Who are you going to play, Sup Forums?

Who are you going to play, Sup Forums?
Lots of the little irish nations all look very interesting.

Attached: England.png (1440x900, 2.52M)

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Do we really need more Irish countries?

It's a content pack about the isles, but Ireland is far better represented now as the clusterfuck of warring kingdoms. Before it was just a few big ones when in reality it was infinitely more divided.

Might as well play CK2

>Missions now show relevant provinces
Thank Christ

What do you mean?


is eu4 even worth playing now with pirating all dlcs? love ck2 but eu4 always felt boring as shit

If you don't enjoy nation/empire building you won't enjoy it. For sheer content and historical flavour though EU4 is great. Building up your nation and then conquering the world or exploring and building empires is neat.

>can't form Siam
>can't form Burma

How long until the russians upload the new DLC?

Give it a couple hours.

So how's the new mission tree?

Was Jade Dragon the last DLC for CKII?

Hope so. They should start making Victoria III now.

istarted Switzerland...

Never happening.

They are hinting at another one. Hopefully it will involve crusades.

What's the point of making Ireland more interesting when you're just going to get raped by England?

Recommend me some comfy countries to play.

So they can make it possible not to be raped by England?

going to play as England of course

custom nation of pirates in the carribean

did it break meiou and taxes? what patch do i have to revert to?

Native Americans are unironically top comfy.

But how? It will still be a bunch of underdeveloped divided counties that can easily be conquered one by one.

They made the Irish ridiculously rebellious.

>playing anyone but Brandenburg > Prussia > ebin Germaniums

well they did literally rebel once a generation, however that was more due to the incompetence of the English rulers than their own nature/hatred of England.

Hardly, you can ally england/scotland and eat most of Ireland and eventually then take advantage of England losing a bad war and taking the pale. It's not easy but it's in some ways similar to trying to form the Netherlands; use the big enemies of your big enemy to help you win.

Believe it or not, Germany is fucking boring.

I really wanna play a mega-campaign from CK2 -> EU IV -> Victoria III -> HoI IV -> Cold War game

Attached: 1376784030672s.jpg (250x250, 7K)

Play Vic2 then

CK2 has ireland divided to a county level. I don't see the point doing this to EUIV.

It always gets fucky from the ck2>eu4 transfer. Not to mention, the game usually picks one AI to blob hard.

Well up until the colonizer nations come over and destroy you with their massively superior technology.

I'll kill you

germany is boring in vic 2 too, wow let's play the most OP country in the game :^))

The only correct choice in EUIV is Milan.

Because it makes sense and is mechanically interesting. Particularly due to the new mission system, which essentially lets you slowly unite the island and then conquer England. In the past when it was only like 4 or so nations on the Island and one english province Irish games were essentially rerolls until you fulfilled a critera that gave you a chance to win.
Now there are several different groups all with their own ideas and all with a chance of doing it.

It's an expansion specifically for the British isles, why wouldn't Ireland get an overhaul?

I tried using the console to play a different country ever hundred years/completed goals and create a fun alternate history. And then have them more or less a balance of power that no one can blob.

A red colored France led by Bretons looks really cool, man. And Norse Orthodox Ukraine and their Varagian Allies in Cyrpus are pretty cool.

Most of Europe is boring. It’s hard to do anything if you start small.

Milan is very good.

>Not forming Italy as Florence under a Medici ruler and spreading the Medici dynasty throughout Europe

>not inheriting half of france through your wife

Attached: CK2game_2016-09-05_03-00-36.jpg (1920x1080, 728K)

but genoa is literally milan+fun

hes talking about eu4



well maybe he should play a better game

>he doesnt like colonising
>he doesnt play eu4 modded
top kek

I tried to do it but it's retarded. Nothing changes again after the CK2 - EU4 import because of the massive blobs. I find it's much better to play your game of CK2 up to the 15th century, then create a custom nation in EU4 of your CK2 save so you can import your nation but have the vanilla EU4 map.

>playing memeu4
>not playing vicky 2
Hows that babby game treating you?

Attached: Get Reich'd.png (671x690, 694K)

Never played EUIV befiore until a week or so back, started as Ulster just to learn the basics on a comfy Island, I recon I should hve waited until this pack

That's not how you spell USA

Doing an England campaign now, barely white peaced France to keep Maine.
Burgundy is getting uppity and declaring on Provence for excommunication, thinking I'll help their 12 fight France's 30 while I'm dealing with the WotR.

Attached: EU4England1.png (1599x899, 2.72M)

>his game has mana

>comfy Island
user i got bad news for you....

>vic 2
>not just EU with factories

Attached: 1398788614372.png (133x175, 45K)

>52k soldiers
I am pretty sure that's more than the entire population of ireland

>user i got bad news for you....

N-no i'm Ulster ,Britain wouldn't harm me right? and i'm guranteed independece by Scotland

>not pops

>implying pops have any meaningful impact on gameplay besides national focus which is basically like EU4 mana

>he doesnt play eu4 with meiou and taxes
come back when u you play a intercultural game.

>bloat and taxes

Attached: 1458238191542.png (1055x1039, 637K)

Released Cornwall

>i'm guranteed independece by Scotland
might as well paint a big sign that says eat me on it

But in all seriousness your going to need a lot mot to deter the eternal anglo

Attached: Double egg.jpg (694x383, 19K)

Is Extended Timeline the best mod there is in EUIV?


If it combined with MEIOU, it would be unstoppable

>playing bloat and t.alex

Ah well, it's all part of the learning process I guess

user im going to be honest and say that i cant even run meiou on my toaster. Hell i cant barely run the base game with all these expansions!

dat Blobhemia

>hard to do anything

>if you start small

Is Ming still stupidly OP?

You can easily crush them as Manchu

Jurchen ideas are nice.

But they will never again implode unless I crush them?

I hate the nomad mechanics in EU4.

Attached: 1464703984364.png (1830x3212, 2.59M)

people who complain about germany blob are unironically worse than wehrboos

How would you fix them exactly?

>find actually fags to play kaissereich (DH) with
>it was just premade where they created Russo-Franco-British allience.


They won't even with, low mandate they usually survive unless a strong Russia knocks on the door

>do a full run of CK2, creating a stable continent wide viking empire
>import it to EU4 and it instantly collapses because of interest rates.

How am I supposed to get into this bureaucratic madness?

Paradox really likes that new Chinese audience.
Same with CK2 and HoI4 that suddently both got China DLC.

>Elder Kings is slowly showing signs of life

2019 release soon bros.


post your blobs

Attached: blob.jpg (1920x1080, 1.86M)

We're making some progress lads, sadly I have a huge coalition against me now.

Attached: EU4England2.png (1600x898, 2.76M)

Ireland is only 100 years old

Attached: 20170110222426_1.jpg (1920x1080, 702K)

post cool Irish shit

Attached: French, German and Irish soldiers, 16th century.jpg (1170x1600, 536K)


Attached: Johan_Andersson_2009.jpg (2304x3072, 2.48M)

Attached: Irish envoys to Elizabeth I, Angus McBride2.jpg (1600x1185, 517K)

Don't fucking spam the whole osprey folder nobody cares

*blocks your pants*

Attached: Marcus_Gheeraerts_II_-_Portrait_of_Captain_Thomas_Lee in Native Irish dress_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg (2478x3993, 2.93M)

>petty captain

Attached: 1520709608365.png (189x266, 106K)

fuck off retard

Attached: d0ff3ce7ca229ff7533ddd800381b139_memes-gif-tumblr-memesuper-omfg-meme-face_500-423.jpg (500x423, 42K)

I mean I could be bigger if I were better but fuck it
Later anexed mamluks but don't have screenshot of it.
Tried to colonize arabian penisunela but mega islam alliances and grids of guarantees wasn't worth it.
Also fully westernized so thats nice.

>sardinia couldn't be colonized by medieval retards!

Attached: Ethiopia.jpg (1366x768, 430K)