Why does every modern Western game has to have rpg mechanics and/or crafting?

Why does every modern Western game has to have rpg mechanics and/or crafting?

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Who #FullLuck here??

Because it adds a few hours of useless content without much development effort. Also upgrading feels good as you get stronger with better weapon.

Soys have never built anything or upgraded themselves IRL so they need it in game

Easy filler material.
No need to DESIGN a well BALANCED gameplay experience that one could "master", when you can just make yet another shallow rehash, with the same exact upgrade-tree and level-up systems as last year, and then "let the players choose what they want" .

In short, what at first glance seems like gameplay deepening additions, are in fact just another form of streamlining development time.

>not maxing luck

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Weebs being OBSESSED as usual

Cant spell freedom without rpg

I didn't see you fags crying when BOTW had it

When will so(y)nyggers be able to defend themselves without deflecting to others.

Because designing progression through chests and other stuff found around the world is too hard so they rely on random loot and letting the player craft the items which would be found along the story in older games.

What's wrong with rpg mechanics? They add depth and probably replayability.

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>just want to play a well crafted immersive action survival game with tight physics, controls and animations
>game stops and forces you to make numbers go higher for some reason

>They add depth and probably replayability.
Horizon is a good example on how this doesn't apply. It has loads of stuff to craft but you're more than likely to be maxed out on everything at any given time and adds nothing to the game.
Even worse when it's
>can only carry 20 arrows
>can carry 2000 sticks

Wow, what an interesting and unique UI. Doesn't look like the one in Shadow of Mordor, nope, not at all.



I thought that shit was integral to BOTW
I don't see why it's needed here

artificial length


>artificial length
>artificial difficulty
kill yourselves redditors

Yeah, BotW, the famous hack and slash action game... with crafting and luck stats? Where?


>a game where you go around hacking and slashing to progress through the game is not a hack and slash game
>a game where you travel with your wife's son through cutscenes is a hack and slash game
I think the term has become mundane and needs updating.

Because you don't need to develop interesting content when you can add number-autism rng padding.