Battletech Turn Based teactical game is coming out soon in April, is anyone even interested?
Is anyone on Sup Forums even remotely intrested in Battletech?
I'll check it out, but considering Into the Breach came out less than a month ago and that game is great and I still have yet to finish it, I'm not that interested.
I would be far more hyped for this if it were a proper RPG. I really liked the Shadowrun games.
I always loved the Mechwarrior games and Battletech sounds great, managing your ship and mechs onboard
I'm excited for it but haven't made any threads about it after the last one ended up derailing into Sup Forumstard trash. Sup Forums isn't safe to discuss any game any more.
Gotcha, I just wish that it will remotely be successful so multiplayer won't be empty
What happened last time?
>Is anyone on Sup Forums even remotely intrested in Battletech
I used to be. Probably the game I was looking forward to the most after Bannerlord. Lost interest though.
See for yourself
I'm suspicious of any commercial MW game since I haven't played a good one in a decade.
>White/Japanese tomboy mercenary
Confirmed best girl.
Cool. Looking forward to the game.
I like the part where we discussed whether clanners would enjoy homosex though. That was alright.
Kickstartered it mate, but see about why no threads here is probably for the best.
Kind of, probably going to buy it because of HBS, hopefully they'll do another shadowrun in the sick new engine.
What are the chances that Paradox will fuck this game in the ass with their shitty DLC policy?
When is it coming out exactly? I hope for Clan expansion, DLC, whatever.
I preordered
Damn, the whole argument was stupid, you're playing as commander, your choice to hire women or not.
MW5 is coming you heard? Apoarently PGI and Harebrained are sharing 3d assets
I don't think Paradox forces their business model on other devs. Example, Steel Division. It has some DLCs but it isn't nearly close to Paradox and their gorillion DLCs for basically every game ever. I think I heard Devs say they would do full expansions if the game is successful enough but I'm not sure where.
no thanks
I don't remember battletech being that diverse...
Big chance, Paradox is like a parasite, without stopping, it spreads. Some skins are already preorder bonuses
You don't get to decide the important characters though. The people in are the important characters. You don't get a choice whether you interact with them or not.
Well, I guess you can probably ignore most of them if you don't play the main story missions at all. But I don't think people want to do that.
Then your memory is correct. But it's 2018 now. And that's a good thing.
Their big fuckup was getting a publisher who only cared about making money. Hence f2p model. Originally they wanted to make MW5, they held no love for online multiplayer. This one I feel will be maid with better love. They already announced moddding support
I'll hold my enthusiasm till after I've played it. Honestly my ideal game would be a polished MWLL.
Mods will fix it anyway meh I'm not mad
I'm on the verge of cancelling my preorder
Agree, always wait for Sup Forums reviews.
I'm getting mixed messages here, but I'm hoping for the best.
It's the future, all races come together to fight as one against...all races now, or I guess that's how it goes, don't know much about Battletech universe.
>turn based
It's Battletech.
I'm not hugely into the lore but I know there were literal Samurais commiting sudoku, English like feudal guys who charged across fields with their Mechs like Feudal Cav and basically everyone hated everybody else on ethnic and every other basis. So this diversity is kinda strange
I kickstarted it, and have looked forward to it since the start.
Really? I thought you choose who you hire. I can select a white group and support them in campaign for example.
Hell, the game is moddable, faction can be changed if needed. If it's easy to mod, I'll make a Sup Forums approved mod
JA2 is greatest tactical game and it's turn based
then you either misremember or did not pay attention.
Name a turn based game with complex and varied mission design.
>turn based
>everyone hated everybody else on ethnic... basis
No, there is no racism in battletech except by clans vs. inner spheres, but the clan warrior caste are eugenic tube babies and consider everyone who was born naturally subhuman, regardless of ethnicity or culture.
Inner sphere nations were all ethnically diverse and wildly mixed, with half scandinavian half central african samurai pilots.
Battletech has always been pretty diverse, actually. 5/7 of the characters in that screenshot are from the same family, so of course they're all going to be the same ethnicity. You look at the games overall and there are loads of women and nonwhites though. Play Mechcommander 2 and there are only like two white male characters in the game, and one of them is insane and evil.
I'll agree that this game is trying too hard though. Characters like the half Hawaiian half Maori lady are just way over the top.
Y'know I always figured the hard core ethnic dominance was on core worlds or around worlds involved in royal politicking, and the merc groups were where you found the most diverse group of people.
Even still the character main-line is fucking weird.
I'd have liked some arrogant as fuck Avatar tier sergeant or something, white as a fucking snow flake and jacked. And maybe some sergeant johnson looking motherfucker, or Appo
Not really, for what I know it is made by the same devs from shadow run but I only learned about the existence of this game a few days ago and it doesn't seem to be my cup of tea.
Jagged Alliance 2. You had set mission, your choice how to achieve it. Stealth through, blow shit up, make a militia, snipe the enemy.
>unity engine
Not remotely.
Do you like xcom? If yes, it's basically that with mechs and you salvage your enemy mechs
Ever played cuphead? That unity engine. Their past games are unity engine. There are a lot of games that use unity games that are good but don't anounce it to the world
JA2 doesn't have varied mission design though. You go to sectors with enemies in them and kill them. That's it. You have a variety of ways to go about killing them, but you never have any other objective.
Deadly Games has good variety though. I really wish they'd made a JA2 version of Deadly Games. That would have been fucking amazing.
Battletech on genesis wasnt turned based
Somehow its ubishit‘s "one male one female" diversity bullshit again. Im starting to worry about the future of vidya
>Plenty of great games coming out all the time
>Waah, but it doesn't have enough whites :'( This industry is ruined!
Kill yourself, my man.
No, really, will this finally be a good mech game, there hasn’t been one in like 4 years since From has been spamming Souls games.
Who gives a shit? The game's quality is all that matters. Back to Sup Forums.
Into the Breach came out less than a month ago, my dude.
Into the Breach is an RNG simulator, not a mech game.
Battletech has has huge amounts of female characters ever since it was created, and that was in the 80s. Natasha Kerensky is like the best mechwarrior ever, and she's female.
Git gud, dude.
This game is gonna rely on RNG just as much, though. In fact, Into the Breach is very deterministic when it comes to turn based games.
>Into the Breach came out less than a month ago, my dude.
just because it has mechs in it doesn't make it a mech game
>JA2 is greatest tactical game
>Into the Breach is an RNG simulator
>Game that shows you what enemies will do in advance and has no % hit chance or any other random mechanics (except grid defense) is an RNG simulator.
How is Sup Forums this stupid?
You do understand he's not complaining about the existence of female characters but the perfect 50-50 ratio everywhere, right. Makes it feel forced as fuck.
The SRR games had shallow as fuck mechanics and terrible AI and I don't expect anything from them here
In what way is Battletech any more of a mech game than ItB? They're both turn based games with a top down view perspective.
Name a better one that's unit commanding, not grand strategy
If you have an issue with this, you have fucked up priorities. It's irrelevant.
never played a battletech game before but this one caught my eye a while ago. I put it on my wishlist. gonna wait for reviews and more gameplay before I decide to buy. worst case scenario it sucks and I forget about it. Hope it's good though
>forced diversity
This is retarded. In the far future, our current races either wouldn't matter or would be unrecognizable. Look at something like Dune: the Fremen are obviously a mixture of some future version of Buddhism, islam and some other culture/religions, but at no point in the books do the characters mention any of those religions by name.
What's not irrelevant is that you can't read.
You could torrent the backer version to get the feel of it if it's even up your valley
>one of the mech pilots literally looks like an overweight tumblrina.
And dropped.
Having aspects like locational damage/component destruction and component and mech salvage. Have you even played a Battletech game before?
>rng for pilot upgrades (+m GRID DEFENSE)
>rng whether you'll find a weapon worth buying
>rng is the bugs will play nice or each attack a building at opposite sides of the map
I dunno dude. Would it be that much better if there were 5 men and 3 women? Or 3 and 5? I mean, I didn't even notice the ratio. Now that I think about it MechCommander 2 had a perfect ratio of 1 male 1 female per faction. Am I meant to be mad at that too? Like come on, man.
>western mecha
I'm not the person you were replying to.
do we know how long the campaign will be?
lol, %100 mutts. What an accurate, if depressing, portrayal of the future.
>>western mecha
The correct expression would be 'Japanese mechs', you weaboo.
Depends on what xcom characteristics your are talking about. I don't mind turn based combat but the permanent death of characters, time constraints and limits of turns during stages kinda piss me off.
mods won't fix the fact that if I buy the game I'd be supporting them, so nah
It's supposed to be on GOG as well so I'm just waiting for goodolddownloads.
Yeah, it would look a little less like you're going through the diversity checklist. And I really don't care what makes you mad or happy.
God forbid you'd support the makers of Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Shadowrun: Hong Kong, two of the best RPGs released this decade.
>But muh SJWs ;_;
At this point, it's blatant that SJWs are better for video games than you Sup Forumstards.
you can go ahead and buy two copies if me not supporting people I don't like triggers you so much
Hey Jordan Weisman
>Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Shadowrun: Hong Kong, two of the best RPGs released this decade.
Not him but I already bought all three Shadowrun games as soon as they came out. Never giving this company money again.
You can stop pretending to be a normal user, dev.
The combat, permakill and base maintenance. You can retreat if you think it's better then loose your mech. Missions allow 3 states, Full fail, you retreated without accomplishing anything, Semi fail, you acomplished some goals or damaged the enemy but retreated and Pass, you accomplished your objectives.
Battletech is weird like this.
God forbid you'd support the makers of Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Shadowrun: Hong Kong, two of the best RPGs released this decade.
Why would I want to support the people who made such streamlined garbage that is a pale imitation of its source material?
Sorry not him
No one on that pic is a pilot. Pilots are all expendable randos.
I am but after how HBS last two games both got massive updates after launch I'm holding off until this does too.
I'm not buying a copy for each Sup Forumstard that refuses to buy a game out of retarded principles. I'd be full of debt in no time. There's a swarm of you motherfuckers out there.
But I will continue to ridicule every time I see you.
A lot of designs were licensed from Japan, so fuck you weaboo
Well, some of them are. There's a decent chance Kamea will show up in some of the missions, and you'll probably get to kill Victoria at some point.
That's the actual smartest choice on this thread compared to the other babies in this thread.
I don't understand what I'm supposed to be mad about
But not the one he was bitching about.