
I just beat pic related can we discuss it

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Quintessential vidya kino

Attached: 1516210406117.jpg (870x1024, 84K)

The perfect walking simulator

>I just beat pic related can we discuss it
Are there still people playing?

I just played for the first time at 5am and got somebody to play with

Sup Forums isn't the best place to discuss it. You're going to get a bunch of posts from people who clearly didn't understand it.
Great game though. Still quite a lot of people playing it apparently, I can always find people.

Good art direction fap material
PS3 version on 1080p (use the initial release, unpatched) looks better than the ps4 version if you ask me

in the end its still a walking simulator but a damn good one at that

US there a reason to replay it?

Other than getting the achievements and the white cloak, I'd say "just for fun", and if you feel like joining other people on their journey.

>PS3 looks better than the PS4
Glad I'm not the only one thinking that. PS3 is 720p though, and I'm not sure what you mean by "unpatched" since the game never got a physical release, besides the collection which was already updated... I think?

It's a masterpiece

Probably my favorite part.

Attached: journey_trial.jpg (1920x1080, 154K)

What's the deeper meaning behind the story bros

one of the best games of the last 20 years. truly memorable and special, beautiful too

Abzu is really good too

Its ruined by the multiplayer. The point of this sort of game is to explore and discover everything, but if some fag keeps doing shit in front of you they take your opportunity to learn for yourself. Imagine if something like Myst had multiplayer and some autist who's played it 50 times solved every puzzle before you could even read a hint. As a game this is terribly flawed.

i felt the multiplayer enhanced it

Every puzzle is just go to the thing and press circle so there's not really any spoilers

Just like everyone else.

I was kinda disappointed that Abzu was literally just Underwater Journey.
It's gorgeous and everything but it just didn't hit me like Journey...

The multiplayer is hands down one of the best things about the game you fucking nimrod. Walking into the light with someone beside you is an amazing gaming experience.

It's graphics blew me away to be quite honest
>4k ultra wide
>graphics on ultra

holy shit that game looks insane

I totally get you.
The multiplayer aspect is amazing if the other guy either holds back or doesn't know shit himself, though.

>since the game never got a physical release

What did he mean buy this?

Attached: Voyage.png (370x197, 149K)

4K ultrawide doesn't exist yet though.


I meant 28 inch monitor with 4k not ultra wide sorry

Literally the next sentence.
Well now I look stupid.

Journey and Abzu are both top games

>1-2 hours long
>still feels like a fucking adventure

First time I played I was pretty lucky, I found the perfect stranger who accompanied me until the end. Also I lost my mother few months before and I dunno why, but at the very end of the game I cried like a baby

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