricks user.


The GPU is more of a bottleneck than the CPU at this point. Didn't expect 1060 to get capped so fast

How do you faggots have such SHIT ram, I had better ram speeds on a 2008 pc

its not the 1060...

Anyone else's sound fucked up? I hear all this crackle and popping every few seconds. Is it my hardware or something? I don't get this in any other games.

Don't aim high. Many companies, especially smaller ones, are just looking for a good bookkeeper or whatnot. Get a few years of experience at a moderately-sized company and work up your resume.

Did you actually think for even a second that the game would run at all?

Attached: Dante laughs at you.jpg (274x386, 21K)

Redpill me on Big 4
inb4 u

2.6 might not be too bad if you went to a top tier school

Yes user, it is the 1060
>Run FFXV maxed
>Can't get 60 fps
>Check resources
>GPU at 99-100%
>CPU at 50% average, fluctuating between 20% and 80%


we're looking for dishwashers in my kitchen

But that processor will technically out perform any intel processor i.e. computations per second

Attached: at.jpg (360x296, 16K)

Why do you even have a PC if you clearly dont know how to use it?

gross user my dick was already there.


>didn't do any interning or major related work senior year
Good luck at McDonald's senpai

>first person mode
First person mode isn't part of the cheat mode.

1070 here, no idea what you are talking about.

Attached: 20180313051350_1.jpg (2560x1080, 301K)

Why is her ear so big?

Unfortunate that the Luminous engine is being killed


More space to catch my semen



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What mods do you guys want to see once the tools get released?

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I like him as a person, but he's the Tim Buckley of porn.

shota playable team


Prompto removal

complete overhaul that makes the game more fantasy than modern day.
man can dream

Fixing the combat.