Girl gamers

Girl gamers.

Attached: LOL.jpg (700x951, 188K)

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So this image is saying that girls want to be more masculine, and guys want to be more feminine?

Boring mainstream flavour of the month characters
Original characters, progressive, breaking the gender norms and molds, putting "play" into cosplay

I wanna do some cos"play" if you know what I mean

Attached: 1516728775591.jpg (800x1135, 168K)

Either are pic related attention seeking whores or shut up about their gender identity and play the fucking game.

Attached: snowflakejpg.jpg (724x543, 61K)

get in touch with their more feminine side and try something different
dress u as something you have no means of sympathizing with or identifying with.

Vidya is the only medium in which guys can do girly shit without facing repercussions.

I want to crossplay and go to a con, but I'm worried if I hooked up with a guy he might be mad when he saw my wiener.

>Implying anyone is that blind
I'm pretty sure he'll know as soon as you open your mouth

Guys are still better then women at everything
Okay got it

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Nobody who goes to a con was born a girl, you'll fit right in. Remember to put a little bow around your dick!

Dumb sissy white boi.

Speaking from experience, guys hitting on weeb cosplayers more often than not are hoping to find a dingdong under there

I'm already regularly mistaken for a girl all the time, even after I talk. I don't think people are too used to boys with long hair that take care of their appearance.
Be nice to me.

Dumb sissy white boi.

post bepis

Nah, both just want to be fuckable. The particulars vary depending on whimsical trends but the core idea remeains the same.

>Going to con
>Expecting not to get traps
I don't think anyone is that stupid.

I always imagined most people who go to cons are straight and want real girls.


Attached: ajlowres1.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Dumb sissy white boi.

Where do I get a qt cosplayer bf?

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I've gone to a lot of cons and I've been fooled by painfully obvious traps before. What you don't realize is just how ugly the average con goer actually is. You see enough of them and sometimes you can't process if it's a trap or just another ugly woman.

>wh*te men

Stop lying on Sup Forums.

Attached: C161A755-3096-4F99-8494-55BB98D2E01A.jpg (793x1024, 165K)

>draw a girl, call it a boy

Attached: FMPT.jpg (650x547, 217K)

>girl crossdresses
Wow, political statement, so brave
>boy does the same thing
Ur a fag unoriginal lmao

Is this the white sissy slut thread?

then don't have a degenerate hook up user just become my bf instead

Just like my Japanese doujins wow

I don't really want to, but I'm kind of easily pressured into things and I figure it might happen if someone is forceful enough with me.

Agreed. Girls who look like boys is the patrician choice.

Attached: which one.jpg (1279x1446, 381K)

I would fuck any of them.

You’re a delusional dumb faggot, they’d already know you’re a guy.

This is the men's room.

>they don't exist

Who's the top one?

Man I would love to dress as a girl, but I'm too fucking tall and my back is kinda huge.

top one is best

>>girl crossdresses
>Wow, political statement, so brave
[citation needed]

>tfw gf who likes to see burly dudes in dresses
its an interesting feel

What if I force you to be my bf?

Queers should unironically be put to death.

You can't pressure people over the internet, I can just turn off my monitor or walk away.

Have fun getting killed by some rager

I wish I wasn't fat, hairy and old or I would cosplay as a woman as an excuse to wear a nice, over the top dress.

Rude, be my crossdressing bf now

Turning my monitor off right now, goodbye user.