Whats with soy and god of war?
Whats with soy and god of war?
>Drinks soy
>Decision making become impacted due to estrogen levels
>Take on maternal instincts like a woman and look after another mans child
The Virgin Norse Kratos vs. The Chad Greek Kratos
More like Soytendo Soytch
More like Soy PlaySoyton 4
More like XSoy One Xoy
More like Personal Soyputer
More like my numalecopter goes soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy soy
That's a good shoop
The game looks really good. It'll be like by normies and critics. It will be a success and Sup Forums will be proven wrong like always
is the new god of war THE soy game?
>When you have no real image editing skills
Is shoop posting the Dentists of medicine?
Soy of War
Act 1
Soytos takes his soyn outsoyd to teach him the art of soynting. My soy, he says, the soynting isn't about soying the beast. You must feel the soycle of life.
Soydenly, monsters appear. Soytos slowly but surely desoys them one by one, in soynematic soyscenes. His soyn helps him while Soytos teaches his soy how to soynt.
Eventually, they encounter the Soyclops, the one-soy monster.
Is any board ever right?
>Sup Forums says race war will start any day
>Sup Forums says black panther will fail at box office
>Sup Forums says botw is the worst game and will never win awards
>/an/ always guessing wrong animals
>/ck/ says ramsay will never get another season of tv shows
really charges my lazors
It's not often we come across meme magic that makes people so ANGEREY
everything is soy now. it doesn't have to make sense
What's with soy and Sup Forums would be a better question. You guys really need to get better memes.
BASED woop poster
Just another typical AAA sony moviegame
sony games sure are beautiful, but holy fuck
You don't understand Sup Forums. It's not that anyone here really knows whether the game will sell or not, the game is just another derivative AAA slugfest and we're making fun of it. It SHOULDN'T sell. Because it looks like the same old shit.
>It shouldn't sell based off my feelings
lmao get a load of this soyboy
>tfw after all these years, finally get what shoop da woop means
What do you mean?
I'm a dumdum that thought it was teh randumb babble this entire time and not Photoshop the whoop.
It's his biological son, and there's nothing manlier than showing your lad the ropes.
>but muh vengeance
>muh angry kratos
You're the kind of person who's first god of war experience was a remaster. Fans that have grown with the series welcome the change in tone and refined gameplay experience. Quit parroting other Sup Forumsirgins, it's getting out of hand.
>it shouldn't sell because that's the narrative Sup Forums sold me
I don't know why I expect anyone to think for themselves
wait, how is the shoop da woop related? I'm not getting it
>You're not a REAL FAN, REAL FANS want this and not what you want
[I am but in spanish]
>Fans that have grown with the series welcome the change in tone and refined gameplay experience
Played each one at the time, and you couldn't be more wrong. Also, I do hope the "refined gameplay experience" is a joke from you, because that can't come from someone that isn't retarded. GoW wasn't a DMC in the gameplay matter, but at least it wasn't a Dark Souls shitty rip-off with stupid close camera and slow movement.
Also, Kratos unbridled rage wasn't just his personality, it went as far as to simbolize the gameplay and player reactions, and justified the whole story and the motivations of his foes. Kratos anger was as much as a character as he was, and by taking that off he becomes nothing but a empty and shallow bearded middle aged man with nothing that separates him from everyone else. Literally the guy from TLoU with different skin.
memes is cyclical
People get mad at it, that means the meme works. Cuck was a sucess exactly because it triggered people.
Offense memes are like regular offenses. If it works on pissing people off, than it means it is good.
game isnt even out yet but Sup Forums hates it for being popular
Bless you, user.
What am i supposed to be mad about here? Too much test for the average soyboy?
photoshops once were called shoops
ever heard someone say 'nice shoop' in resonse to something fake?
Do people on Sup Forums hate the soy meme because they fit the profile of what it's talking about?
Keep telling yourself that
Well this is NintendoGaf so probably
Yeah pretty much. God of War is going to make waves, and cucks like you will be grasping at straws and get BTFO by critical praise and sales. Same thing happened with Monster Hunter
>Every game with counters and blocks is a dark souls rip off
As for the rage, it drove the past narratives, sure. That story is told, and getting old, just like Kratos. He is an empty bearded man, still covered in the ashes of his past. He never got the chance to care for his child, now he's got one more, and I believe Kratos will draw from his failures as a father and try to do it right this time.
What is there to even wait for? I loved GoW, but this is nothing but TLoU with a Kratos skin. The fun gameplay and the everytime enraged character were switched by stupid on shouders camera skyrim 3rd person mode shit, and """Kratos""" became a sissy self-hating old man who votes for hillary.
This isn't made for me or older fans, it's made for the new generation of consumers, like DB Super. An understandable decision from a marketing standard, but that doesn't mean I will defend this garbage.
Why are soyboys so easily triggered? How embarrassing.
the guy spamming the shoopdawoop is a notorious soyboy that want to make it "the new mlp" of shitposting so mods makes it illegal to laugh at his sacred food item, yes. He's probably a tranny as well, considering his unintelligible logic gymnastic to defend his obsessive shitposting.
sage for viral
>He never got the chance to care for his child, now he's got one more, and I believe Kratos will draw from his failures as a father and try to do it right this time
Nice script for a oscar bait movie, but it don't make interesting games. I'm already sick of this shitty writers who failed at hollywood to shit their garbage on games, God of War was great because it tought first on the gameplay and artistic presentation, and not on some shitty script to bait emotionally weak fatherless childrens. Seriously, it failed even to make me wanting to watch it on youtube.
No reading comprehension, typical idiots who have been coddled into not realizing their own intellectual inferiority
It's the same triple AAA slugfest, it's literally what it is. It is fact. What's left to do other than making fun of it, then pirating when it releases and playing through in a boring weekend? At least the memes are funny
mad as fuck
I'm not the one spamming old memes in every thread that mentions soy kiddo
Its not his son. One of the preview articles unironically refered to the boy as his wifes son
>It's the same triple AAA slugfest,
it's not even out yet...?
mad as fuck that when they shitpost they get shitposted back
>Anyone that doesn't agree with me is ------
a soyboy lol
>tfw no big black cock bf to pound my tight boipucci from behind while my sissy-clit dangles limply and drools cum like a broken faucet
A cuck soyboy kike nigger. Like you.
I disagree
>Not editing PlayStation to say SoyStation
>Not editing Santa Monica to say Soy Monica
>Not editing thick frame glasses onto the head of the boat
mad as fuck
Sup Forums is always right.
Where's the video games?
Nobody is right every time.
Sup Forums seems to land a lot tought. But the race war thing is nothing but delusion.
>Comes to shitpost thread, joins the shitposting then asks for video games
Change the name to Retardidful
Somebody's really gotta get those poor kids out of Comet's basement already.
What the fuck happened to this board?
>whaaa stop shitting on my favorite soyboy game!
The retarded children "grew up" and thought people with open mouths being enthusiastic over something was enough to make a meme out of.
They were wrong.
it starts with R
>tfw no chavo del 8 rpg game
Sup Forums became mainstream around 2008
Now everyone just pretends
How can anyone with more than two braincells be proud of owning a PS4 holy shit, I mean if you don't play all the cinematic generic crap you end up with like 3 decent games.
Wait, let's rewind a bit.
What was the original reason for calling Kratos cucked in the new game? The fact that he's raising another man's child? Is the child really another man's?
>reddit spacing
Come back to whatever shithole you came from meme lord.
Nothing it's always been a contrarians paradise. Success breeds jealousy and thus the people are salty about another ps4 exclusive.
what about the endless shitposting on every switch exclusive that has came out so far
that's just eric lmao
US Elections, phoneposters and /po/
Gookmoot pretends he dont speak english so he ignores all of this for clicks and ads with bitcoin miners on them.
Its not just the mouth thing. They all look like weak, feminine nerds. Masculinity is dying out and labled as "toxic".
Holy shit, now everything makes sense.
Protip: Nobody really gets pissed off here
Most of the people write ">hurr you mad?" when they are too scared to make an actual reply
>Totally not a Soyboy so TRIGGERED that he makes Shoop edits of soy memes
I mean, you admitted yourself that you're trying to counter the soy "shitposting" with your own shitposting.
Now tell me, what would you stand to gain from trying to censor these soy memes?
>and /po/
I fucking knew those paperfolding faggots were the underlying cause of Sup Forums's downfall.