
This wasn't supposed to happen, switchbros....What went wrong?

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These have to be America-only sales numbers. No way the Xbox would be anywhere but rock bottom on a global list.

yeah US only

Wtf!! How could this be happening, Nintendo was supposed to win!!
Labo will totally save Nintendo!!!

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i wouldnt be so sure
nobody cares about nintendo in europe,that shit is only played by burgers and japs

Do we really need more than one of these threads?
You trying to fill up a quota or something?

People dont want to pay $300 for a portmachine.

Nothing went wrong, it's simply rare to match PS2 sales (which is the most sold console of all time, handhelds included) which PS4 is doing.

Switch launched, within its first year, with 3 of the best selling games it'll ever have. Only 3 others remain: AnimalCrossing, Pokemon and Smash. So it's natural that it got a huge boost year1 with mainline Mario, Zelda, and Kart. Now it's back to usual sales. 3DS sold around 68million units, Switch won't surpass that number, nor will it ever catch up to PS4 sales, especially within this generation (considering PS5 will come out in 3 years max). It's very unrealistic to expect every console to sell as well as the best one ever. So far PS4 is the only exception. Switch is doing quite well considering N64, GC and WiiU sales.

Clearly no one else in the world has such shit tastes as to buy a Xbone. But those non-Xbone sales elsewhere mostly go to PS4 so the ratio between PS4 / Switch should still be the same, if not greater. Anywhere but Japan that is.

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who cares? switch still has better games than any other console currently on the market

Now THIS is delusion.

Maybe if they started porting some of those PS4 games over to Switch like Gravity Rush 2, Persona 5, and Bloodborne, there might be more Switch sales. Those would be perfect on Switch. While they're at it, give us Tekken 7, Soul Calibur 6, and KOF 2002 Ultimate Match.

PS2 never outsold DS, actually. If you look it up there's no official numbers.

I find that very hard to believe. Especially when every number I've ever seen points to the contrary and you don't give any sort of evidence.
Even if you were saying the truth, which I doubt, it's still impressive that a homeconsole reached the sales of the most sold handheld of all time, and that PS4 is also matching those numbers.

>nobody cares about nintendo in europe
But it's like the Xbox doesn't even exist in most of Europe. In like a fourth of Europe it's about as bad as it is in Asia. Where it almost literally does not exist.

He was properly talking about exclusives though, In which there is not much competition.

How so? Even though Switch got amazing games last year in my eyes PS4 had it completely beat. I spent way more time on games only found in PS platforms than I did on games only found on Nintendo platforms. Especially Q1 and Q2, god damn so many games.

>port machine
LITERALLY, and I mean literally the PS4.

What the hell happened with the Xbone lately?

It is selling like hotcakes, at least in america even better than the ps4.

Was there some heavy price drop? Nothing new was announced for the system. You would think that with some ps4 heavy hitters right in the corner it would just push their lead even more.

>Clearly no one else in the world has such shit tastes as to buy a Xbone.
I had friends that back in the days were blindly for buying a Xbone over a PS4 and they ALL, and I mean ALL, don't talk about Xbox whenever mentioning games.
Not even xbox fanatics have purchased the xbox this round. Maybe some soccermom and some kids who doesn't know better but I'm still not sure.

>it took a whole fucking year for people to realize switch is a false promise overpriced weak no games system
This is why the industry is so bad

But they put Mario on that pile of garbage.

America is the only relevant market.

Monster Hunter, simple.

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I don't get shit like this
shouldn't the dog be able to smell that's not a real dog?

either way he's jealous

>its a shitpost circlejerk thread

Monster Hunter World happened.

There was some dude in the /mhg/ thread about a week ago claiming Xbone sold 2m+ physical copies of the 7.5m total. If that was true, the Xbone should have stomped PS4 in the west for February.

it probably made annoying noises/smelled weird, plus Golden Retrievers are dumb as shit.

Well apparently a million people in the US that month were willing to buy it.

Sea of Thieves is coming out

the switch so far is literally just the wii u except now you can play it on the bus

chad warden was right in 2007
chad warden is right in 2018

>console with new games these months outsells console with no new games/ports
Who fucking knew

the new shit is supposed to be fresh and exiting

Expect March and April to be similar