Why do animegame studios pander to pedophiles so much?

Why do animegame studios pander to pedophiles so much?

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That is fanart though.

Because they are the only ones who buy it in japan. Should just make two sets of art assets. One to sell to pedo japs and one for the rest of the sane world

Because they spend money

>any part of this world


t. nintendo of america

It's obvious fanart too.

>Pander to paedophiles
That image isn't remotely stimulating and I jack off to lolishit at least once a week.

Probably because it's covering her belly button.

Birds of a feather flock together. Pedos seek employment with other pedos. Same thing happens in burgerland, but with other jobs. Same reason Starbucks employees are all very samey no matter where you go.

Because it's normal in the eastern world dummy

>Same reason Starbucks employees are all very samey no matter where you go.
No, that's deliberate corporate branding. They have an image to uphold.


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No, it's just ugly as hell

Its only pixels on a screen. Chill out.

Makes me feel better about nuking them.

Sex sells.

Nintendo shouldn't censore fully grown women like they have been but they damn well should censor pedophilic shit. Especially since Canada makes sexualizing children period illegal

i got her lads

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Go fuck yourself, don't play the game if drawings trigger you.

Why the hate you don't even have nukes lmao

W-what is that exclamation point covering?

It's not about triggering me it's about the legality of the issue. Canada, EU, Australlia already have laws or are placing laws where sexual depictions of children drawing or not is or will become illegal

Honestly not all that obvious since FEH has worse art than that in the game.



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She's a toddler in a swimsuit and isn't even a summer banner of course it's fan art.

What the fuck are they going to do, ban the game? Aside from that they can't do shit

Going by your logic, Fire Emblem Awakening should've been banned in Canada and Australia

If you actually played the game instead of spouting shit like a clueless retard, you would've known she's not a loli and actually over a thousand years old.

You are a fucking retard for quoting me. And she is a loli you idiot, loli is a body type.

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Pedophile=\=child molester


>loli is a body type

Please never talk about things you don't understand.

Stop lowering the board quailty any more then need be.

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Because there is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile

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I want to FUCK Liru.

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Fae is so cute, just SO cute and I love her so much.

She could be 9 or 9000, the age doesn't matter, Fae is adorable and petite all the same.

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Fiction and reality are separate things.

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Where did OP say they aren't?

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When he used the word pedophile when talking to a 3d pig digusting crowd in reference to 2d.

Where do you think we are

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