Sonic Mania Plus not free to existing customers

New thread because old one reached limit.

Attached: SEGA clarifies how Sonic Mania owners will get Encore DLC pack SEGA Nerds.png (823x693, 505K)

This isn't news, it was announced at the panel that a price for the DLC would come later.

I still don't know why people were surprised by this

Then they want to know why Sonic games aren't selling well this recent years.

That's ok, I can live without Literally the Who being playable

keep posting this. makes me feel better every time. so glad I waited

But Sega fucking mentioned that pricing for existing users would be mentioned later immediately after announcing the game
Did everyone just go deaf at that very moment or am I taking crazy pills?

I hope Sonic dies for good tbqh

Sega marketing might be the worst in the business.

I think the thing here is that not everyone watched the panel & they didn't put that piece of info on any of their power point slides or anything else really. It has been annoying seeing people be unaware though.

I dont understand why you were expecting free dlc? Dlc is never free unless its adding a simple skin or something

doesn't it just add 2 characters, one of which was famous for just was a sonic sprite edit?

i think fans were hoping this dlc was going to be free and add the missing zone transitions, because it seems too minor to be a real dlc imo

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fuck off redditor shill

Lilac clone and passive insta shield+spike immunity.

There’s also the encore mode being added, which is supposedly a hard mode for existing stages with remixed aesthetics. Also physical release

I don't get it either & regardless it's probably going to be cheap as hell anyways. The physical is only $10 more than the original base game and that's including the DLC content, a reversible cover, holographic packaging & a 32-page art book.

It adds Mighty & Ray (which has been stated they will have their own unique abilities), an Encore Mode which will be have new ways to explore an act with visual changes, 2-player competitive play will be upgraded to 4-player "& more".

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Shovel knight would like to have a word with you.

TF2 didn't even have DLC, it was all free updates.

Then the free-to-play started.

I cannot possibly be the only person in the world who will be happy to pay $0 for the privilege of not having the quality of the game diluted by adding two donutsteel-level autismbait characters that I will never use to the roster

I'm sure people would have a better idea of what to think of this if we got actual gameplay or something. But who knows how long till the social media team thinks to do that.

Attached: Mighty_trapped.jpg (897x719, 215K)

That fucking Max the Parrot guy is going to show up in Mania before Amy does, mark my words.

Attached: Sonic_CD_Concept_Art_008.jpg (1200x675, 68K)

Knowing aaron we’ll be getting teasers as soon as SEGA gives him the green light

>Literal the Armadildo and Who the Squirrel.

I'm sure it'll range from $4.99 to $9.99 which wouldn't be surprising in any way.

I'm hype for Encore Mode if the levels are properly remade to be even more fun and interesting to go through.

Let alone knowing we'll get more music.

Speaking of stages, how the hell are they going to fix Mirage Saloon for Mighty & Ray's appearance? It'll look so goddamn out of place if they're all on the plane and out of place if one of them is missing too.

Maybe they'll make a unique Mirage Saloon level for Mighty and Ray
Either that or they'll just give them Knuckles' version, Mighty had a wall jump in Chaotix so he
at least could beat it

I feel bad for the people who didn't know the physical version was coming and bought it early. Happened to me with Snipperclips.

holy shit, the state of Sup Forums. You've seriously never played a game that had months of free DLC after launch? how cucked is Sup Forums now? how many season passes have you bought? jesus christ. I gotta get off this board

>I feel bad for the people who didn't know the physical version was coming and bought it early

I literally bought the game 10 days ago because I didn't expect a physical version to get announced anytime soon. I have Slipperclips on cartridge though.

Hopefully Sonic & Tails get a proper Mirage Saloon act 1 for encore mode. After a while you get a little tired of sky chase.

I got the Collector's Edition right away and while I'm happy with my purchase seeing the game go physical when all I got was a lame digital code sucks ass.

Attached: 29d7ep1.jpg (520x451, 89K)

>doesn't add new zones like it should have (S3&K style)
>stuck with the bulk of the stages just being reskins of old stages
>expect people to pay for minor adjustments and sprites that some random modder could have made
How does Sega manage to fuck the one good thing they had?

Kill yourself

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