Minsc literally gets dumber in the sequel

>minsc literally gets dumber in the sequel

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Sequel gets dumber in the sequel.

He was tortured for years by a mad wizard.
Give him some slack.

dont forget the part about having a hamster in his ass

so is boo actually a space hamster?

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He was written way better in BG1 NPC mod.

They're from spelljammer and exist, but the furcoat isn't right, and if that were the case- boo would've done something about his size already and become Minsc's hamster Mount as Chiptune music plays in the background and things get campy as fuck.

It's a given possibility his brain damage may have made unwitting Psionic contact with an actual Space Hamster though.

We'll never know, and I'd not trust modern Nu-D&D to do anything right about it for that matter.

this is brilliant

I always hate how after you beat Irenicus and you get to the cutscene where he's in hell, a couple of demons take him on.

I thought it would've been cooler if he put up more of a fight.

>banged his sister

are you sure about that? he literally thought he had a miniature spacehamster in his backpack. not sure how to get dumber

i've always felt like cutscenes are a major problem in games.
what about how amazing irenicus was when you escape the dungeon compared to when you fight him in spellhold ?

his int goes down a point

didnt he have no powers then?

To end...like THIS?

according to gamebanshee, his int was always 8.
not sure if gamebanshee shows EE version or real version's stats though. got source for him losing a point of int?

I might have just misremembered

Yes. You can buy him in mass effect 2.

either way, doesn't really matter. int does literally nothing for a ranger

>didnt he have no powers then?
Yeah, his magic don't work and those demons probably have high magic resistance anyway

The only problem with this is that Sarevok is an infinitely harder fight than any of the phases of Irenicus. Against Sarevok you need a fuckton of planning positioning and forethought as well as enough potions to drown an army.

Against Irenicus you need Breach, Pierce Magic and Dispel Magic. Edwin (The best spellcaster in the game assuming your PC isn't a Sorcerer or Mage) comes with access to all 3 in significant enough casts to make Irenicus a fucking pushover.

Also if you're a Wizard Slayer you can literally solo Irenicus because he isn't immune to their stacking cast-failure trait.

>see non hostile irenicus surrounded by his shield in the tree
>place trap all around
>he dies when the fight start

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That's about as anti-fun as using broodling to kill Fenix, user. If you want to take all the challenge out of the game, why not just character edit in Imoen's belt on your PC so that you can never go below 40% health and are immune to all forms of instant death.

>hard fight
Are you talking about vanilla? lmao

>he thinks EE is an accurate representation of how BG played

user, EE fights are clownshoes on training wheels. Sarevok in original BG is fucking Demogorgon compared to his EE version.

Nah, it's fun and the only way to make thief relevant

how else could you hide Boo from Irenicus

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did they nerf him in EE? I remember having alot of trouble with him my first time but that was in BGT and I was using a monk (which was ok at level 9 I guess) and I knew less about the game, I steam rolled him this time with my ranger and heaps of pots

Irenicus always summons minions, he doesn't face you alone.

And Sarevok is arguably a better villain by virtue of actually being relevant to the Bhaalspawn saga. Irenicus is literally just a random elf who was lucky enough to trap the player character.

Sarevok also is much better at scheming/manipulating than Irenicus: he orchestrates an entire war between Amn and Baldur's Gate to fuel his godhood.

Thieves are relevant because you can dual class into Thief and get Use Any Item which literally breaks the game for a lot of kits (Kensai, Mages, etc).

They nerfed the ever-living fuck out of him in the EE version, the same with most of the BG2 fights and DEFINITELY the ToB final boss gauntlet.

This isn't a jrpg. The developers wouldn't have given you the ability to lay traps if they didn't want you to use them. How is it comparable to literally using the console to cheat?

>find out where Demogorgon, a fucking demon prince, spawns
>place traps all around
>trigger Demogorgon
>dies when fight starts

Dual or multi aren't thieves, they're dual or multi

Because you're cheesing the fight out, user. Most of the fun of Baldur's Gate is dealing with the fight mechanics on the fly instead of throwing a bunch of claymores at the feet of a guy who until you trip a certain flag is unable to fight back. I'm not saying it isn't legal within the game's context because you can clearly do it. I'm saying it removes the challenge and while it's good for a goof, it isn't enjoyable.

Doesn't change the fact that because of Use Any Item, Thief will always be relevant.

this, so much this.
i've never solo'd baldur's gate but i had no problems soloing sarevok combat in EE

>placing traps everywhere before accidentally summoning cowled wizards
>let me tell you how to have fun

Attached: cdb.jpg (216x233, 11K)

Let me put it this way, user. Do you really think it was intended for fights like Kangaxx or Demogorgon to be:

>The fuck is that?
>pic related

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Do you really think I give a shit?

Probably not, but challenge yourself a little, homie. This isn't Darkest Dungeon.. you can reload a save if you fuck up or somebody dies. The magic system in and of itself is a pretty fun sub-game. Caster v Caster fights are cat and mouse as fuck because no contingency can give absolute immunity (Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting can and will wreck your shit or conversely, wreck the shit of anyone you stack it on) but at the same time just flinging that out leaves you wide open to other spells that will also equally wreck your shit.

>if you have fun using traps that means it's the only thing you ever do
You're one special kind or retard

I don't know much about 2 except the first chapter
Irenicus really had them trapped for years?

Is there a mod to restore the original fights in bg2ee?

I'd wait for proofs of his claims

Not that I'm aware of. Think you just have to play the originals which are unfortunately pretty damn hard to find these days.

BG 1 takes place in 1367 and 2 takes place in 1369. Irenicus captures the player shortly after the events of 1.

I feel like 1 would go for more than a year surely

i personally have both bg1 and 2 on cd. shit is so cash

Aside from unfinished business and ascension any other mods I should get for bg2ee


>meanwhile SCS and Tactics
>fight lich sealed in coffin for one million years
>starts prebuffed as if casting spells every morning to protect itself from whatever

how the fuck do I get EE to work for the latest bgee versions
Help please some of you faggots are bound to have it working properly
I've tried both normal install and through this big world thing

Attached: scs errors.png (1486x526, 88K)

>he doesn't buff himself before getting out of bed in the morning

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is that you red?

Didn't have a problem last time, sorry
Try the beamdog forums


>Not that I'm aware of. Think you just have to play the originals which are unfortunately pretty damn hard to find these days.

I know this isnt as good since beamdog still gets money I believe but you can get the classic versions with all the expacs on GOG if you own the EEs on GOG. The way they do it is to give you a 100% discount for the classics even if theyre not on the GOG store. Thats how I did it and it works perfectly.

>paying beamdog to play an inferior version

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don't give money to the fuckers who raped the great memories and a great saga


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I always hated the minmax shit, how can a paladin even function with 3 intelligence

having your screen on makes the game easier. Might as well just watch someone else play the game.


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I buff my sheets if you know what I mean

Is this the game where accepting a money reward for helping someone changed your class from paladin to something else?

By vanilla, I meant without SCS. You're fucking pathetic if you think either fight is remotely difficult without mods, original or EE.

No. No game does that.

how many times did you solo it without cheesing?

Icewind Dale does, can't remember if it was 1 or 2.

on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the most, how sad and empty is your life if you have to try and boost your ego on anonymous imageboards?

Neither. I just played both of them

No it doesn't. You're thinking of Temple of elemental evil where if you extort people for more money than they offer you change alignment and that causes you to lose your paladin abilities.

Twice, same as the number of times you moved goalposts in one post.
Quality post.

literally just as shitty as this post,

when did i move any goalposts? i never said the combat was difficult, i only stated that it was much easier in EE.
so you've never done the combat solo since i never moved the goalposts. solo it, then come an whine like a little bitch. now run along.
>inb4 more retardation
yeah, not answering to you anymore.

half the fun for bg2 is breaking it with in game abilities

>played BG2 before BG1
>loved it
>tried going back to BG1
>characters aren't as fun, the combat is boring low level shit
Did I make a mistake, Sup Forums?

I want to point out it's obvious what you're doing, and you have to do it a lot.

In IWD2 your paladin will reject rewards but that's it.

>lawful stupid


>Now you will... now you..! Oh! Ohohoh

Probably. I did the same and it took me a few false starts for me to finish BG1. You really just need to bear with it for the first few levels. It does pick up later on.

BG1 is rather bland compared to BG2. Had you started with BG1 you may never have bothered to finish or play BG2 at all. You did the right thing.

An user (maybe you) made it sound like fighting Sarevok was hard. And then you said the measure of a difficult fight is "can you solo it AND without cheesing?".

So the other user understands you moved the goalposts because:

- At first the battle was simply hard.
- And now is hard if you can't beat it without soloing and without cheesing.

Which is a very strange way to measure a boss' difficulty. Any game is difficult if you play with your eyes closed.

Check the dates on your log entries. It can last months if you take your time.

>literally 90% of your game time is spent traveling between nondescript woods were nothing ever happens
I sincerely wonder how the party stands it

Attached: Buffs.webm (714x400, 2.9M)

*holy smites you*
nothing personnel mr skelton

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Any lich that doesn't cover itself in permanency buffs is a sad example of a lich

Then again the BG ones also barely even have a lair. So I guess they're shit in that aspect too

Lots of sex

Magic Ward: Holy. Literally 4th buff on the morning buff routine.

>prebuffwinter nights

They do the little things that aren't worth the player's time, like hunting for food, pissing/shitting in the woods, washing their clothes and cleaning their armor, sharpening weapons, gathering spell components, that kind of thing.

>barely into Chapter 2 fresh out of Irenicus Dungeon
>enter inn right next to city gates
>find secret door in the first floor main area
>there is a fucking lich inside and it immediately goes hostile
What the flying fuck
I just ran away and let it kill everything inside
How will I ever leave the city now

Attached: demilich.jpg (350x335, 27K)

>not copious amount of prebuffing to the point people literally meta where enemies are and go into battle with multiple 1round/level buffs

>companions and quests everywhere
>dont know who I want, what quests I want to do first and which companions to bring to said quests

bg2 is harder than I remembered..

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>Bondari reloads