Borderlands 3


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based whenposter

based basedposter

I'm just ding what has to be done, my friend
Thank you for your support of the cause.
May Pandora Bless Us

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tfw no one to play BL2 with

awww user go to the borderlands 2 subreddit and i bet you can find someone

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When Battleborn becomes profitable

Since this is the closest to a BL thread, does anyone know if the bunker can actually drop the sham? I swear i farmed that shit for multiple playthroughs and never got it once. Same with spawning vermivorous.

it does but i think you've been having bad luck
i remember my first time through i tried farming out the zer0 head from henry, it took me like 30 trys and on my most recent play through i got it on my second, i guess its all rng

>i guess its all rng

This holiday season or sometime next year.

Not sure if being sarcastic, but yes, the Sham is a primarily Bunk3r drop, as it is in it's loot pool

hopefully it will be Gearbox's last game ever

yes. if you have a zero, you can just farm it with bore. just shotgun one of the corners and the bunker instantly dies. the drop rate was pretty bad before the patch. idk if they actually buffed the drop rate.

>This holiday season

M8, you're dreaming.

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Fuck BL3, when La Mulana 2 coming out i've been waiting 2384098230492390409238 years

It does. But it's either an abysmally low drop rate or specifically doesn't drop when the game has decided you're trying to farm it.

I got it once on my Siren, and could never properly find it for my Zerker, until I found it on a Scorch in the Gauntlet on OP 7, and again in one of the chests at the end of an OP 4 run on my Psycho.

After extensive hours in BL2 and TPS, here are my requests:

-Make skippable dialogue/cutscenes at least for subsequent playthroughs if nothing else.
-Place objectives on the map as soon as you start a quest, not only when the NPC finishes talking. I hate running away to start a mission I've already done and forgetting to grab something from the NPC or a nearby place (Looking at you Mighty Morphin' and Splinter Group)
-Bring ice damage back for 3
-Fix the goddamn floaty jumping so it feels consistent
-Improve character movement and mobility. Tired of feeling like a walking turret no matter who I play. Slamming brought some movement based gameplay to the series. Need more of that.
-Quality control. Improve polish on environments.
-Make weapon inspection available without going through menus
-Fix your goddamn menus
-Less re-treading. Let me get all objectives for an area at the start. I hate re-treading ground for a shitty side mission.
-More vehicle types in the base game, maybe even let us fly buzzards
-Make all bosses farmable without having to glitch/exploit our way back to it.
-Bring back the weapon grinder, that was a great idea that made it feel less useless to hoard shitty weapons.
-Introduce a totally new damage type (idk what it would be but please come up with something new, maybe biohazard or something that turns enemies against each other or something)
-tone down the randumb writing and humor
-keep it up with the various environments. we've seen swamp, desert, tundra, urban, jungle, moon/space, cave, volcanic, grassy, mountains, digital world, junkyard etc. also bring back holiday themed maps/quests.
-let us play as an eridian
-let jack die and stay dead
-bring back customer customization, maybe introduce an armor system in the harder modes so your character looks tougher
-tone down claptrap
-maybe introduce factions with the various corporations and groups. faction alliances could introduce perks with those brands of items.

last thing:
-bring back the challenges and bonuses but maybe add character-unique ones

For skippable dialogue, just have a button dedicated to making your character say "shut up". That'd be more satisfying.

Fuck you and your shit taste, stop buying Gearbox's shit and let them die.
Randy Pitchford is the biggest con artist in the games industry.
His crimes include:
>Stealing the art style from Borderlands from a small independent film
>Repeatedly hiring Anthony Burch to contribute his terrible writing
>Taking money from Sega to develop Colonial Marines, then funneling this money into the development of Borderlands 2
>Outsourcing the development to a desperate third party studio, who were still shut down after development finished
>Writing cringy as fuck songs about being bullied on the internet and then subjecting hundreds of people to them by singing them on stage
>Creating Battleborn, one of the biggest blunders in recent gaming history, a horrible abortion of an FPS/ASSFAGGOTS riddled with SJW garbage, fucking awful characters and terrible gameplay
>Literally begging people to work with him on twitter
Pitchford is a walking joke and if you buy his shit so are you.

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I'm kinda excited.
Shooting shit with the bros is fun.

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Because one guy is bad at business, doesn't mean that the whole franchise is "shit taste". There's 350+ people working at Gearbox.

i'd imagine a teaser this e3

I honestly wish I could contribute to BL3. But I think my character ideas would be frowned upon.
>Cheeki Breeki Slav skeleton weapon runner whose ability changes depending on what element weapon you last used (Minigun, Flamethrower, Tesla gun, acid sprayer, slag spray, icicle launcher)
>Pseudo-ren: A guy experimented on to inherit Siren powers. Constantly at war for trying to be the manliest of men with random bursts of feminine giggling amd tropes. Uses the power of love to mind control enemies to stun or fight for him.
>Scottish Strongwoman melee expert who uses a cyber claymore and does a whirlwind attack
>Punkrock Guitarist who summons massive Speakers to rock opponents with music and boost himself and allies

>Pseudo-ren: A guy experimented on to inherit Siren powers. Constantly at war for trying to be the manliest of men with random bursts of feminine giggling amd tropes. Uses the power of love to mind control enemies to stun or fight for him.
>pandering to the trans crowd


if it has a single fucking meme then it's dropped

They globally buffed all drop rates back in October 2015 then they nerfed them when Battleborn came out

He's not just "bad at business", he's a slimy con man and the director of the company. His decisions effect every aspect of development. Battleborn was trash because he hired a bnch of tumblrinas to design the aesthetics. Every Borderlands game after the first was trash because he hired SJW faggots to do the writing and game design.
But you go ahead and justify playing your shitty meme game to yourself all you want, pleb.

At this point they should just buff the rates and give everyone a permanent shift keys. it's not like we can't just hack in any item we want anyways.

Quick making these threads, Randy.

Honestly, I thought that since I thought a male siren would be more unique of a take then another superpowered female. To do so, I decided 'why not let players decide' where your talents either make him more Girly or more manly and the changes chosen will reflect that. The more to one side you stat, the more he will act as such. Stat in the middle and he will be dangerously unstable and more powerful.

That and it is portrayed as a mental illness and I wanna watch people try to justify this as being normal when the man cries how terrible he feels as he suddenly explodes someones mind screaming 'SHOOOOOES!'

Sorry but BL2 is better than one in every department but the writing. You're obviously just some ass ravaged Sup Forumscuck who's upset there was minecraft in BL2 and some tranny wrote some jokes. Nobody actually cares about your idpol crusade faggot.

>Sorry but BL2 is better than one in every department but the writing
This statement is proof that opinions can be objectively wrong.

with how the Pre Sequel ended, I’m half expecting them to pull a ‘explore the world/solar system to search for your lost comrades’ mechanic where you gotta find and rescue/convince previous vault hunters to join the crew again. you know, like find Krieg fucking around as a towns vigilante or convince Jacks Doppelgänger that the vault hunters won’t just gun him down the moment he shows up.

whether it’d be a good idea or even implemented well is another story though

You complain about waiting for dialogue but I thought there was too much time spent running and traveling. The need to make levels more dense or add more shortcuts. I wouldn't even mind if they just removed vehicles all together. Even vehicle combat is lame because it's so simple

The false siren could be interesting. He could have orange, angular geometric tattoos to contrast the natural siren's blue, flowing tattoos. His powers could also be extremely volatile where misuse or overuse could cause self harm.

It sounded like an increased focus on multiplayer to me. As much as I hope not, they could move toward a Battleborn/Overwatch/etc type game. I mean the characters already have ults as it is. And the whole "you'll need all the vault hunters you can get" sounds like a lot of characters. So you'd get retooled characters from the past and then new characters to choose from. All acting as heroes/champions. Then you co-op through the game and even have vault hunter v vault hunter mode where you play teams of other people for an objective vault with loot. Also raid boss side missions. And matchmaking would stick you with people at similar levels so your skill-trees have the same amount of invested points.

I mean, i really hope they wouldn't do that after battleborn failed but it wouldn't surprise me.

>BL2 is better than one in every department but the writing
no. it only had better environment, enemy variety, and skill trees. it missed the mark with gun parts and loot distribution. weapon balance was non-existent.

I doubt they’d be that silly, Battleborn was a colossal failure and even someone like Randy would see that it isn’t worth repeating. at least I hope.

Indeed, I also considered avoiding talking designs other then 'Guy/Gal' due to 'What has Science Done!?' logic and being able to choose the path.

The others are mostly meme-ish thoughts. Cyborg Fem-Highlander is Highlander + /fit/ memes in a female bodybuilder in being different. The Ult idea is mostly thought to be using like a Laser Claymore or something to decimate enemies and 'THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!' mentality where you can even down your allies to continue your buff.

Rockstar was the thought of a turret class mixed with a bard where thoughts of 'Turret and Amp' mixed together and perhaps increasing performance by standing ontop of your turret instead of running around it or hiding behind it for protection. You gotta be the center of attention.

Cheeki Breeki Slav was born of 'Make an elemental user who isn't a siren' and could use a unique weapon with whatever weapon he was using before hand. The idea for having all these different guns since he is a Vladof Gun Runner was the keen idea recently thought of. I have been tempted to pitch these ideas, but I am pretty sure thousands of people apply for writing video games these days.

do you have any evidence that the money for colonial marines was "funneled" into making BL?
im sure sega would have taken legal action against that kind of thing
or is this just, you know... a company... doing... business....?
user, you wouldnt be lying.... would you?

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So the cyberlady is basically the demoknight from tf2.

>in 30 seconds creates a made up character using imagination and what he thinks would be funny
>some ass pained faggot thinks he's "PANDERING" to the undesireables
jesus christ you fucking fags are obsessed arent you?

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>in 30 seconds creates a made up character using imagination and what he thinks would be funny
>takes 5 seconds to see why that's a bad idea

Also, I don't want to miss out on another qt.

This man gets it

Post your playtime, fags

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>give everyone a permanent shift keys

But user, that's already a thing.

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I got gifted first Borderlands with all DLC. Is the game worth playing? I've read some shit on disscusion forums and people say that first game is unplayable after playing 2nd. Should I get 2nd game if I want to play Borderlands?

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play bl1 first.

Bitching about memes in a BL thread is a meme itself you fucking retard

I played 2 with all dlcs on all characters before I played 1, and 1 still was a good fun goddamn time. ESPECIALLY the zombie isle of Dr. Ned

The first time I fought a Psycho zombie I nearly shat my fucking pants when his eyes turned red and he charged at me. Genuinely spooky.