Am I going to need Molotov cocktails for every fucking boss fight?

Am I going to need Molotov cocktails for every fucking boss fight?

Attached: fathergascoigne.jpg (1920x1080, 400K)


You can get a pretty good ammount anywhere. Unless you use them on regular enemies, which is laughable.

Not really, I rarely if ever used them for anything.

There's no reason to use it on any boss fight ever.
It's only useful against slimes in the dungeons.

They're more weak to arcane than fire

first two bossfights are significally easier with molotovs but i did not use it at all at the other bosses

I must be some kind of stupid because using molotovs in boss fights always ended up with me getting rekt. I always had better luck just whacking the boss until it's dead. Arcane was a different story though, because backpedaling while using EG trivializes most any encounter. Come to think of it I rarely use any consumables on any souls bosses except for stamina regen stuff.

Never used them. I actually had to think for a second if bloodborne had molotovs after reading your post.

Learn to visceral, or spam charged r2


Honestly as someone who helped a friend get into the game, Gascoigne is like weirdly hard compared to most other boss fights in the main game. I think it's mainly down to you fighting him so early, your weapon/build choices will be limited no matter what so using your items is really all you can do.

Well, there's no "arcane molotov".

The beauty of souls-like balancing formula is in absolute disregard for the word "need" when it comes to useful tools or consumables. You don't ever "need" anything besides your hands to beat the game. Consumables do help and in some cases even trivialize most of the encounters if you pick the right potion to use or bomb to throw, but the game never asks you to use them, giving you plenty of room to learn the mechanics and roll through the game buttnaked
It's quite great honestly

>more weak


>not using items
They scale with arcane too.

It's also that his gun stuns easily, and in his beast form he is always rushing you down and glued to your asshole to try and teach you to be aggressive. Problem is that he also shits out damage really fast, so until you learn to time your dodges and parries, new players are in for a pretty rough time.

It would have been nice to have the bridge doorway work, past cleric beast. With all the giants, the cleric beast route to the Ward could have been the large enemy route, and Father G could have been the humanoid enemy route.

Gascoigne is supposed to teach the player how to parry and fight humanoid enemies. As opposed to the Cleric Beast, who's your old style huge monster boss, which are all killed by burying your face in its ass and mashing R1.
The parrying is fucking overpowered in this game, but people who ignore or refuse to learn it think Gascoigne is harder than he actually is.

For a new player, it's a rough way to learn that lesson. When transformed, Gascoigne also hits super hard so failed parries hurt all the more.

No. Gascan is probably the only boss in the game that has animation override built in.
He's "supposed" to teach you how to parry but considering he can break out of his stun animation, there's no reason to do it.

Because his AI is broken compared to every other boss. It's like trying to fight the red NPCs in Dark Souls 2: SotFS - they have animation override built in. Stuff like cancelling their swings to roll, for example. He's the only NPC boss with that built in.

No, that's what the fuck 99% of human sized enemies are for - it's easier to parry every other human sized NPC in the game and keep them parried, exception being Durja and his ally as they too break out of animations at times

Even a failed parry staggers an enemy, parrying doesn't require to actually be in enemy's melee range, and even if you get hit during a parry, you can recover and do the visceral in time to regain all your lost health. Honestly, parrying in BB is laughably easy and forgiving.
Gascoigne is human sized.

What's your point? I know he's human sized. In fact, I Stated that.

My point is - Gascoigne isn't "weirdly hard" for an early game boss, unless you ignore parrying.

>whacking the boss until it's dead
Good advice, thanks.

Please re-read my posts before replying.

>people still call staggering 'parrying'
humanity sure is stupid.

Please don't reply to me or my posts ever again.

This fight is mash dashforward the fight

Fuck this dude.

Attached: Martyr Logarius.jpg (1920x1080, 854K)