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Holy fuck this is pathetic

Nobody plays fighting games on PC

Give me one reason.


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seems pretty normal. meanwhile marvel flat lined.

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It takes like 10 mins to find a game if you are yellow or higher

T7 was discounted 50% off

>pc faggots have an elitist complex
>every single game dies light years faster on pc than console
absolutely pathetic

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Nobody plays fighting games
There's like 800players on console playing dbzf

Maybe because PC players have other options while console players need to stick to their 60 bucks game to get some vulue out of it.

Maybe if every match wasn't Black-Gohan-Goku/Vegeta people would play more I guess.
The balance is a mess, and don't even get me started on 16.

>other options
like what, fucking league and csgo?
face it, pc niggers are as subhuman as the machines they play on
sniff your own farts all you want it doesn't make a difference if there's fucking no one to play anything with after a few months

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I mean, you have far more catalogue in PC than any console ever made.
Mostly because emulators and piracy are a thing and not every console has retrocompatibility.

>f-fighting games never d-do well on pc
>y-you guys just d-don’t have skill

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>Literally pressing M all the time
What a fucking meme game lmao

>go in
>spam autocombo and rush
>get to yellow at least

Nice game

dude, you don't get it

Not sure about fighting games.Too much learning to do about moves and hitboxes and shit.

When I play Fortnite I just drop in and a guns a gun you know 'm'saying?

This, balance is terrible, way too much offense oriented and not enough defensiv mechanics to balance the offense out( gohan and his shitty infinite blockstrings are just so damn stupid)
Don't user, just fucking don't, tired of this character

Are you ACTUALLY trying to argue that PC doesn't have a larger choice of games? Like, is this something you legitimatly believe?

Just imagine how few options you would have if 3rd parties didn't cater to your elitist whims. You ungrateful fuck.

>Go into ranked
>A. Gohan as first character
>Masenko spam until it hits
>Rush into string into corner into another string with his retared multi-punch
>70% of my healthbar gone

Ah, I see. Nice.

Wtf do you mean? The only games that stay alive on soystation are fucking fifa and cawadooty.

Why are Capkuks so cringey irl?

This. No videogame will ever feel rewarding enough to convince me to spend hundreds of hours memorizing ridiculously long inputs. There's no incentive, video games shouldn't be work.

Maybe DBFZ fans shouldn't have acted so smug and shitposted everyone else before it was all said and done, just maybe. Welcome to SFV land fellas, where the player count is dangerously low and people ridicule your game with baseless gripes. Enjoy your stay.

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Glad this meme game is dead and all the shounentards have fucked off finally. F

The existence of emulators will always make pc the best choice.

this PC versions of fightning games have lower input lag, there's no reason to play on console

>every single GOOD game dies light years faster on pc than console
FTFY. PC spergs are stuck playing garbage games like PUBG and CSGO, only good games die on PC.

Is 16 actually as strong as people say? Players have a tendency to hate on grapplers for their damage and it gives the impression that Potemkin, Tager, etc. are much stronger than they actually are.

*bullrushes your wife tokido*

>it's okay that every game's playerbase dies in months because I have no attention span anyway and can play some random 20 year old game for 5 minutes instead
absolutely fucking pathetic, way to dodge my point
if you just play a bunch of shit but never invest in anything timewise you are a faker and don't actually like video games


The thing is that 16 has the only true hard knockdown setup in the game, also he's a grappling character with none of the usual grappling character flaws (worse mobility and smaller combo potential). So in the end he's a "normal " character with command grabs and actual set ups, which makes him completely stupid, also damage.

I don't see why I have to play flavor of the month multiplayer games to be considered a "rEel gayMer"

>anime game
>real videogame

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>Over 40,000 people drop the game

I was one of them. Got bored after a few days, granted in my defense I don't like fighting games. I bought it because I'm a DBZ weeb trash nerd. It was a waste of money for me honestly. I was more of a Xenoverse fan, but that was more RPG based and not pure fighting based. DBFZ is just for fans of straight fighting games, and I am not one of them. I should have known I wouldn't like it when I bought it, but it was DBZ so I bought it anyway.

>its another capcom discord raid thread
why do the mods allow them to do this every day?

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who /hasn't supported a single game in 10 years/ here

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What about MvCI, user?

Trying way too hard to fit in

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fighting games are not flavor of the month because they are one of the highest investment genres by design

sweepingly calling every multiplayer game "flavor of the month" also just proves my point, if you're not a speedrunning autist you will get way more time out of a good multiplayer game than anything you play on your own on average

if you just jump between releases without ever caring to dig into the meat of a game to properly appreciate it you absolutely cannot claim to actually care about video games, which is where the irony of pc niggers being on a high horse comes from since even great games die so much faster than anything on console

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he is right tho
what's your point?

or are you saying dbzfags didn't do the same kind of samefagging campaign way before the shit you posted happened?

i think it's such bad game design, it's like you have to go to some encyclopedia and learn about quick switch maneuvers and hundreds of hit boxes to actually get good at the game.

Good game design you would learn these things just playing the game, but I feel to be good at fighting games you gotta spend too much time in training mode and researching things like match ups.

Is the FGC so cucked that they prefer paying for terrible servers?

>xturd irrelevator 2

how dare they

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Reminder that OP is a Redditor who tries to raid Sup Forums and /vg/ to promote Capcom games for some reason

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>most successful fighting game in the last decade
>the highlight game of the upcoming EVO
>Capcucs still have to shitpost DAILY with PC numbers when fucking no one plays on PC

It's beyond pathetic at this point. I hope you realize the company you worship is only making MonHun from now on.

What happened here?

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that's the reality of anything multiplayer, if you are playing someone with a brain and truly want to improve no game could properly teach you to counter human strategies without practicing on your own

the argument for fighting game controls is a decaying horse at this point, despite what you claim it is not bad game design and could not be done in any other way while still preserving the point of the genre: self improvement

having to learn and practice stuff IS the game, and only someone truly dedicated will pursue getting better, and they DO have fun doing it since no other genre is built around that idea as strongly as fighting games

>Fighting games on PC

PC is a dead platform for anything that isn't Blizzard/Valve garbage or a battle royal

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server maintenance probably

Why isn't there crossplay? At least between PS4 and PC? SFV has it, other games do too. I don't understand, a unified community keeps the game alive longer.

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>Most successful fighting game in the last decade.

This board and a lot of other boards might not like it but you know that's not true. NRS games sell like fucking hot cakes and Smash sells even better, if you count Smash.

>Pc community
>Playing a game for more than a week that isn't a Moba, CSGO, or Hero Shooter


Still looks good to me

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and to follow up on this point, you are not meant to be able to be good immediately in fighting games, but you don't have to

other games give you the idea that you're entitled to know everything and be able to get results from the get go, but just because fighting games don't doesn't make them bad, because that is the whole appeal
you don't even need to know all of your moves to be able to start playing a fighting game, once you understand the fundamentals of dealing with another person like spacing and punishes THEN you can start building upon it to maximize those opportunities and create new ones, which again IS the game even if you're not necessarily playing it to do so

just because you can't do the craziest combos as soon as you boot the game up doesn't mean you can't play it, it just means you have a goal to work towards and striving to get there IS playing the game

>playing fighting games

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tekken is more fun

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>playing multiplayer games on PC that aren't f2p garbage or FotM trash
Good luck playing by yourself

Oh look it's the redditard snitch again, you tired of shitposting on vg?

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>fighting game on pc

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Hello hypocrite. Are your feelings hurt?

DBFZ fags are way worse

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>every single game dies light years faster on pc than console
It only happens to fighting games

wtf? "you snitched on me spamming!"
this is the level of mental illness OP has
the guy is completely out of his mind, look at how he spams this every day with the same first few replies from him every day. holy shit

>i think it's such bad game design, it's like you have to go to some encyclopedia and learn about quick switch maneuvers and hundreds of hit boxes to actually get good at the game.
>Good game design you would learn these things just playing the game, but I feel to be good at fighting games you gotta spend too much time in training mode and researching things like match ups.

>meahwhile competitive FPS players memorize bullet patterns, map layouts, height differences
>competitive RTS players memorize countless shit like buildtimes, track tons of cooldowns, placement, react etc.
>same shit with mobas
>speedrunning, which is also competitive, have people either looking for glitches or breaking the game, and memorizing the most inane shit you don't normally have to know or would encounter

Nigger that's the basic requirement at any competitive level. The term "hardcore" exists for a reason.

That's good for a fighting game though, people don't play fighting games like they did in the 90's, you can't expect PUBG numbers

Oh & it's not any higher on Consoles, one of the Guilty Gear's shows you number of players on PS3/4 & it was lower than Steam

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>Faggot complains about people being on a high horse, but clearly has a superiority complex over having nothing better to do than memorize button inputs all day and claims people that actually enjoy having fun as not caring about bideo games as if your niche and dying genre has any clout among the large majority of "fake gamers"
Fightan autists piss me off. If only you were as dedicated to your pathetic lives as you were fucking button inputs.

just because of noctis
once broly and bardock join dbfz will hit 10k for a few days

why is this oh no no meme still a thing
that's some 2014 black people twitter thing

>DBFZ fags shitpost SFV for months using PC numbers
>Tout their superiority with PC numbers on launch day
>Their numbers rapidly drop down to SFV-tier
>"P-PC players don't play fighting games haha you Capcbros are e-embarrassing to use steam data...."

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Out of all those genres the best practice is still playing the actual games a heck of a lot, rather then practicing specific combos in a test mode against a dummy for hours on end.

i like both sfv and dbfz :)


what about something like titanfall?
fast, mobility based shooter that pc niggers wouldn't stop boasting about being superior with muh mouse and keyboard yet they have no one to play it with
having a superiority complex when you literally can't even play games because no one else is playing them is ass backwards, is it not?

It would be nice if XBL/PSN showed us their numbers to compare, because i doubt they are any higher on there

Most people just play FIFA & Fortnite on Consoles, not much different from PUBG/DOTA bullshit on PC

PC gamers got tired of TDM years ago & moved onto different genre's, like hero shooter, BR, class based etc, Consoles are just getting into that phase

Also Origin & TF really isn't that good, people just want to be contrarian since it's not COD

Dropping in this thread to say, no, PCfats do not play fighting games. Fighting games are too difficult for them, which is why they stick to their first-person shooters and ASSFAGGOTS.

PC gamers let Titanfall die because it was only available via Origin, and people suck Valve's dick too hard to use anything but Steam.

PC is only for indie trash. No one plays video games on PC.

Yeah the most popular games on Console are fighters like SFV & GG, oh wait it's FIFA & COD

Then maybe DBFZ fags shouldn't have used it as a shitposting metric if they didn't want it thrown right back in their face when this drop inevitably happened. They get what they deserve

Sup Forums showing yet again how incredibly stupid they really are and how they know absolutely nothing about fighting games, bravo!

anyone who plays that shit should prolly kys safe

Fucking FOOLS. You know that Normies and casuals are dropping the game because they're getting their asses handed to them right? If you didn't get rage quits in online matches then you are playing with GOOD people. People that rage quit, quit the game. This literally happens with all fighting games.


Yeah you're gonna eat my fucking 2h real good if you try that shit against competent players you absolute scrub.

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GG Rev has less players on PS4 than Steam FYI, this meme that fighters are flourishing on consoles is getting tiring

Only thing fighters are doing well at is stream numbers

once again you fell into the trap of thinking that "fightan autists" aren't also having fun doing what they do, which is also far more than "memorizing button inputs" I assure you, my dunning-kruger suffering friend

not only do you know so little you don't even know what you DON'T know, but you are making the assumption that something as incredibly fufilling as self improvement isn't also fun, much less considering it could be a deeper and more satisfying type of fun (which it is)
pulling the "I have a life" excuse is far more pathetic than anything else you've said, and just know that no one will ever take you seriously about anything when you try to claim that complete nonsense
some of the best fighting game players in the world, not to mention others who are the best at any sort of high investment hobby beyond video games (which are just as if not more time and effort intensive) are also extremely intelligent and accomplished individuals in the "real world" and probably have done more than you ever will, because they understand the value of effort and don't look down on others for putting it into something they love just because it isn't what you see as "productive"

Doesn't matter what the most popular games are on consoles, because the fighting game community will always have more console players than PC players for the sole fact that their sticks are probably made for PS4 and only that.

>3.2k playing within the last 24 hours
>Compared to SFV's 1.5k
Stay mad Capcbro

Yeah, because PC gamers suck at video games. This is constantly demonstrated, and I can't wait until Monster Hunter World comes out to only further prove this.

Why are mustards shitposting this game so hard?