20% of the Playerbase are women

>20% of the Playerbase are women
What the fuck

Attached: Yakuza0.jpg (220x275, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:


that's literally nothing
it'll be more shocking if it's 60% tho

Its a game about hot men duking it out

They attract some of the biggest fujoshi fandoms (see:MGS)

Men brought together by a society, that has men, serving men.

Attached: Sera.jpg (800x450, 179K)

They want to play a game with a REAL JAPANESE MAN not some sissy shit

Attached: b9a0c54b11b2b3feef4768730d5a8a4c37b87302.png (1628x1499, 422K)

>30% of the playerbase is African American
>Sohei Dojima and Keiji Shibusawa were voted as top favorites

Attached: Dojima.jpg (800x450, 45K)


Interview with Nagoshi

And 90% of these women are single mothers who bought PS4 to their child


Did you think a series that balances flamboyant silliness and serious manly moments as well as Yakuza wouldn't have a sizable yaoi fanbase?

oi; anyone know the cheapest way to get Yakuza 4/5? If I try track down a copy of Yakuza 3 I'll be broke for a while because I'm a stupid jobless 18 year old with nothing to do bar play vidya and chase girls; so far neither goes well

Butthurt virgin.

That actually seems smaller than I'd expect. Although it's only recently stopped being a niche franchise and become more mainstream so I expect it to change.

Wait for a sale on Y5, that's literally all you can do since it's digital only. 4 has a few used copies in my area, but that's really regionally specific.

And single moms tend to be thirsty too i might add. Imagine the moms reaction when seeing the shirtless final battles

In Japan it was actually mainly played by people in their 30s. Only since Ishin the number of players in their 20s and teenagers increased (because it was historical game).
Number of female players keep increasing.

Trannies, all of them. The only games actual real life girls play are Candy Crush and other phone kusoge.

>another yakuza thread

Attached: ui66iuiyui.jpg (471x335, 53K)

thats pretty low

>games about muscular men strip fighting attract women
Really make you thinks

Attached: Yakuza-2.png (1366x768, 846K)

You're the best proof of Sup Forums being retarded.
>What was unexpected was that the number of female players has increased. Currently, about 20% are female players.
>While that is something to be happy for, Yakuza is something that is made for male players, so we will be careful not to be too conscious of the female users and derail from what we want to make.

Nothing of what you just said changes the fact that those 20% are """women""" aka. trannies.

Fun fact, there are more or as many female Yakuza 5 players than people in the west who bought Yakuza 5.

>relevant in Japan

Less than 1% of men go trans. They would fade into obscurity if folks like you weren't giving them the attention they crave and emboldening them by giving them an easily recognizable 'enemy' to be 'oppressed' by.

>Replying to bait.

I just wanted an excuse to post the link.
But I also believe people on Sup Forums are that retarded.

There are actual female gamers in Japan.

Japanese playerbase or worldwide?
If that's just Japan that shouldn't be a surprise to you at all. Jap girls are way more open to games and especially games where hot men fight with other hot man over things like honor and morals.

Has a lot of drama, easy fun combat, and entertaining substories. My gf loves yakuza and she already likes yakuza historically.

The line between shitposting and posting with a shit brain has been blurred for a long time.

I don't have to oppress them at all, and I never have. They're very good at doing that themselves, just like you did just now!

It was bait, but you can never be too sure of that on the internet anymore since there are people who would say something like that with the utmost sincerity.

Are you autistic? I thought I made the sarcasm obvious enough, but you can never tell with the morons here.

what should i play first? dead souls or 5?

Considering probably 1% of gamers are women, yes it's a big thing

(And that includes women (male) too)

They are chinese women

Surprisingly based
A westerner would double down on the female pandering


>They are chinese women

Since 56% of gamers are women, that's way below average

>sarcasm in text form
>sarcasm at all
Lowest form of wit, you dunce.

>you can't detect sarcasm in text
Found the autist

>They would fade into obscurity
they would fade from your personal sight, but they would still be human beings treated like shit for being different. Yeah i get that the trans rights thing gets a lot of attention given the size of the population, but just take a step back and realize that your goal isnt that the world should be better, but rather that you simply don't want to listen to the cries of those in need. Thats some sad selfish bullshit

Found the Sup Forumsster.

they want to be nanking-ed

The fuck are you talking about?

Attached: 87897.jpg (394x228, 70K)

>so we will be careful not to be too conscious of the female users and derail from what we want to make.
Based Nagoshi.

Girl here, I wish I was Haruka so Kiryu could be my dad


Ni hao

Sup Forums is filled with literal kids, don't bother.

Women love Kiryu and Majima, that's why they played it.

Is this supposed to be Chinese? I'm not Chinese, I just like bad ass dads

No, seriously: what the fuck are you talking about?

He's calling you a faggot. Don't be rude, say thank you.

Just because they tend to have shit tastes doesn't mean they aren't a substantial portion, at least a third. Vidya isn't a private sperg club anymore.

Reminder that this woman is correct. These games especially appeal to the male fantasy.

Only one of those posts is mine. What the fuck are YOU talking about?

Interesting fact: I can't tell which posts are yours, and neither of them were definitively you, so I had to quote both.

typical sjw rhetoric, when talking about crazy feminist blue haired demons 'only a small percent of them' when talking about third restroom for trans 'its a huge deal those 0.00001% are people too'

They were 19 seconds apart and did not even seem as if they were made by the same person.

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

they probably only play to schlick to Kiryu

Attached: live your life like a scoville unit.jpg (680x382, 41K)

It's close to 50% in Japan unless you don't count mobiles. Even if you want to go console I still remember it to be way beyond 20%. Probably 38 or something

So, did you guys buy Y6 on Asian PSN?