With pic related Nintendo made the worst console for actual Nintendo fans

With pic related Nintendo made the worst console for actual Nintendo fans.
Assuming you are a fan and already have the Wii U with maybe 10+ games including mk8, smash, pikmin 3 and also even stuff like hyrule warriors, toads trasure tracker and bayonetta 2.
The Switch is pretty much worthless unless of course you just hate your money and love buying stuff twice.
Will the switch ever have enough original Content to justifiy a purchase or will the trend of lame ports continue?

Attached: Nintendo-Switch-Probleme-1024x576-f56f6ea25d931d79.jpg (1024x576, 81K)

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nintendo will go third party soo like sega

>will a current video game console ever get more games?


Wrong, literally best console. Nintendo stronk.

The Switch already has like four times as many exclusive games (and ten times as many multiplats) than the Wii U had in its first year, on top of the ports.

A platform exists that not only takes my past library into the present and offers a future with more variety than any Nintendo device since the SNES is somehow a bad thing? Please delete your system 32 file this moment!

The Wii U only had so many games, and the switch is catching up fucking fast.

where are the original games? arms 1 2 switch and oddysey. thats pretty much it.

Sup Forums's userbase mostly consists of 40% Sonyfags, 40% Nintenfags, and 10% everyone else.

Snipperclips Plus, Splatoon 2, Mario + Rabbids, Xenoblade 2, Kirby Star Allies (not counting Zelda Breath of the Wild and Fire Emblem Warriors since they're cross-gen). By this point the Wii U had New Super Mario Bros U, Lego City Undercover, Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D World.

Splatoon 2 :^)

WHich was the bigger scam: amiibo or wiiU ?


Who are the remaining 10%?


That exist right now and aren't on any other platform?
Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade 2
Kirby allies
Mario and Rabbids
>This year?
Smash 5
Octopath Traveler
No more heroes TSA
>This year / later?
Metroid Prime 4
Bayonetta 3
Pokemon Switch
Pikmin 4
Those are only the confirmed games, not assumed games like animal crossing.

>Assuming you are a fan and already have the Wii U
heh, I guess there are only ten true nintendo fans in the world.

more like, if you AREN'T a vapid Nintendo fanboy, why the fuck did you buy Switch but not the Wii U? They both got the same games.

>I bought a Switch for ARMS
>I bought a Switch for LABO
>I bought a Switch for Kirby
>I bought a Switch for Xenoshit 2
>I bought a Switch for Ocopath
>I bought Switch for No More Heroes mini game
no one ever thought this

I bought the wii u. and thats my problem the switch isn't worth it so far. there are maybe 2 all new games I'm interested in. the rest is either ports or can also be played somewhere else. that isn't enough to buy a whole new system.

Um no sweetie.

this. also xenoblade x is on wii u and I haven't even played it.

Keep crying

old and dusty on the left. new hotness on the right.

Attached: Old and dusty meets new hotness.jpg (1800x1200, 339K)

Nintendo fans buy Mario 64 every gen on every virtual console, they love paying for the same shit again.

Reminder that Splatoon 2 is just a DLC that's being sold at full price as it's own game.

>I bought a Switch for Xenoshit 2
No, but I did buy one for Xenoblade 2.

Who's retarded enough to buy a WiiU?

nobody is crying. I'm just wondering how people get so excited over a console that only has ports.

my condolences

Bought mine for Xenoblade 2 and Odyssey. In that order. Best vidya purchase in many years.

>Nintendo fans buy Mario 64 every gen on every virtual console, they love paying for the same shit again.
Gonna need a citation for that pal.

you're just deluding yourself because you can't face the thought that you just got scammed out of money

Thanks, life has been hard with how much of my time that game is eating up.

yes we do
- ninendo fans

Nah we don't
Actual Nintendofag.

buying a nintendo console after the gamecube with all the waggle bullshit is already pretty retarded but buying a new console thats not realy more powerfull that has all the same games is beyond comprehension.

Attached: NINTENDO.jpg (600x735, 51K)

yeah you're never getting those hours back

>total 300 hours on these two games
>plenty of other titles I already have and wait for
>somehow I got scammed
How the hell is that supposed to work?

Attached: 1470078667417.jpg (1600x900, 151K)

>Zelda BotW (it's multiplat not Wii U port retard)
>Mario Odyssey
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade 2
>A bunch of indie games and some third-party stuff

>All within ONE YEAR of being on the market
>Implying it literally won't get anything new despite being barely a year old

>hehe LOL those games suck i dont like them

^That goes against your "actual Nintendo fans" argument entirely. Fans of Splatoon would want to play the sequel, fans of Xenoblade would want to play the sequel. Fans of new IP from Nintendo would want to play ARMS. Mario fans (AKA the most common Nintendo fans) would want to play Odyssey.

It's getting Wii U ports because barely anybody owned a Wii U and those games could reach new audiences. I myself owned a Wii U and loved the thing despite it's non-existent popularity, so I'm not buying Wii U ports but I still have plenty to play on the Switch.

Why would I want to when they've been some of the best hours of my life?

you're just a fake nintendo fan a true fan buys the mario game on every platform it exists on


that's in a non shitposty way really fucking sad if true

the fact that you can waste 300 hours with mediocre games doesn't make the switch a good console.


One day you'll find a game you enjoy for more than its critical reception, too.

The fact you can waste 1000 hours shitposting on Sup Forums with shitty memes doesn't stop you from being a waste of space.
Both can play this game.

>one mario game
>a new xenoblade
>bullshit waggle boxing game

sorry thats just lame

no video game ever will be the peak of my experience in life

>implying this when Nintendo products can be sold for 90% of their initial price

How is it any less sad than you shitposting here day in and day out, not playing video games at all?

but you lost it because no actual arguments.

I am referring to the money he spent and the time he spent, now he's gone too far to turn back and admit that he got scammed

The Switch has a future, unlike the Wii U

Right, I forgot, the best times you ever had were posting soyjacks and NEVER EVER.

Thank goodness you had solid arguments to begin with.

hes here because the switch really isn't so much fun and needs the damage control.

yeah your life probably revolves solely around video games and posting on Sup Forums

To be fair, user didn't say that shitposting on Sup Forums has been some of the best hours of his life.

xenoblade and odyssey are maybe solid 7/10 games but not enough to buy a system. maybe for you but some people want more than that if they spend 400+ on a new system.

>Fans of Splatoon would want to play the sequel
Speak for yourself. I've played over 400 hours of Splatoon but S2 will have paid online this year.


Okay, reasonable fans of Splatoon would want to play the sequel.

what are you guys getting in exchange for the coming paid online? I forgot, dedotated servers?

splat 2 also looks more like a refresh similar to mk 8 delux

you're the one who jumps the gun and assumes that if ones life doesn't peak playing games then it peaks on Sup Forums, that's pretty telling

splatoon 2 is more like a DLC instead of a port

I forgot, being passionate about things is for soyboys.

You do realize, though, that people who pay for a system when it's new even though it only has a couple games are doing so with the understanding that more games will be coming out for it in the future, right?

Fair enough, no one's forcing you to get it. But don't pretend there isn't a fair number of people for whom this is enough. Hell, for many Switch is a worthwhile purchase for BotW alone and others are looking forward to getting it only for Pokemon.

Actually I think it's a perfect for nintendo fans, Nintendo fags love to buy the same game more than once !

>The Switch is pretty much worthless unless of course you just hate your money and love buying stuff twice.
Or just don't own a wiiu .
You know, like most people.
Since nobody bought the thing.

Did you "forget" that part, op?

Attached: fag.jpg (512x512, 72K)

No, it isn't, and I hate Sup Forums as much as the next guy, but saying that some of the best hours of your life were spent by yourself leveling up anime kids on a TV screen is indeed kind of sad. I'm not even insulting you, I just think you're letting your life pass you by. I've sunk a lot of time into a lot of video games but I'd never call any of it some of the best hours of my life.

I skipped the Wii U when I realized it was nothing more than a Gamecube 2. Perfectly fine for some. But not for me. I instantly jumped on the Switch when it was revealed to be everything I liked from both the DS and Wii. Looks like I picked a winner.

I'm :)

>I bought a Switch for LABO
I could see some parents doing this.
>I bought a Switch for Xenoshit 2
>I bought a Switch for Ocopath
I know weebs did this.

Where do you think we are?

I bought a Switch beacuse I think it's a pretty good portable console

I've experienced my first kiss, lost my virginity, bought a condo, gotten a degree, and Xenoblade 2 was still a highlight in my life. If you refuse to believe it's that good, that's your problem and your problem alone.

well technically there's someone out there that bought a switch literally for 1-2 switch or snipperclips or whatever

nobody bought a wiiu, not even nintendo fans

A lot of people do all those things and still let their lives pass them by. That said, you're backing down whether you realize it or not. "A highlight in my life" is a far less extreme statement than "some of the best hours of my life." A highlight is just something notable.


Snipperclips is awesome desu.

So what the fuck are you doing here if you the feel need to put someone down for loving a video game that much?

not him but I'm sure people can like video games without practically being consumed by them

and thats questionable in the case of the switch. so far it only has ports. for me its facts over promises.

he's about to unleash a list of staple nintendo sequels on you
>s-smash is coming
>p-pokemon is coming
>m-metroid is coming

How is that being consumed by them?

wow it turns out people who are fans of things buy things for those things

well if you live for video games

I'm not putting him down. If anything I'm suggesting he might want to try to lift himself up.


Why are you trying to play therapist in a shitposting thread? You don't even know me, you silly bitch.

From what?

so with nintendo consoles its hit or miss. and you realy only need to buy every second or so generation to avoid buying twice on a maybe failed platform. you know in retrospect the gamecube was realy a solid platform with tons of good content like n64 and snes. all of these systems are still worth owning today but I can not say that for the wii, wii u and now the switch.

This is my case.

I bought a WiiU and have 26 games for the system.

The only thing Switch can offer me right now is Odyssey and Xeno 2. It doesn't worth it nowadays.

>a game from the same series on the same platform invalidates the other

X and 2 aren’t even that similar.

smash is just a refresh like all other smash games.
I'm, not even through with all the metroids we already have and after a pretty weak sun and moon I can't say I'm still a fan.

its just not like the snes days

We get it, you're depressed, nothing in life has a meaning to you anymore, so you pretend to be a normalfag and preach to people who really like video games how they should change their lifestyle.
Stop projecting your issues onto others and go visit a therapist. And keep taking those pills.

Seriously, it's pretty sad how behind every shitposter there's a tale of a broken person.
