I have never played Dark Souls 1

I have never played Dark Souls 1.
Should I wait for the remaster in May or play it on my PS3?

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Doesn't matter, I'm waiting for the remaster because I dont have a ps3

Don't wait.


May as well wait I guess. Originals got a pretty rough framerate.

Play it on pc if you can.
Otherwise wait, the console version is quite bad.

DSfix helps that

Play it on PC, fag.

get the switch version with the amiibo

>or play it on my PS3?

Fuck i just realized it now.
You cheeky fucking cunt

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PS3 has the same issues. PC lets you fix them with a simple fan patch.

dont buy it on ps3, the fps drops makes me want to kill myself, wait for the remastered if you value your eyes


play on pc

wat is a xbox 360, one, pc

you're suggesting he use DSfix when he stated he would be playing it on a ps3

fuk u

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I can't wait for the switch version. It's going to be the greatest slaughtering of the video game history.

If you never played it, get the remaster.
cum guzzler