Vermintide 2 Patch 1.04

Vermintide 2 Patch notes:

>The Leech Sorcerer should no longer damage his target before grabbing it, i.e. teleporting onto a player will no longer damage them.


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I was hoping to see more balance changes but I guess they're more focused on fixing outright broken shit like Skittergate.

>When attack speed buffs ended during melee attacks it caused the attack to not count. This was more obvious with slow sweeping weapons. Attacks will now retain any attack speed buffs they had when starting the action.
I wonder if this was the bug with Kruber's Executioner Sword often missing hits or if that's a separate one.

What in the shit, they are nerfing every single difficulty.

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>still no balancing.

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>What in the shit, they are nerfing every single difficulty.
It's needed. It's fucking ridiculous when the game spawns 3 disablers, 2 hordes, a boss and a brapnado wizard all at the same time.

>assassin in the front
>ok it's dead
>Alright guys, just wait for the other 3 specials

Predictable, boring and unfair

Game runs like total shit on anything that isnt complete overkill

You shouldnt get huge slowdown and graphical errors out the ass when you exceed the recommended requirements

There's a load of bullshit in the game, my man.

>You shouldnt get huge slowdown and graphical errors out the ass when you exceed the recommended requirements

Is that really a thing? I got a lot of framerate issues at medium quality so I had to turn most settings down to lowest, which I thought was weird because I could run the first game on most of the highest settings and graphically there isn't much different between the two games.

Game has a ton of optimization issues, mostly in specific levels but also when a horde shows up. Its weird becsuse its not necessarily a framerate loss as much as it is just heavy slowdown

Post specs and resolution please

i7-4770k 3.9ghz
gtx 980
16 gb ddr3
dx11 win7
1080p on high

game runs smoothly minus the random slowdowns every now and then, but everything goes to hell when a horde shows up. also skittergate and righteous stand are completely borked in peformance and are practically unplayable for me

There's something extremely wrong with how you set up the graphics in the game then.

I have a 970 and an i5-6600 and I'm running the game on extreme and it works just fine

>game releases
>players are expected to adapt to the difficulty to overcome it
>game releases
>players bitch and moan at the devs
>devs reduce the difficulty of the game so shitters can have "fun"

The ai director is fucked. I just want consistency. Sometimes it's so easy it's boring and sometimes I get 3 hordes and 10 specials in the first 2 minutes.

My friend has an i5 and a 1050 it runs on 1080p high/mid fine on 60+
The only slowdown is when a horde comes with a flame faggot on melee range

And i cant say works for me desu because its a matter of overkill specs

When are they going to add green circle for damage blocked?
I need to feel good about playing dwarf while elf shitters call me a fag for getting a third of their green circle kills.

Let the shitter take aggro and enjoy

Except this game was released unfinished and broken, thus the difficulty was a product of poor testing rather than intentional design.

Damage blocked is added on to your damage taken.

Have you played this game at all?

Just curious, how did you avoid taking damage in instances like the one mentioned in OP? Where a sorcerer could teleport right on top of you regardless of where you are on the map??

are you people bad at games? my stack had no problem clearing legend on every map

My stack just moved to champion
>tfw playing frontline Kruber with Beam staff witch, BH and flamethrower dwarf
I wish ff damage had a circle they could fight over

>waiting at the top of a cliff for a heavy chaos knight

Heavy slowdown during hordes happens when the host's PC/connection can't handle the horde.

Is it worth buying or is it ded game already?

It's still in the steam top 10 played daily.

I'm around the recommended specs and even on the lowest possible settings I'm getting drops under 50. This is whit max worker threads in the launcher, the optimization is abysmal.

now nerf range and the game is fine.

I'm running 40-70 fps at Medium on an old 280 and a 4690K @ 4.4 GHz, which is alright for a modern game.
Still, the framerate betrays the graphics.

It really needs balancing. When you lose now, it's not because you're not good or you fucked up, it's because you got unlucky and a dozen things spawned all at once. I don't think I've once ever thought "Fuck, if only I had done ____ we could have gotten out of that situation." It's always "Fuck, that was bullshit."

>Burblespue Halescourge
>Bubblespit Halleberry
Based devs.

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Sounds like you don't analyze your own mistakes enough. Even when you get swarmed there's always shit you could have done better. If people are clearing legend then you can definitely be playing better.

Some of the bugs in the game are bullshit but most of it is managable.

Try Dx11 and lowering Sun Shadows

people cleared legend by spamming easy maps and spamming so long till the get lucky spawns you fuck tard.

you're doing something wrong

I'm getting stable 144fps with gtx 1080 ti

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I just don't like people who think they played perfectly. I guarantee if we could look at a replay of your gameplay you made a ton of mistakes.

Am I the only tank who wants to see the number of enemies pushed/staggered? Sure I block some but most of my team helping is pushing hordes and stunning bosses

The only circle I want is friendly fire. The stupid shitcunts shooting me in the back to try to shoot slaverats need to be named and shamed.

I'm not saying I made no mistakes, I'm saying that without prior knowledge, I feel like 90 percent of my losses are unavoidable. The big problem is the temp health skills they give everyone. The only effective way to kill players is to burst them down with a ton of spawns at once, which feels like bullshit RNG instead of losing because you're not good enough. I'm playing Xenonauts for the first time now too and even though that game is based around rng, a loss in that always feels fair, like it was me who fucked up and I should have done something else, for instance.

In my experience most of the time you lose because someone was absolutely retarded.

stop defending being retarded user, i clear legend often and when we lose its never because we could have done something better, its always

>Oh look a patrol spawned right on top of us
>Oh look a horde spawned right on top of us
>would you look at this beautiful open map, it would be a shame if a horde spwaned along with 2 assassins 3 brapmancers outside LOS and some gatling guns just so you can have some fun

It feels unavoidable because you could be playing better though. If you cleaned up a few mistakes and so did the other 3 suddenly you survive that onslaught. Xenonauts relies way heavier on rng so it's actually less 100% in your control whether you survive.

Some of the nerfs are needed but the specials spawning wasn't that bad and the hundreds of stormvermin made it actually challenging.

The unavoidable teleport damage was stupid and bubblebath cumbersome was way overtuned and just not worth the risk on legend. The fucking troll being faster and having a cleave large enough to split the whole earth itself AND deal damage through block was retarded. The biggest offender of all is the director spawning specials and patrols right in your fucking face. On righteous stand this is very obvious in the portculis event. The screaming bell also has atrocious patrol spawns that just pop in your face after the first grim.

>Class balancing a priority in PvE gamepaly

They're probably trying to fix a gorillion specials spawning during your horde + Storm Fiend fight or everything wrong with Skittergate.

What drives me nuts is bosses (and to a lesser extent other enemies) swapping targets mid animation. Feels good when boss turns 180 mid swing and smacks the fuck out of you. I've even had the War Camp boss throw a sneaky fucking 180 axe at me and down me with it.

What does Huntsman's career ability do besides fuck up your screen?

>My stack

Playing with a coordinated team is NOT the same as playing with randoms and you know it. Don't act like it's even the same game. That's like saying high level LoL and DotA2 are how the game is for everyone.

Sometimes the game is just asinine. When you get a chaos patrol on legend spawning right in your face it's basically over unless you got Against the grain tier of free space. Had a run end on Into the nest because 2 gunners spawned and shot through walls while a horde was running us down. These games in particular can just go to hell. There is no counterplay to this bullshit.

is this game comfy and not rage inducing?

50% damage increase for 5 seconds or some shit. It's ok but nothing fun.

I want a “healing items used” circle, can’t believe the amount of slayers that get healed and then downed within seconds

Yeah I said the bugs are the problem though and stuff spawning right in your face and shit shooting you through walls are both bugs.

no, its quite chaotic

But it's a comfy kind of chaotic

It’s both

Try not running it on a literal potato

I'm running on a 6 year old GTX670 and getting a playable 70fps on medium


>finished a screaming bell mission, we kill the rat ogre and a horde that spawned, gutter runner downs one guy and someone is running to save him and gets hooked, the last 2 have barely any health and the leech blinks and instant downs them


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Someone was paid to model that.

Is zealot still unkillable in skittergate or did I miss my chance?

is there a story to this game or is it l4d warhammer?

>tfw you wanted to jump into champion today and will never experience its proper difficulty

Nerfed Legendary into the ground. The scumlords won, this game is a joke now. I've dumped hundreds of hours into VT1 and 2, and I think this is where I call it. Where's the fun without the challenge? Nerf the Lifeleech teleport, I agree. Everything else was fine.

Now if only they gave extra exp for boss levels I'd stop jumping off the ledge when bindersnatch and skittergate pop up.



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Literally end times, tough the adventures of the merry band you play as were merely created for this game

jesus christ my sides

>Game has a ton of optimization issues
There are some levels, specifically the one I can recall right now is Against the Grain where if I stand up on the platform and look out towards the forest before you have to unlock the barn I can trigger frame drops no matter the settings. This is without a horde mind you and with hordes there are definite drops no matter what. I've got a 1070 with an i5 4670k at 4.8ghz. Not the most modern set up but when I look at the performance and when the drops happen I see no signs of anything capping out or bottle necking.

>"Hehe! Frisky, eh?"

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>Kurnous Blessing is still bugged
I guess I get to keep having infinite ammo until next patch

Is there a chance for a boss to not spawn? I've had a couple runs where I never got one. Or is this a glitch of some sort?

I can attest to it being you and not the game.
I had no slowdowns 60 fps on extreme with an
>r9 290
>i5 4690k
>16 gb of 800mhz ddr3
But something happened between restarts before the patch and now I get slowdowns.

>work at IT company
>build a stealth gaming computer out of scrap parts and the gpu that came with a store bought Dell from 6 years ago
>runs perfectly smooth and looks great even on low
Literally what are you trying to play this on that is giving you problems?

Without knowing the exact situation you can't say his losses were completely avoidable if his team played better.

>Fixed Fencing sword pistol shot to not do less damage when critting.
It's called a Rapier, the name is in the game guys, and sweet now maybe it will kill things.
>Decreased the amount of troll projectile-vomit to 20 liters.
Wait do they really measure the vomit in liters or is this another joke? Is the vomit actually a fluid simulation?

how many weapons have a third attack mode besides the rapier and beam staff?

Why do people here say not to use the Falchion? It's by far my favorite Salts weapon, its main downside, the low stamina, can be avoided through equipment anyways

>still no fix for ratling gunners being able to shoot through the entire map

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Go be autistic somewhere else.

I don't mind that because I can kill the ratling simply by shooting it. The real problem is when the ratlings shoot through walls where you can't kill thme.

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Those halescource balance notes are delicious and I honestly dont know how that boss went to testing without noting its broken state

who here still skipping shittergate and bilescourge bubblespew?

Wasn't implying it was, I was implying my group has ff issues




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>being so bad you need buffs

git gud

i skip shittergate because it's so fucking long

I tried the first game and I just can't seem to get the appeal of it, it's so boring.

>a whole lot of nothing for most of the map
>get to the mountain pass
>see that massive warcamp
>oh yes
>'lol we can't do that, let's go the other way'
>more nothing

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It's Left 4 Dead but better

>fighting hordes of enemies with melee and ranged
>built around making it to the end alive so is designed to constantly tense
>team based multiplayer multiplies this by a million
>rng loot
>aesthetic unlockable

Pretty straightforward. It might personally not appeal to you but it seems pretty easy to determine what the appeal is.

left 4 dead gameplay seems kinda better, more fluid?
Also what are some fun characters for begginers?

>mission adds an objective that is more than mashing m1
>I'm the only doing it while everyone else runs in circles
why is everyone so retarded in this game?

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>left 4 dead gameplay seems kinda better, more fluid?
I'd sum that up to nostalgia goggles, Left 4 Dead's a bit faster but that's really it, plus this game has more content, varied classes, and more enemy types
Also I'd say Markus Kruber is the most beginner friendly, you're pretty tanky and his playstyle is simple
Bardin's base class is also pretty simple

>tfw everything you do here doesn't matter and the world ends anyway, leading to the clusterfuck that is Age of Sigmar

Wait so how does technology jump from medieval shit to power armor in an instant then if the Age of Sigmar is right after this?

>shitter who has only fought Burblespue Halescourge on veteran

Pretty much this. It's like saying Mark needs a buff. FFS he's DPS monster.

I am lost beyond words

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