Pay 60 dollars (half of 100 dollars)

>pay 60 dollars (half of 100 dollars)
>Commit wrongthink
>Get perma banned with no chance at appealing it

Why the fuck is this ok Sup Forums?

Attached: report_le_toxi2c_0_0.png (560x217, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>60 dollars (half of 100 dollars)

Attached: 54022007_p0.jpg (823x991, 385K)

>be idiot online
>get treated like idiot online

Attached: 2367373.gif (512x512, 2.98M)

Kinda poetic that this kid keeps ban evading to cry about his bans

We just had this thread

Attached: 1521559669301.jpg (1440x900, 221K)

Your unfunny garbage doesn't help

Corporate rights are human rights, you need to learn to respect a companies right to choose to service you.

whoops wrong pic

Attached: 1521557514394.png (560x217, 35K)

>Corporate rights are human rights
>Large corporations that make money hand over fucking fist should have the RIGHT to fuck you even harder than they already are

You're retarded and I hope you feel awful about it.

Attached: stfu.jpg (377x250, 20K)

Stop playing shitty games.

>All of these people defending """toxic behavior""" bans ITT
Enjoy the neo-Sup Forums you have created

Attached: 1473128641751.jpg (400x396, 37K)

>mfw I'm not actually offended by """""""toxic""""""" behavior and just want to have a giggle when a Redditor loses their 60 bucks

Attached: 12345678.jpg (1000x1000, 181K)



>act like a retarded asshole on a private server
>get banned

Are these threads supposed to be bait? Not sure why else they would keep being posted.


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>pay 60 dollars (half of 100 dollars)

Attached: 1514415746049.png (190x266, 5K)

You know, it has nothing to do with the content of your outbursts. In other words, you aren't being banned for being a pede but for being a disruptive sperg who is getting overly animated about topics that aren't related to the game. Talk about the match or don't talk at all. Problem solved.

>We just had this thread
Get a life.

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God damn. "Toxic" is the best word to hit the video game industry ever. It's always great watching butthurt manchildren getting BTFO and crying about it on Sup Forums.

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fucking BASTE


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It is a stupid rule, but a private company can make the rules they want. When you click "I have read and agreed to the terms", they now have the right to fuck you over however they want.

That's how they stole the 50 bucks I put into Darkspore.

Why is it so hard to not act like a fucking retarded asshole?

Instead of saying the dumb shit you say, fuckin' don't.

That's all you have to do. Why are you not able to handle that? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>act like a retard
>get consequences like a retard

lmao the world isn't your hateful echochamber board pol

Shoop this

Attached: best pony.png (1024x1133, 206K)

Attached: 1521387078941.png (1080x7426, 2.7M)

can't really deny it, yeah.
people should be able to make the rules they want and when you agree to them, you cant really bitch about it.
the problem is we live in an outrage culture where people think its a good thing to have an arcane TOS with hundreds of reasons for banning people.

just stop buying this shit.

>filename: best pony
Patrician taste user

What am I supposed to infer from this image?

Damn that's some piss poor taste right there

I swear to god I see this exact same thread with same OP and image everyday.

Attached: 1435437269541.jpg (666x632, 61K)

Yes NepNep. This is a bit thread

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Are bronys even a thing anymore?

I hope u get permabanned of this site, fucking pain in the ass

Please do not post pictures of my wife without asking me first.

Absolutely based


>I swear to god I see this exact same thread with same OP and image everyday.

Welcome to Sup Forums

That is literally how it works in the US. Companies bear no responsibility except to bring profits to their stakeholders and they can sue if your company chooses to have a conscience (i.e. not doing layoffs in Christmas Eve) instead of maximizing profits.

Lobbyists managed to get this shit amended to the Constitution in case anyone tries to change it.

He's mad that people meme on him for using the word soiboy

Yep. Season 8 starts on Saturday, and I know I'll be watching it.

in a sense but after all the public ridicule implications of pedophilia and bestiality they've either learned to keep it on the DL or they've gone full furry.

So-called toxic behavior would require actually interacting with other players via chat or voip, something that I’ve avoided since Xbox live somehow ensured you were always paired with hit mic’d 12 year olds.
Mute is there for a reason. Other people are cancer.
Plus you only get banned for this shit if you make it your job to call people niggers and faggots in every game you play, so why act surprised or persecuted? It’s not that I think you’re a bad person, just that you’re retarded.

>agree to terms and conditions without reading them
>act like a retard
>get banned for violating terms and conditions


OP is still banned from Rainbow Six Siege and doesn't know what else to do with himself. He writes a 5-paragraph email to Ubisoft every day then afterwards, tears rolling down his face, spams these threads on Sup Forums.

I mean, you wouldn't be wrong.

>be developer
>know retards get hopelessly addicted to your game
>know that the game is useless if they can't access the servers
>BAN HE! for any stupid reason you like
>"addicted fucktard buys game again"
>"addicted fucktard buys cosmetic for waifu again"
>repeat previous three steps as much as you like
>inflate sales numbers and profits

Blizzard have been doing this on world of warcraft for the last 10 years, mainly there they take advantage of RMT that will buy the game again and again. On Overwatch there are no RMT so they needed a new tactic, thankfully Overwatch players are high level autists above even wow players.

Attached: matrixa.jpg (736x956, 80K)

Sup Forums might have a lot of repeat threads, but not this. I have been seeing this thread copy pasted for days in the catalog.

Good read. Thanks, man.

Attached: DasBoot.gif (350x280, 2.57M)

I even saw it screencapped on other sites

>be 13 years old
>mom buys me a video game for my birthday
>try online multiplayer
>some guy 10 years older than me who also lives with his mom is telling me to "kiss myself, newfag" or something
>don't want to play anymore
>game community as a whole gets smaller and devs lose money

That's why

Attached: 1508025131266m.jpg (1024x576, 42K)

>Literally every 30mins
Autistic_Frog lives up to his name

Thread theme:

Attached: smug reptilian.jpg (750x500, 66K)

>people can actually get offended by words from people they don't know
it's actually fucking mind boggling to me

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wait I thought you guys left

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I'm one and all my friends know it. They see it the way they see my friend who's a big Rick and Morty fan: a little odd but harmless.

>some dumbshit gets mad about a video game and bitches about his team
>report for fun
>receive a message that he was banned

Feels fucking good man.

That relies heavily on the player being obsessed. Most consumers would move on to another product. There's also less incentive to ban someone forever who pays for something monthly.

where's barneyfag?

>tfw you will never be this mad

Damn. I'm almost envious. Being that butthurt takes some passion.

Attached: CantSpellGoodWithoutGod.jpg (748x343, 68K)

is this loss?

are we gonna have this same thread everyday?

I guess this is fun on its own, someone says nigger and you're literally free to ban them
The people who genuinely get upset when they hear it by some stranger are fucking retards though

>buy game
>kill myself before playing it

wow what a ripoff

Haha oh wow, sorry that your community has to suffer that kind of failed human being.

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If I can't scream obscenities into the mic like a mentally ill 12 year old, then what is even the point of an online video game? What else is there to it?

will redditors defend corporations everyday?

I could never leave you guys. Autistic, vitriolic, and new as you are, you're one of my favorite boards.

How come every person complaining about bans is guilty?

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People getting "triggered" by words, especially in situations where they are free to leave, has always bothered me. I don't know exactly what causes it for them but I know words from strangers don't get to me.

Overwatch will ban you for emotes or saying "gg ez". And you defend this big corporation.

>Corporate rights are human rights, you need to learn to respect a companies right to choose to service you.

>Now bake my homo wedding cake christcuck.



Give one example

A large number of players are obsessed, it's not hard to make an algorithm to target people like this and not target casuals.

They aren't banning people because they are liberals that want to make the world a better place, they are money hungry jews above all else. They are banning people because it's been proven to be more profitable.

Yet the words "you are banned" get to you. lmao

>alt rights claims to love free market and capitalism
>they turn against those when they get banned


>Do you have a source? Source? Got a source for that?

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>Overwatch will ban you for emotes
Wait seriously?
>implying anyone on the left thinks corporate rights are human rights
>implying we don't all recognize the absurd degree of power corporations hold

came here to post this, just accept your permanent ban you sperg

No they fucking won't.

They ban people who constantly act like shitheads and then defend it by saying "I was just using the in-game emotes, come on!!" and fail to see how fucking annoying and stupid they are.

And even shitholes like this place use dumbass wordfilters. Nothing new there either.

They're providing you a service. They don't have to let you use their service. It's like bitching about getting thrown out of a movie theater after acting like a huge queer. Grow up.

>ban you for emotes
>ban you for something the company put in their own game

I don't understand.

>All these fucking retards who jump straight to "lol well don't say I HAET N*GGERS" when we all know good goddamn well it's about muh feefees and whatever the admin thinks at that moment

Attached: 1521218474180.png (640x355, 177K)

Working on the plan to kill Trudeau, save Canada from degeneracy and chinks and making it a white etnostate.

Attached: canadians, this is your mindset.jpg (790x593, 65K)

probably the same reason they were banned they just don't realize when they're in the wrong.

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>No they fucking won't.

read it should explain a lot

No one is defending corporations. Everyone's just laughing at your dumb ass.

>Go into Target
>Yell "I HOPE YOU GET GANGRAPED BY NIGGERS" at another customer
>Get kicked out of the store

I report people that act like retards because I get a kick about banning them

Well yeah but I also don't usually act like a shithead. When I get banned from stuff, I realize I made a mistake and usually feel pretty bad about it.

I remember getting banned from my favorite TFC Hunted server 16 years ago.

But I wouldn't go cry on an anonymous message board about how I fucked up and how unfair it is.

>buy a movie ticket
>scream in the theater and kick the back of people's chairs

I don't have this problem.
Stop playing games contaminated by normal fags, its fucking obvious they can't handle banter.

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t. reddit

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>Walk into someone elses business, act like an asshole, get kicked out... all from the comfort of my neet shelter