What the FUCK were they thinking?

What the FUCK were they thinking?

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just hold righ and jump

if any part was worth complaining about in smrpg, it was the fucking beanstalk

>He thought that was the casual filter
>Not the 3 bosses in a row, the 2nd of which is the hardest one in the game

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I stopped playing the game for 8 YEARS because of PEARLS

That you'd use your brain. That entire zone was a masterpiece.

Axem rangers? As a kid i got stuck on them and had to restart

>not jumping 100 consecutive times
>not the fucking forest maze

>hating on forest maze

Pearls was easy as fuck, even as a kid i got it
Axem rangers and beanstalk, on the other hand were hard as fuck

Axem Rangers were ez pz
The Zombone was a hard wall
Especially since if you got fucked on leveling or healing items, you couldn't return from where you were.

Should've been 4D maze.

yeah. Exiting the forest is very simple, all you have to do is follow Geno's path turns.

i was 8 when i got stuck at PEARLS. I didnt have internet at that age and my parents didnt speak English. so i just had to stop playing for years until i got internet and googled the answer.

Zombone was way too easy man, the breaker beam is what fucked me up

>my parents didnt speak English.

I used a dictionary to see if there was a word in English I didn't know. Eventually I got it by brute forcing it.

The only hard, non-optional part was that pirate shark going solo with Mario
Unless you went all Phys in which case you slapped his (and everyone else's) shit

>there are actually faggots who grew up in the same age bracket as me who couldn't figure out PEARLS
Show of hands, who among you failures actually got past high school?

for the rest of your gaming life

i graduated 1 year late.

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Fuck, it's stuck in my head now