Why did Tomb Raider use the Half Life 2 pistol?

Why did Tomb Raider use the Half Life 2 pistol?
Are they in the same universe?

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A desert eagle is a desert eagle no matter what game its in

shes gordon freeman

> Tomb Raider is Half Life 3 confirmed

This is good bait

>3 guns in picture



Because neither protag is a soldier, and the USP is not a soldier's gun.

the pistol in HL2 was good, don't believe the memes


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Its a .45 but its way over built to look like one.

It's a USP with a compensator.

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Isn't USP that gun from Counter Strike? Did they make it real?

This, as opposed to new games like Doom 2016 where weapons are gigantic, make the camera shaky and fill everything with monster giblets, the weapons in HL2 are presented in a minimalistic way that doesn't obstruct the view.
This isn't so much a virtue of HL2 but a problem of new games.

It's a usp match. Looks nothing like a desert eagle lmao, it's not even overbuilt

It's not real it's just a movie prop
Sort of like when they did Halo full motion video with Halo guns, they didn't make them real but they just made realistic props of them.

People really hate realistic gun sounds.

I remember I did a mod where I actually recorded a bunch of real world guns from my uncle's collection using a big condenser mic, isolated and cleaned them up but everyone hated it because all the weapons sounded "puny". So as a joke I did a version where I replaced all the real gun sounds with down pitched canons and everyone suddenly loved it. So lesson was when people play games they don't want to hear real guns, they want their little 9mm to sound like an m65 280mm howitzer.

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Same with swords or bladed weapons to be honest.

go away /k/, pls no bulli

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That's just sound design in general. Fake sounds always work better than real ones.

Also professional audio mics are not designed to record at sound pressure levels of actual real guns and explosions.

You mean the USP Match? It's in real-life so I can confirm that we're in the HL2 universe.

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>Fake sounds always work better than real ones.
How i'm supposed to get immersed in game world if it uses real gun models and not real sounds?

You wouldn't know the difference. We're already used to fake gun sounds from various media.

What's the deal with these recent half-life threads?

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Poor souls in denial that hl3 is dead

I think it might have something to do with audio levels and lack of shock. Firing an artillery piece is something you feel with your whole body and even though AK (or in my case Finn variant) has rather puny feel and lame sound it is still somewhat loud.

>Why did Tomb Raider use the Half Life 2 pistol
Tomb raider came 3 years before Half Life 2.

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The original movie, numbnut

Trolled hard
Nothin personnel kid

trolled hard bro you might wanna delete your post

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>The pistols in original games are modeled after Browning Hi-Power and M1911
>Replaced by fucking USP

I thought the user was making a funny referencing the first movie when the first game came out ages before that even?!?

freemans pistol is .22lr
croft is .45

Probably because of the Hunt Down The Freeman shitshow.

Here you go you autistic niggers.


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.45 is twice as big as .22 so Croft can do twice as much damage per shot

It's 9mm

what's the thing under the barrel? a muzzle break?

.45 is a meme


Pretty much

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When are we getting tank controls again?

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imagine using a gravity gun on her breasts lol