Assuming that Sega decides to brush off the dust from their old ips,what would be the ideal sequel for this game?

Assuming that Sega decides to brush off the dust from their old ips,what would be the ideal sequel for this game?

Attached: reboot or sequel.jpg (1024x768, 217K)

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Added skateboard missions

Never Ever

I actually don't mind seeing Ollie King X Jet Set Radio Future 2

Jet Set Radio would actually benefit from having an open world game design.

Jet set radio- SoundCloud rap edition

>open world with more areas, avoiding boring level design
>game progression is mission-based, separate from freeroam, give them time limits
>more freeroam challenges like with mystery tapes
>bigger and varied soundtrack, with an option for playing tracks individually on freeroam and premade mixes on mission
>custom music and graffiti support
>character outfit customization
>deeper storyline and characterization, all character dialogue is voiced
I think that's all, but feel free to digress

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chromehounds but its jet set

I'm adding more ideas but I don't know if it's right
>character creation
>post game allows you to travel outside Tokyo-to meaning places like Hokkaido-to or Osaka-to
>storyline expands towards the GGs going outside Tokyo and trying to befriend/challenge rival gangs through races/trick off/challenges for territories
>online function allows rival players to tag and remove your influence on controlled territories as well as online challenges after completing the post game scenario
>more rival teams

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Absolutely fucking need a fully manual trick system, like Tony Hawk/SSX
Graffitis need to be back and be harder to pull off (what about a system like DDR or Miku's games since this is Sega, to draw the graffitis?)
Graffitis placement shouldn't be scripted anymore and need to have fun effects on the environments. Things like making police cars crash by painting the ground with special paint
Big hub world leading to missions leading to other hubs
Other things like dynamic music/mixing since so many other games does it. Would be nice to hear K talking outside of the cinematics like commenting on whatever is happening in the city because of (you)

So yeah, as much as I like Jet Set, it would need a lot of work to make it interesting again.
Also never ever, as it stand, so better work on it yourself if you ever want Jet Set 3, anons

I actually want this kind of graffiti system where you can tag wherever you want and the more noticeable it is,the large the score you can rack

>Solo campaign like burnout paradise, where missions are on the fly and new areas unlock as you progress
>head to head multiplayer focused in specific areas of this open world, tag wars, etc
>free roam multiplayer with your crew. Faction based
>rival crews invade an area and tag it
>turf wars revolve around factions
>faction's music list overrides your playlist for that area

I dunno, solo is fine and all but it has a ton of potential for multiplayer.

>also posting Cube
I see you're a man of integrity.
I agree with those ideas too, although reaching outside of Tokyo-to seems a bit ambitious in my opinion, could work tho

Never really had a problem with JSR's approach to tricking, since I feel it's more of a platformer than it is a skating game. More complex mechanics could work as long as it doesn't disrupt the flow of the gameplay. More K commentary is good in my books, still.

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Maybe dividing areas outside Tokyo-to into three areas would work? Like an Osaka inspired area having tons of art galleries focused on one area which connects to a a residential area filled with traditional japanese houses?

For online functions,we could have some kind of graffiti battle where two teams can tag over each other's graffiti until time runs out and whoever team has the most tagged places win?

I'm just throwing ideas out here

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Works for me, JSR has always had a lot of variety in levels. Online has a lot of potential for fleshing out as well. I thought having online freeroam and matchmaking for races, score attack or graffiti battles on the spot could be a good way to handle it.

Also, what do you guys think of cop chases in freeroam?

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ngl the ggs would look wild as fuck in that

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gum > cube

It'll never happen.
Skateboarding isn't cool like it was 18 years ago.

Can't really blame ya user

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>no new JSR game

it's not FUCKING fair

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perfect emulation soon friend

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