More people play the 7 year old Skyrim than the 2 months old "skyrim killer"

>more people play the 7 year old Skyrim than the 2 months old "skyrim killer"

Attached: 2018-03-17-13-06-37-067.jpg (1152x1536, 120K)

and more people play Overwatch than the "Overwatch killer"

Attached: chrome_2018-03-20_12-01-35.png (776x178, 113K)

7,000 of those players are actually Todd.




todd I know it's you
todd pls go

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>more people are fapping to Sonic x MLP rape dungeon quest mods than playing a 2 months old rpg

Who doesnt own Skyrim? Its been on sale a billion times of course a lot of people are playing it.

The fact that KCD is pulling even close to Skyrims numbers speaks volumes about how good the game is.


One is indieshit and the other is the best porn game ever made

30+ million vs 1 million

>even close


Kcd is a shit game

I can rape lolis in Skyrim. Of course I am going to play it more.

Stay buttmad resetera


>playing skyrim
Nigga they are setting up their sex mods

stay mad altright cucklet

Attached: kingdom_flop2.png (1006x372, 518K)

>less than half the price
>less resource demanding
>played by numerous popular e-celebs
>has been available for years in alpha/beta


>can't counter a point so I scream excuses
I played, enjoyed and finished subnautica you nigger, it's a good game. It's just not an apt comparison.

>underwater minecraft
>mechanically rich medieval rpg\historical sim

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>excuses and rage


>mechanically rich


Don't forget that it was released recently, give it 2 more months and it will be dead, Skyrim is usually at 16k people playing, KCD will fall down to 4k max.

its already dead

Do you honestly believe those 16k are playing it for the skyrim gameplay and not masturbating to futa horsecock?

WTF? I hate Kingdom Come Deliverance now!


>generic shitty oblivion clone
>best underwater exploration game ever game.

>GTA5 - Owners: 9,874,833
>KCD - 600k
Lmao racists BTFO mmhmm sweeties

how is KCD racist?

because the developers didn't include black people in the game for the sake of historical accuracy.

What do you think. How many percent play Skyrim purely because of the nsfw mods?

The game has a lot of potential because of modding, I do believe they are enjoying gameplay, yes.

Attached: playerbase.png (436x49, 4K)

>one is 25 bucks and was released 3 weeks earlier
>the other is full price
Also KCD already broke a million long ago if you count console sales

No, KCD actually is an RPG unlike Oblivion cucklet lmao

Isn't GTAV\online literally the nigger-killer simulator?

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>Skyrim came out 7 years ago

Attached: I've been here too long.jpg (333x279, 14K)

Or crossbows, or animals, or armors etc

>one is 25 bucks
Has anybody ever purchased it at that price? it has been on sale at 20-50% near permanently.



member how two weeks ago there were at least 3 threads about kingdom come on the front page at all times? member how it was going to save vidya and destroy sjws eveywhere? member how it was GOTYAY? happens every fucking time with flavor of the month trash on here.

lol nobody ever actually claimed or thought Lawkbreakers would do well other than Cliffy B

Ah the good ol' Argumentum ad Populum fallacy. I guess Justin Bieber is the greatest musician of all time because he sold lots of tickets, or Avatar or The Avengers is the greatest film of all time because it made a lot!

>a million long

well, I've already finished so no point on keep playing it.

Skyrim has a lot of mods and porn mods that give it a long life

>nobody claimed it but this person who claimed it
Fucking hell.

Oh the good old contratard faggotry, if something is popular zhen it cant be good

I guess breathin underwater is better because noone does it

>An easy as fuck, moddable to hell, normy game has more players than the complete opposite
Who would've thought this was possible.

>happens every fucking time with flavor of the month trash on here.

Sometimes "flavor of the month" games on here can be fun. I remember playing Ace of Spades a lot with other Sup Forums users back around 2011 and 2012, before the game got sold to Jagex.

Not him but you're a brainlet. Popularity is not correlated with quality positively OR negatively. It's simply not a factor.

>3 years of sales vs 1 month of sales
user I dont think you thought this one through...

>More people have shit taste
Whoa, who would have guessed?

Actually the proper answer should not be just 4, it should be proven through mathematical deduction.

>can't even make your own character
>worst combat than oblivion
>KCD aktuly is an rpg DURR
Fuck off fanboy, your game is shit and will be forgotten in a few weeks when people goes back to Skyrim.

that's not racist, you're just a faggot

Glad this successful nigger-free game is still making SJWs mad a month later. Can't wait for more conservative games like The Last Night to come out and not flop despite SJW boycotts.

I doubt it. One would have to know a game exists to hate it in the first place.

I'm honestly surprised anyone still uses the term sjw and some people still turn it into a fight between fractions, when in all honestly, this war is over, everyone gets what they wanted, trump is a president, black panter is a real hit, games are being released no matter if they choose to be minority inclusive or not, the life goes on.