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User score is useless.

Hey at least it's yellow now

Pretty good game desu.
Having a blast

Oops forgot my :^)


>Reviewing a multiplayer game after less than 1 day

Anyone who rated this is a stupid moron.

Game is really polished, but lacks content. Not worth the price tag, but still a solid game.

Butthurt soystation and nintensoy reviews

Games worth your money on the Xbone:
>Forza Horizon 2
>Forza Horizon 3
>Sunset Overdrive?
>Forza Motorsport 6
>Forza Motorsport 7

Killer Instinct

Halo 5

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It's exactly the same thing as the betas. People have played it.

I haven't

The fucking reviews for this game are atrocious. It's literally 50% shills giving it 10/10, 25% people saying they would've given it a 5 or 6, but are giving it a 0 or 1 to spite the shills, and 25% sonygros trolling.

It's just a fucking simple pirate game. Why do you need to sperg out over it or some dumb review?

All memes and jokes aside, this does look like their handiwork. Just like all the "Kojima" fans that review bombed Metal Gear Survive.

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I've played for a bit in the beta and seeing that almost nothing was added at release (surprise!) I feel like this needs to be called out or at least discussed. Sea of Thieves is an experiment. "How little content can we stuff in a $60 title and hey away with it" kind of experiment. The same kind of experiment EA did try with SWBF2, except not with microtransactions, but with content.

A lot of studios try this nowadays. Spend as little as possible, market the game as vaguely as possible, cut your losses later if shit goes south.

I just fail to see how an open world pirate game can only have two ships. That's prototype alpha level of content, not release. Empty islands, only a few enemies and weapons, kraken is a huge joke (it's an MMO boss for children basically), PvP is non-functional because you can easily avoid it...

Where's the pirate fantasy in this? Taking down galleons full of gold? Visiting cities to celebrate your victories? Evading powerful army fleets? Epic storyline?

And hey, I'm not asking for Assassin's Creed levels of map filler. I'm not asking for a huge grind to "level 100" or whatever. I'm asking for gameplay variety.

As it is right now, Sea of Thieves is "go get that thing on an island completely devoid of anything interesting and interactive, then bring it back and try not to sink". That sounds like fun in any game, but there are no classes. No abilities. Nothing ever changes. Not a goddamn thing apart from you and your ship looking slightly different. and that doesn't affect anything anyway. It feels like GTA Online for $60, but without the entirety of GTA V singleplayer and only a couple of guns / cars / samey missions.

Any functional online game is fun with friends, Rare. That's not an excuse. What have you been doing throughout all these years? Certainly not creating content aside from cosmetics to sell.

At the end of the day it's a just a disappointment. It's certainly not the AAA exclusive that Xbox needs right now.

But the point still stands that a day 1 review makes sense.


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Haters are butthurt

Why is there literally no barriers to posting reviews on metacritic?

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Why do user scores even exist when 99% of accounts are 10/10 game for console I like and 0/10 for console I don't like? It only works if there is a way to confirm that people actually played the game

All me :^)

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But I wasn't joking.

From the gameplay footage I've seen, it looks pretty bland. The overworld is tiny as fuck with only a handful of places to go and every island is more or less the same thing. There isn't much to do beyond going to an island, fighting the same five enemies over and over, grabbing the treasure that doesn't mean anything, and leaving. Rinse and repeat until you get bored. The idea of being part of a pirate crew and sailing the high seas finding adventure and danger is really enticing, but almost none of that is here.

>fightans on Xbox

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Me neither, KI is the best western fightan since the original KI

>Xbox has killer instinct, one of the best fighters this Gen
>ps4 has sf5, one of the worst fighters this Gen
Yeah, you're right fellow sonybro :^) Xbox fighting game? Lol!


tasteless boring zombie game
>10 bucks the save slot!

Yeah, all the guys pissed off at this travesty of a Metal Gear game are Kojima drones. That's the only possible explication.

Does this game has any content?

>xbox/pc only

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Nobody has reached the endgame yet so nobody knows if the pirate legend faction is something big

User reviews aren't verified on Metacritic, right?

Can't you play all those Forzas on PC?

>user score by people who don't have to show the proof they actually played the games

Only cuckdows 10 and even then not Horizon 2.

Ninja gaiden black

*also on every Xbox preceding it

Ponies already on duty it seems, what a dedicated community.

This Also, it's just sonyfags hating without playing it

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