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Pretty sure he actually said bigly and only changed it munch later because he realized how stupid it sounds. Or he can't enunciate for shit.

Actually Sea of Thieves is on Windows 10


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what does it matter anyway, he is the most powerful man in the world, kinda puts things in perspective.

>game preview edition

theyre releasing early access on xbox and people are paying for it?!?

What the fuck is Shining Resonance?

Apparently it doesn't even have the second map



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A remake of one of the best action rpgs from the PS3 era but waifu fags will shitpost and convince you it's trash

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It's been a few years already since current console generation is out and console's exclusives fights are still sad thing to watch.

Counting Dissidia NT as a positive.

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PUBG only has like 5m xbone owners, COD sells way more than that


>Persona 5
>Demon's Souls
>Ni no Kuni

>Sup Forums with CEO mentality that games that sell = success
what went wrong? Even if in a distant future PUGB 2 sells 35 million units Xbox One will never be remembered as a good console and it will end up in the basement or garage sales as the 4K blu ray player for cheap

Is the OP bait? The only thing on that list worth a shit is Yakuza and Fist of the North Star. I'm hyped, you better be hyped.


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>The only thing
one of the dumbest things to say in human interaction


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Fucking cunt scared me

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>Detroit: Become Human
I wouldn't be too proud of that one.

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MS must feel so fucked now that fortnite is the new hottest thing, also the pubg guys must be fucking mad

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>anime games and movies
xbros are the best people, believe me. soyniggers are, quite frankly, worse than nin10yearolds at this point. very sad, many such cases!

Shining resonance shouldn't be on there. The original came out on ps3 but the remake is coming out on every console +pc.

the two girls featured on detroit look 1000000000000000000000000000 better than that french lesbo trash. I'm actually happy cage didn't go for another hollywood sub-par celebrity this time

They only care aboutif it's made money money, and pubg has been the best selling xbox game for months. The only real blunder in the whole situation is not going multiplat with ps4

This, both 360 and PS3 had way more in terms of worthwhile exclusives 4 years into the gen compared to the newer systems

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>both 360 and PS3 had way more in terms of worthwhile exclusives 4 years into the gen compared to the newer systems
list 3 good 360 exclusives
list 3 good ps3 exclusives
pro tip: Ni No Kuni is not technically an exclusive since it's a 3DS port.

autism + phone

>Chinese Cheaters' battle grounds

Halo 3
Ace Combat 6

Demon's Souls
Tokyo Jungle

Chromehounds is an online game.

I thought you would include Yakuza Kenzan instead of Tokyo Jungle or MGS4 but I guess they are 7.5/10 games that can enter in the good cathegory

>french lesbo trash

Attached: Barrymore_Page.jpg (450x354, 68K)

I have a biological reaction against french people
Plz don't post stuff like this

Where's the EXCLUSIVES*
*also on Windows 10

That's not Fortnite


why is Sup Forums shilling this shit? I've seen that shovelware on PSn store months ago. What's the deal with it? waifus? ironic streamer shilling it? memes? what is it?

Meanwhile Sony literally sold disc versions of Paragon. A game that never actually came out

Attached: paragon ps4.jpg (1500x1500, 236K)

I would rather play Sea of Thieves and PUBG than all those shitty movies from Sony.

>do I fit in ? xD

apparently, so did the workers at Quantic Dream

Attached: Cage_Creepy_Sex_Pervert.png (680x549, 195K)

Not to mention 90% of Xbone and PS4 exclusives are complete crap, either that or just cinematic bullshit. And the next gen will have even less exclusives.

On the contrary, I don't want to fit in with most of the PS4 soyboys in this shitty board, like you, who still ironic shitposts in 2018 when we erradicated that bullshit like 5 years ago.

I forgot about the two EDFs coming this year
2018 confirmed better than 2017. Also Bloodborne II announcement is gonna take you back to the past to play the greatest game that doesn't suck ass

>only 3 games are cinematic
Hysterical or shitposting? both?

Good optimization
Unique building mechanics and completely destructible buildings
Point and Shoot
Find the loot

it did, i played it, a lot
fuck, you're a dumb shit

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Remember when the Xbone had Rise of the Tomb Raider, Killer Instinct, Halo 5, Forza Horizon 2, Dead Rising 3, Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall, but PS4 won because muh Bloodborne?

>Unique building mechanics
what is this? honest question I don't play online games I have no idea what is building mechanics
>Find the loot
I assume it's some crates hidden in the level that give you weapon skins?

>only 3
I count at least 6 soynematic experiences in that shitty list, and yes, I would rather play PUBG than watching shitty movies for $60.

Paragon never left beta. It was shut down before ever being released

so basically all trash with the exception of maybe GoW and Ghost being good. real nice lineup.

>who still ironic shitposts in 2018 when we erradicated that bullshit like 5 years ago.

ps4 + pc will always be the patrician's choice


>Right: a variety of different genres and styles all prioritizing gameplay over cutscenes and production values

>Left: almost every game is either a cinematic over the shoulder Last of Us clone, the latest David Cage abomination or QTE-Spiderman.

I don't think whoever made this image thought this one through.


Still seething over our 97 10/10 GOTY I see. Enjoy your moviegames and wife's son of war

you mean a linux os + GTX 1070 for PS2+WiiU+Wii+Gamecube emulation or actual playing from Steampowered® ?
soynematic is a fun word at least

do you only play linux supported games? not the other guy btw

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I refuse to install steam I bought a gtx 1070 to play emulation since 0.3% of pirated games receive linux ports (or release on steam for that matter)

so you just play old stuff? I don't like steam either but why not try a virtual machine?

it doesn't work

i actually played it AND got my refund, so that was nice

I can literally only put 12 games on my xbone. This installing bullshit is so cancerous. What happened to just putting in the disc and playing the fucking game?