>searching steam for free games
>this pops up
>good reviews
It's a fun game but pretty dead pop, any reason for that? getting pretty aids queue times.
thoughts on this?
>searching steam for free games
>this pops up
>good reviews
It's a fun game but pretty dead pop, any reason for that? getting pretty aids queue times.
thoughts on this?
>any reason for that?
another moba
It's skilled be advised
>play game
>nothing happens
>you earn nothing
>your heroes level, I guess?
>play again
>amount of working meta heroes are like, 3, so fight the same people
>do the same things
>probably win or lose arbitrarily to who made the most meta picks
Pointless game, pointless time waste, limited fun = quick burnout.
it gets boring after a few hours
It's quite fun with a friend in 2v2, otherwise I wouldn't recommend it
So you never played it? All the champs are strong.
Also OP, most people don't play casual but I still get 1-2 minute queue times at worst. Same as League.
hi battlerite dev
>They spent time getting the game playable for XBone.
>When the largest console market is with the PS4.
Yeah, nah, that's straight up bullshit. Poloma or Pestilus in either team means you either win, or your team is mentally handicapped.
Premade teams with Pestilus+Ezmo in them have such ridiculous advantage, I was able to get +20 in a row wins in both casual and league non-stop unless we met another team with Pestilus in it.
Much easier to port PC games to xbox than ps4
The thing is, that it is not worth getting into these half-dead titles.
In every online genre, you can find few popular games. I could choose some niche moba instad of dota/lol/hots and invest skill/time into learning it, only for the game to be shit down soon.
It's a good game, but for some reason it can't keep people's attention. Some of it is because it's really all gameplay no fluff, but there's other factors too, like some people feeling that the skillcap is too low, or balance/design concerns.
It'll likely have a playable playerbase for a good while, but will never be xboxhueg. Got 150 hours in it by now, probably going to play it more in the future
>Entire post
You can't have an IQ of more than 90 and I'm not even taking a stance for Battlerite here.
Whatever makes you feel better about your dead, pointless game which you are totally not into yet decided to read the thread of anyways, man.
I bought it in Early Acess, got 72 hours on it. It's cool but there's something unsatifying about it, can't quite put my finger on it.
I think it's the healing, I want more burst potential, I hate long fights.
>Talking about Ezmo when Jumong and Iva have been the real ranged cancer
>No mention of Shifu
No arguments about polo/pest though, both are fucking disgusting right now.
Yes, healing is an inherently dull, game stagnating mechanic and it's only purpose is to draw out matches. It's neither satisfying to see your damage done get healed in a few seconds nor is it particularly satisfying to land heals as a healer.
I have no problem with some champions having self-sustain abilities, but having entire champions focused on healing makes the game a fucking chore to play. Oh and wait till you face a team of 2 healers in diamond+, that's when the real """""fun""""" begins.
Anything with an on-demand, prolonged i-frame is anti fun.
I guess I wanted something like Dota or League when you have more items than your opponent.
You can just pounce on them and kill them quickly, combined with skill shots that would allow a good player to dodge my burst.
It's even easier to save dev time and not bother making a console port if said console isn't played by anybody.
I don't think the damage is a problem, if somebody fucks up they can be burst in seconds, it's just that it's difficult to balance because melee will always have a huge disadvantage, so either melee is broken in low level or it's useless at high level. They don't seem to be able to find a good balance for it yet.
Varesh is best doto
maybe, haven't played since a few patches ago
He was overwhelming in high level play so they gutted him.
He was one of the few heroes that felt unique and interesting to play
how the fuck do I deal with Raider? his constant feinting into lights is just so difficult.
Yeah, I had the same experience, absolutely loved Varesh.
It's a stripped-down MOBA. On paper, it sounds better because you get right into the action and you don't fuck around with laning, farming, buying items and ganking. In practice, it's boring because it has no depth and each match is determined by if your comp counters the enemy's comp or not.
Because it ain’t no bloodline champions
What does it actually share with a MOBA?
The game's matchmaking is awful and drives off a lot of the playerbase.
You can have fun with the game for a long time, but you'll drop it after 2/3 days of horrendous pairings
whats even wrong with his post its true yu sound like a fanboy because theres nothing wrong with i the games dead jim he gave reasons why
>no fluff shit just gameplay
>the game is all skill based
>it's really easy to punish people up for fucking up
I think it's a fighting games situation, it doesn't matter how tight the gameplay can be, any game that makes it really obvious you lost because of you being shit, or makes it hard to blame others will always be unpopular, it's also why fighters are doomed to have low pops, and why Gigantic failed
To be fair, Gigantic also failed because of the whole arc/windows 10 garbage and shitty marketing.
Maybe they shouldn't have pulled a Shattered Horizon and made their game only accessible by people running off newest gen software when the majority of people were still using older gen software, the stupid fucks.
t. shitter
The marketing was a big issue, so many people wanted to play, but no one fucking knew if was out. It still had like 10k people playing it on steam/ark, and the main issue i saw with retention was how pumishing people found the stamina system and mobility options in the game. Crying about how easy you got punish for mungo smashing like retard and losing your stamima, or not knowing how to manuver the map (diving into the water of sactum falls, mid air attack momentum, mid air dashing). I still remember so much crying about Wu and Margrave and Trip (she did have too much CC at the start) which really only fuck you up hard if you can't aim and have no awareness. Not to mention the crying over getting ringed out, and just in general how much of a consequence dying had
It's sad, I fucking live Gigantic
I think a good deal of the bitching about stamina was that it was so poorly explained.
Gigantic failed because it was a shit game with terrible, eye-bleeding art.
Your queue times sound weird, maybe you've picked the wrong servers in the options, the game has a rather healthy playerbase. I had thousands of hours in Bloodline Champions but that sadly died and while I also have ~100 hours in Battlerite.... It feels kinda off....
Nice to see the escape from preseason brought a lot of players back.
>doesn't understand the a good portion the game revolves around forcing people to use cooldowns and managing yours
>not knowing the skill based aspect of ability canceling just to bait shit
It's nice again people that just wanna smash their keyboard and don't understand that the game is about forcing bad decisions and punishing them hard
It doesn't require skill though
I guess that's why you are in GC?
What was so bad about the game
>bad art
Are you one of those days that cried about the windwaker art style too?
I don't even know what that means but
>slot machines don't take skill
>guess that's why you never hit a jackpot
Skill doesn't just refer to twitch based skill you mongoloid. The mindgames is a skill it self, and you get punish for just smashing your keyboard like a retard
>The same people hit the jackpot non-stop year after year.
Slot machines are completely random luck, how does that relate to baiting and managing cooldowns
>Mommy what's the point of eating icecream if you don't reward me with choccy milk after I finish it!
His post reminds me of the retard that say umlockingbheros and poor boxes are a good thing because they add to game progression
>game has ranked mode
>people need a fucking parade after doing anythimg to feel like there progress
Because its a Mongo paradise. Hyper aggressive strats often are too rewarding and it causes alot of disparity in skill levels. Mostly because in lower elo you don't see any of the characters that can deal with it properly.
So most new players don't get to play any of the characters they want to play and they lose interest.
Not a bad thing, personally i like it but the casual filter on it is pretty staggering.
This is fucking retarded. Mongo is garbage, the big problem with the game is the inherent range advantage. Melee has no options from neutral against good players. If you are losing to mongo it's only because you are trash.
I see what you mean , it's a shame because a lot of the more defensive styles and characters are actually effective and good, but most people just go aggressive and if your a new player going aggro v aggro your just gonna get ducked against a wall
I usually play RK and can fuck a lot of the big heroes fairly consistently l, but it's fucking funny to fuck with people that don't know how to deal with RK just chasing them around and bullying them
>people still think ranged is op
dead game dont play top 500 players aren't that great either
you learn how to not hit counters and follow a rotation, learn to hit your shit, gg
every new hero is OP and it costs either currency or money to unlock it.
there is also loot boxes kys i hate that shit fuck
Just speaking from personal experience.
Went 33-8 this season as raigon/croak just going on whoever had less mobility.
It is though. It was before the only good melees got nerfed, now the only viable melee is Shifu.
Is that why the highest 2v2 NA right now is fucking Jamila Rook?
I haven't played in a month, by preseason I could deal with ranged easily in ranked as RK, you just bait their mobility and the beat the ever living shit out of them, helps that if you play RK well you can keep your health up
>Playing 2v2
Seriously though, I don't get why people insist melee is ok, the again I see people engage with space on Sirius, so who knows that other stupid shit people do
I meant why ranged is OP
In a game where whoever commits first loses, it's just natural that being able to act without committing has a huge advantage.
But there are still double melee teams at the highest ranks in 3v3.
Problem is nobody fucking plays 3v3 so they all have like 20 games.
I know, and I agree I just fuck up on my post and implied wasn't strong rather than saying ranged wasnt op
There's not a single team that plays double melee in 3v3.
I don't count Sirius as a melee, he's a support.