Nintendo just won all of gaming

Nintendo just won all of gaming.

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Check these dubs

hahaha *farts*

More like DONG of the Wild!

spoonfeed me

Is this the Kass marriage DLC pack?

I just want a new zelda game that has items, dungeon like hyrule castle botw and a classic inventory.

Play one of the gazillion other Zelda games then?

>song of the south reference
DAMN never knew nintendo was so racist

I believe they made some Zelda games like that before BOTW.

Shut the fuck up.


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Source or kys

I'm glad they went for the construction spray paint font for the subtitle. Really screams wilderness to me.

What is this?


Attached: 420 blaze.png (680x999, 1.03M)

They are right though


If you're going to fake something, at least don't do the laziest edit of an existing logo as possible. Also tilt it more and add more blur, that's how the pros do it.

>Total of 5 3D Zelda games before BotW
>All either got fucked by various circumstances (especially the Wii) or are 20 years old.

Go play one of the several dozen open world games instead, a Zelda game can only benefit from having good Dungeons and well developed items.

This. We've never had a proper HD developed 3D Zelda. The formula wasn't even perfected since none of the previous Zelda's were remotely balanced apart from OoT which is 20 years old now.

Where did the original poster imply that she wants more "classic" 3D Zeldas?

I already played them all a gorillion time. I need new content. The botw engine can be used for a more classic experience.

*sniff* Hmmmmm.... *Sniiiiffff* Rather pungent *SNIIIFFFFFFF* Quite ripe indeed my good man *SNIFFFFFFFFFFFF*

>Hylian wind chimes

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Where did I imply that I necessarily wanted more classic Zeldas?
I just want decently lengthy dungeons and dungeon items littering the environment in a moderately non-linear setting.
Shrines, Divine Beasts, the vast array of degrading weapons and such are novel but they're not particularly good comparatively.

Literally me. My ideal Zelda game would basically be just BotW but with real dungeons instead of shrines, with a handful or permanent weapons and gadgets. Sure, the game would be objectively emptier, but the discoveries you would make would be so much more meaningful.

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